Pink Panties Part 3

Pink Pantie’s
By Princess Pantyboy

Chris Taylor/Me 10-years-old boy
Cindy Taylor 5-year-old little sister
Pam Taylor 16-year-old big sister
Mom 36-years-old but looks like she is 20
Tammy & Lisa 5-years-old twin sisters from school
Ms. Huntington kindergarten teacher

(Author’s note: I started this chapter with a couple paragraphs from the end of Part 2. I hope and pray you enjoy my little story.
Hugs, Princess Pantyboy)

We both walk outside, “Look Chrissie isn't that the boy's you were telling me about that lives down the street that you wanted to meet.” I turn and see them. “Remember you said it would be great to have someone to go play baseball with. Remember when you seen them, it was just after we moved here last month?” I am holding my last cookie and Cindy takes my hand. I turn and see Pam standing at the door waving to us as we walk down our walkway towards the sidewalk.

“Yes that is them; I never had a chance to meet them. I hope I make a good impression on them so they will want to play baseball with me.” I feel the wind blowing on my legs not realizing that the wind is blowing my short dress in the air and everyone can see I am wearing pink panties.

Cindy is looking down at my outfit, and I don’t realize she is staring at my pink panties that are in plain view with my dress blowing up in the air. “Oh I am sure the boy's will get an impression from you wearing that pretty little dress and your pink panties hehehe.” Cindy says while giggling.

“Um what did you say Cindy? Dress, what dress?” I say. We are walking up to the boy's carrying baseball equipment. All of a sudden, there is a big breeze and I feel the wind blowing up my legs and I look down and I see my legs coming out from under this long tee shirt, I trip on the sidewalk where it meets our driveway and I see my reflection in the mini van parked on the street. I see a little girl bending over wearing a little hello kitty dress, and super girly shoes and then I realize that is me in the dress.

I look at Cindy, then at the reflection of me and Cindy must have noticed me staring at my reflection. Cindy must have realized that I finally noticed I am wearing a dress and a little girl's dress at that too. I turn seeing Cindy giggling, she whispers in my ear. “I said I am sure they will like the pretty dress you are wearing is what I said little sister, hehehe.” I hear Cindy giggling, and I look down and she is right I am wearing a dress. How stupid can I be not to notice that? Not only am I wearing a girl's dress but the dress is also so short and girlie looking. Not like, there are dresses that are not girlie.

Cindy leans in to me and whispers into my ear. “You have two choices these boy's will see you as a little girl like you look like or they will see you as a little boy wearing a dress; it is your choice hehehe.” I listen to her giggle as the boy's walk up to us.

“Oh and don’t worry if you’re a good little girl I won't tell these guys you are really a boy because they will probably kick your butt seeing a boy dressed up like a little girl wearing a dress and panties. Hehehe.” Cindy giggles again and I am in shock as I look up at the boy's. They look like they are going to the baseball field.

“OH hi boy's how are you doing?” Cindy says as we stop walking. I stop looking at the dress I am wearing, and I cannot believe how I didn’t notice how girly I look let alone that I am wearing a dress too. How do I get myself into these problems?

Oh, my god I cannot believe I am wearing a dress, and I am outside too so the whole world can see me looking like a little girl that I am dressed like. I have to figure out how to get back inside the house so I can get changed out of this little girl's dress, my life cannot get any worse.

“HONK, HONK” We turn towards the car beeping its horn. “Oh shit.” Everyone looks at me when I say that. I guess I should not have said my life could not get any worse. The car pulls over in front of our house and I see my teacher Ms. Huntington gets out of her car with the twins I met at school. The three of them are smiling from ear to ear and they are all carrying bags.

Oh, my god I am so embarrassed, what I am going to do. “Hi girl's the twins and I are dropping by to give you Chrissie some of their old dresses cause you seemed jealous that you are the only girl in class that wasn’t wearing a pretty dress today.” I look over at Cindy smiling from ear to ear.

“The twins are also my nieces and I bring them home after school, and they had a great idea about bringing you there old dresses.” I want to cry so bad I cannot believe all these people see me wearing a dress and panties.

I see Tammy and Lisa smiling carrying their old dresses in big bags. “Hi, Chrissie we don’t have your phone number or we would of seen if it was okay to come over. You will love these dresses we have for you they are like brand new so they will last you a long time.” I look at her and I try to smile but cannot.

“Are you girl's walking to the park because we didn’t mean to interrupt your day or anything?” I want to tell my new teacher to go away but if I am rude, Cindy will tell mommy and as I look around, I see Pam walking over to us.

I see Pam smiling as she walks up to the crowd of strangers now blocking her exit to go to cheerleading practice. “Um is everything okay here girls? I look up feeling Pam's hand on my shoulder and seeing her other hand on Cindy. Before I can respond, Cindy is already talking.

“Um yes sis this is Ms. Huntington, Chrissie’s new teacher and her new friends from school the twins Tammy and Lisa.” I listen but I want to cry. “They said Chrissie was jealous being the only girl not wearing a dress today in school and the twins brought all there old dresses over to give to Chrissie.”

I notice Pam lean down to look me in the eyes. “Is this all true Chrissie where you the only girl in class not wearing a dress today? And are you jealous about you being the only girl not wearing a pretty dress?” I see a look on Pam's face when she calls me a girl in front of everyone giving me the chance to correct her and tell everyone I am really a boy wearing a dress.

“Um well, um I guess, they did say I was um the only um, the only one not wearing a pretty dress. I mean a dress.” Pam looks at me, and smiles. How do I tell her I don’t want to wear dresses when I am standing outside wearing one now?

How do I get Pam alone so I can tell her I need to get out of this dress and I never want to be in one again? “But seeing you wearing that pretty dress you have on now Chrissie, maybe we don’t need to bring you any of their old dresses.” Ms. Huntington says. I smile thinking she is not going to give me six large bags of dresses.

“Well seeing how Chrissie is smiling so big now I guess she would really like some new dresses.” Pam says. My eyes start to pop out of my head hearing Pam's comment.

What no Pam I am screaming in my head but I cannot get the words out of my head. “Yes Chrissie is wearing one of my old dresses she doesn’t have any of her own dresses only the one I out grew. Chrissie has always been more of a tom boy right Pam?”

“Oh yes you are so right Cindy, Chrissie was always dressing more like a little boy, but that is all in the past with seeing all the new dresses and pretty clothes SHE has to wear now. I can't wait to tell our mom when she comes home from work.”

Oh, know she cannot tell mommy I was outside wearing a dress. Oh no my life will be over if mommy finds out. Chrissie and Cindy are on their way to the park and I am off to cheerleading practice so no one is allowed in the house while mom or I aren’t there but maybe the twins can join you girl's and go to the park too.”

“Chrissie and I can take the bags of new clothes and bring them in the house then meet you girls at the park. What do you think Ms. Huntington?” I cannot believe how screwed up this is getting now. How do I stop it and tell them I am not supposed to be even in Ms. Huntington’s class I am 10 year’s old and I am just super small for my age.

I turn and see Tammy and Lisa putting the bags down and pulling on Ms. Huntington’s skirt begging to let them go to the park. “I think that is a great idea then you girls can all play at the park or are you going to watching the boy's playing baseball, noticing the boy's and all their baseball gear standing with us.

“Um Chrissie and I were going to do both, play at the park because we didn’t want to get our dresses dirty so we are going to watch the boy's playing baseball too.”

The boys are just shaking their heads looking at all the girl's. “Actually we thought a boy lived here but we must be mistaken since you said she used to dress like a boy or I guess you girl's call it being a tomboy.” I see Cindy and Pam smiling looking at me. “So there isn't any new boys living here like we were hoping?” The one boy's says to me.

“Go ahead Chrissie our little tomboy, answer the nice boy.” I want to cry, but then I will be acting like the little girl I look like. “Come now sweetie answer the little boy then we will take your new dresses in the house and you can play with the other girl's. Pam says then stares down at me.

I turn away from Pam and look at the boy's. “Um there are no boy's here just us girl's.” I say but on the verge of tears. Pam and Cindy stare at me with big smiles on their faces.

“Okay but we don’t play with girl's you are too silly for us, but if you want to watch us playing baseball you can.” One of the boy's says. Pam and Ms. Huntington look at each other knowing that true at this age boy's do not want to play with girls. Soon when they grow up all they want to do is play with girls.

I turn away from the boy's as they start walking towards the park followed by Cindy, Tammy, and Lisa. “Okay girl's I will come back in a couple hours and pick you both up for dinner so be good Tammy and Lisa okay?”

“Yes Aunt Donna we will be good and thank you for letting us play with Chrissie and her big sister Cindy.” Oh, god they called Cindy my big sister as Pam smiles hearing that watching me shake my head.

I watch Pam smile at my new teacher. “Nice meeting you Ms. Huntington and you too girl's I hope you can come over sometime and we can have a girl day.” Pam says knowing that will get at me. “Okay Chrissie say thank you for all the pretty clothes. I am sure we will find you a nice pretty dress for you to wear to school tomorrow.” I hear Pam saying I will be wearing a pretty dress to school tomorrow and I want to just cry.

“Um thank you Ms. Huntington and thank you too Tammy & Lisa.” I bend over and pick up two of the smaller bags as Pam takes the rest of the larger bags.

Everyone smiles at me for some reason when I bend over. “Your welcome sweetheart and I am sure you will get the hang of wearing dresses soon.” My teacher says as I give Pam a weird look not knowing what she means as we walk to our house.”

“Okay girl's I will drop Chrissie off on my way to cheerleading practice after we get all her new clothes up in her room okay?”

I turn and hear Pam saying I am still going to the park. “Great I still have to go to the park wearing this silly dress Pam?” Pam stops right there leaning back down to me while she is holding all the bags and stares into my eyes.

“Yes Chrissie you are going to the park the way you are dressed now come to think of it maybe you should wear one of your new dresses so Tammy and Lisa see how happy you are wearing there dresses they gave you?” I look at Pam as she stands up and opens the front door. I follow her in, and she closes the front door and we walk to my room.

Pam puts the bags down on my Spiderman comforter, then changes her mind and puts the bags on the floor instead. “Hold on little Chrissie, I think you need something different for your room. Start getting undressed and I will be right back okay?”

“Yes I will start getting undressed, I hope it starts raining so I don’t have to go to the park with the other girl's, I mean the girl's.”

Pam hears me and starts shaking her head. “You don’t have to worry about that little SISTER there is zero percent chance of rain today.” I watch as Pam walks out of my bedroom.

“Great, figures no chance of rain.” I say aloud as I start to pull the dress over my head forgetting to un-tie the lace belt that is tied in the back. The dress gets caught around my head as I hear Pam coming back in my room giggling.”

I stop trying to take the dress off and try to pull it back on but the dress is stuck around my head. “Hold on little sister I will help you get your pretty dress off. You should of un-tied the belt first.” I feel her hands doing something on the dress guessing she is un-tying the belt.

“Okay there ya go little sister you can take your new pretty dress off now.” I ignore her saying it is my dress, as I pull the dress over my head and I am standing only in panties. “I bet that feels better being able to breathe with your dress not chocking you hehehe.”

Great she giggles again and calls the dress mine, but I don’t want her to get upset telling mommy. “Um you where kidding when you said you are going to tell mommy about me wanting to wear dresses like the other girl's, I mean the girl's in my class?”

“Hey what are you doing to my incredible hulk poster and where is my Spiderman poster?” I watch as sis turns around and as she is rolling up my poster, I see that look on her face. The look I have seen mommy have a hundred times when she is pissed at me and if I say another word, I am dirt.

I watch as Pam pulls down my last poster one of superman, which is also a height gauge. It is where you stand up next to it and it shows you your height. You write your name and date when you checked your height, I never used it, but mommy got it for me a while ago. Come to think of it, when she bought me that height measuring superman poster it also came with a matching superman poster which I see is now gone too and it also with came with my comforter on my bed which is gone now too and replaced with what the hell!!!!!

“What did you do with my comforter on my bed it’s gone and you put a pink one there instead that says Barbie's on it with tons of pictures of different Barbie's?” Pam turns back to me and I see she replaced my superman height thing with a Barbie one in pink that tells me my height too. I turn the other way and see the matching pink Barbie poster too on another wall.

Pam puts her hands on her hips, and I know I am in deep poop now. “Come over here Chrissie and put your back up against the poster so I can mark your height and put todays date on here to.” I move over there slowly and I can see once my back is against the measuring poster that none of my old posters are left and I only have this weird Barbie measuring poster and a big matching Barbie poster, which now matches my bed.

“If your new friends come up to your room you don’t want them seeing all the boyish posters and stuff do you?” Before I can say who cares what they see Pam is already reading me the riot act. “Your room is more like you now, a little girl hehehe.”

I roll my eyes. “Don’t even think about rolling your eyes again or I will pull your pretty panties down and give you a spanking.” I get scared and put both my hands on my pantied bottom thinking like that would protect me.

“What about when mommy see’s these girlie posters and my new Barbie comforter? She will think I am crazy.”

Pam takes my hand after I see her write Chrissie and todays date where she marked my height. “Well speaking of mommy. Lift your arms up real quick after you turn around.” I do as I am told and I feel sis pulling a pink shirt over my head and as my head goes through and I can see my arms pop out of the puffy short sleeves this shirt has. I feel Pam buttoning up the back.

“Okay like I was saying speaking of mom, if you complain about any of this I am going to tell her everything about you wearing Cindy's old dress outside. I will also tell her that your teacher came over today with two of your new friends from school. I of course will also tell her what they said, that you are jealous of all the girl's wearing dresses and you weren’t wearing one too hehehe.”

I feel my stomach get gross like I was sick to my stomach of everything Pam was saying but it is all true. “Please sis you can't tell mommy please. What am I going to say when mommy sees my room like this with all the pretty Barbie stuff?”

“I think your room looks a lot better with the Barbie comforter and the Barbie posters. All you have to do is tell her you think the Barbie stuff in your room looks much more prettier than the super hero posters that you are now going to throw out.” I see Pam's hand reach out to me holding my old posters. I take the posters staring at them rolled up not knowing which poster is which. “Now throw them out right now LITTLE SISTER.”

I start walking down the hallway, staring at the posters in my hands, but what choice do I have? I have to throw them out, and do as Pam says or she will tell mommy I was wearing a dress, and mommy will freak out. I walk into the garage and put all my posters in the big garbage pail. I cannot believe I am throwing my posters out that have been part of my life every day.

“Okay sis I threw them away so don’t tell on me I did what you asked.” I walk by the hallway mirror and I see my reflection. I am not wearing a pink girlie tee shirt; I am wearing a little girl's dress. If I turn the wrong way, you can see my panties, the dress is so short. I turn to the left then to the right, and I now see Pam standing behind me in the mirror.

I feel Pam playing with my long hair as I stare at her through our reflection. “Okay enough of you staring at yourself in the mirror. Your sister and your friends are waiting for you at the park, so let us go I will drop you off their little sister.”

“Ya know Chris or I guess we need to call you Chrissie since you look so pretty in your new dress. You make a much better little sister then you ever did as being my little brother.” Pam leans down as I stare at her pretty cheerleading outfit with the super short skirt.

Okay to be honest I am staring up her skirt and I see her white panties as I stare at them I feel Pam shaking me. “You know you don’t have to stare up my skirt anymore to see my girlie panties you can just lift the front of your dress and see pretty panties now hehehe.” Listening to Pam giggling at me.

“I don’t want to go outside wearing this pink dress sis please I don’t want to wear any dresses.” I say and I almost start crying.

Pam stands back up looking down at me. “You are the one that was wearing a dress this morning and you have been outside twice now wearing one of your pretty new dresses so you didn’t come straight with your teacher or your new friends.”

“You know you have a choice everyone will know you as the little girl you look like or you can tell them you are a boy wearing a dress. Which do you think you will have more friends doing?”

How does my life get so screwed up I can't believe everyone thinks I am a girl. I guess mommy was right I should have got my haircut short like the other boy's. “I know you are deep in thought little sister but I am going to be late for practice so let's go.” I lift my hand up and Pam takes my hand while we walk out the front door towards her car.

“You won't tell mommy that I was wearing a dress today right Pam?” I look up at Pam as she opens the car door for me.

I look down at my girlie Mary Jane shoes and lace socks waiting for Pam to respond. “I would never do anything to get one of my little sister’s in trouble.” I smile hearing she won't tell on me.

“Ya know you and your two friends from school sure don’t dress like girl's did when I was in 5th grade, they dress like they are little girl's like Cindy's age.”

Pam doesn’t know about Cindy going to my 5th grade class and me going to her kindergarten class. “Um sis that’s something I need to tell you. But you have to promise not to tell mommy okay?”

The end?

I hope you have enjoyed my story. Please leave a comment here on this web site and send me an email or on yahoo messenger and let me know your thoughts.

It really helps when I get feedback from my stories, and if you would like to see them continue.

Thanks again Hugs,

Princess Panty boy

Email: [email protected]
Yahoo Instant Messenger: Princess Pantyboy

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