Carla Ann

So, I posted another story

It's been so long since I posted here, I had to re-learn how!

As my two fans may have heard, I suffered a stroke in Oct 2015, leaving me with limited abilities on my right side. Typing is now limited to my left hand. Since I was a linux and Oracle admin it meant the end of my career, which was pretty hard to accept.

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Giddy Up Go - The Real Story

Giddy Up Go - The Real Story
By Carla Ann
2014, All Rights Reserved

Edited by Tiffany Shar

With apologies and admiration to Red Sovine and America's great legacy of country troubadours and storytellers.
Note: All the people, products and events are fictional. Only the trucks and placenames are real.

Interesting news item

I heard on the news a bit ago that Elmhurst College in Elmhurst, IL will become the college in the United States to directly ask prospective students on admission forms if they consider themselves members of the LGBT community. The question is optional and doesn't affect acceptance. Answering yes might qualify them for up to a 30% scholarship against tuition.

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Reality check

So, the last two weeks the respiratory junk has slowly been overtaking me. The sum of it is, I have a bad cold on top of a dry hacking cough, and I'm pretty miserable.

As a result, my mate and I stayed inside yesterday, concentrating of making Christmas presents (quilts, decorative pillows, etc). She sews, I cut, and I do the machine embroidery. All day long I'd been smelling something hot but I just thought it was the steam iron, or the adhesive spray I use when doing embroidery.

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For those of us who have a tough time during the holidays

The weeks from Thanksgiving through the end of the year gave me problems for years.

It is at this time we tend to spotlight our lives and examine how we truly relate to familiy and friends. It is one of the reasons many suffer Holiday Depression; we simply cannot live up to the Hollywood and Madison Avenue's stereotypes. Oft times, "It's a Wonderful Life" we ain't.

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One more thing to worry about!

I heard this one on the news while driving to work today.

Can laptops really do this?

Well, I've known for a while that sitting for hours with the laptop in my lap was uncomfortable, now I'm wondering if my increased knee freckles have anything to do with it?

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For fans of Standing Up to Life

Just so you all know,

You may have missed Tiffany's blog entry a few days announcing book 3, Dreaming of Cheers. As fast as entries come in now, I'm sure the message won't be seen by many now.

Basically, she should have the first two or three chapters up here tonight with weekly additions, or you can purchase the ebook in PDF form now at

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Thank you, Erin!

I'm not sure whose idea the "random solos" was or who implemented it, but I imagine if it wasn't you, then you at least had a big hand in it.

I've thoroughly enjoyed reading stories I haven't seen for a long time, and I know it's the only explanation why my own meager three stories keep accumulating a few hits per week.

No one could convince me that I'm on any par with the best story writers here, but I did post them hoping that others might enjoy or otherwise find something of value in them. Evidently others are still at least opening the links.

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The Bestest Christmas Ever!

The Bestest Christmas Ever
Copyright  © 2009 Carla Ann, All Rights Reserved

Mistakes can happen at the North Pole too. Damn computers!

This is a work of fiction. Any and all references to names, products, toys, persons, etc. are entirely the work of my demented imagination. This is also set in the same plane (universe) as Bobby and Bethany. For lack of a better term, I'll call it the CarlaVerse for now

No toys were injured or kept up past their bedtimes in the making of this story.

Pleeeeeze leave a comment!

The Phone Call

The Phone Call
A story of reconciliation and hope
Copyright  © 2009 Carla Ann, All Rights Reserved

You've worked hard and reached the pinnacle of success. Now you have lost everything but the trappings of that success. You're presented with one last opportunity to reclaim that which means the most to you. If you do everything correctly, things just might turn out okay. But if you botch the opportunity, it could permanently set a course for final ruination. The risk is high. What would you do? Would you hesitate before doing it? This is what Thomas did.

Warning, there are a couple intense memories here.

Bobby and Bethany

'Please, please, please just make me one or the other.'
Does God make mistakes? If not, does Heaven? And if so, how do they happen, and can they be corrected? Would you want them to be?
If your reality has ever caused you to form a request such as this, You might be wondering.

This is a feel good story. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Please leave a comment.
Carla Ann

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