It's been so long since I posted here, I had to re-learn how!
As my two fans may have heard, I suffered a stroke in Oct 2015, leaving me with limited abilities on my right side. Typing is now limited to my left hand. Since I was a linux and Oracle admin it meant the end of my career, which was pretty hard to accept.
So, my great novel was never started, much to the relief of my contrary muse. I did find a short story I began in 2014 for the back to school time period, so for the last few days I've been vacuuming the dust off it and trying to remove all the obvious errors. Today I decided if I didn't post it I'd totally ruin it so here it is. Find it quick under solos before it scrolls off the list!
Oh, and if you do decide to waste a few minutes on it, please post a comment. I'd be ever so grateful.
Carla Ann
One handed typist
My employer (hospital) made all the doctors use Dragon to dictate their notes. Might work for you to get that novel out!
BAK 0.25tspgirl
Pleased to See You Are Doing Better Again.
I hope that you are feeling much better and that your life is full and interesting.