
Christmas Ballerina

In the living room
Underneath the beautiful tree
In the pale glow of the late Christmas afternoon turned night
My brother is wearing a tutu

He squeals and leaps
As he stretches at the barre we got him
The joy from the morning pasted on his face
Fourteen years old
But a little girl still

His beauty is pure
His excitement over his gifts true
His wig, a shield from those who would intrude
His Sephora gift card, a weapon
No goddess ever better armed

Dabbling in Sci-Fi Soon

Hi all -

I have decided to halt “Thanksgiving En Femme for now,” because I have a new series coming which I am excited about. Unlike TEF and Kayleigh’s Story, this series will be rather flexible. Like the urge to dress up, the urge to write comes and goes, explaining why most of my stories have been compressed into small amounts of time.

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Thanks for a Great First Year!

This year:

Ethan and Caden danced.

Lexi beat Bella with a late steal.

Bailey, Joanne, and Taylor partied.

Kelly mourned.

Sam’s brothers dreamed.

Tori married.

Hannah and Evie wore dresses.

Justine remembered her ballet beginnings.

Kayleigh went all the way.

Rachel and Charlene pirouetted.

The Scottsville Teen Crossdressers Club went shopping.

Libbey said goodbye.

Jenna and her father bonded.

Riley and Paige shopped.

Lacey celebrated.

Fifteen fun stories to share.

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Thanksgiving En Femme, Part III: Thursday

First things first: Lacey owed Maddie an apology. When she arose on the chilly morning of Thanksgiving, she immediately sought out her cousin. Not finding her downstairs, she instead opened her bedroom door. Maddie was doing squats.

“So this is the secret behind the cutest butt in Pennsylvania?” Lacey quipped. Maddie chuckled, and the girls hugged.

“Sorry I made you clean up last night,” Lacey said. “Lily’s right - I really am turning into a bitch.”

“That’s the cheerleader in you,” Maddie joked. “Now let’s go watch the parade!”

Thanksgiving En Femme, Part II: Wednesday

Second of a four-part series

The first one up was Lacey - or so she thought. “LACEY!” was the exuberant yell from Rhonda, who bearhugged her cousin. Both fell to the ground in fits of laughter.

“How you been, cuz?”

“Good, good! You?”

“I’m living the dream, and oh my God.” Rhonda stopped and looked over her cousin. “You look absolutely incredible!”

“Stop.” Lacey was modest but secretly relished Rhonda’s compliment.

Prelude to Girlhood

Hi everybody! It's good to be back. I've decided to take a little break from Kayleigh's Story for the time being, but I will be posting a few short stories. Enjoy!

Charles and Philip were biting their nails, wringing their hands, deep in thought, anxiously awaiting the most important moment of their lives.

The eighth grade talent show marched on for what seemed like an eternity. Act after act after act came and went, some good, all prolonging the two boys’ suffering.

Kayleigh's Story, Chapter 3: Welcome to Her World

Four months following the events of “Nights of Silence...”

The bell rang, once softly, and then louder, bringing down the curtain on another day in the life of the most popular girl at Pittman High School.

Kayleigh was more than ready to go home, after taking care of a few things. She was worn out and cranky, just wanting to take a nap, like any other teenage girl.

Jenna, a girlfriend of Kayleigh’s, met her at her English class desk.

“Ready to go, Kay?”

“Just a minute.” She riffled frantically through her purse, searching for pink lipstick.

Kayleigh's Story


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It was time for Jared to take - quite literally - a good long look in the mirror. For the first time ever, he recognized that something was wrong. Eyeing his body, he realized his boy clothes just didn’t fit right - for one thing, they were baggy, not tight, and his shoes were dirty and ugly, and...

Kayleigh's Story


Kayleigh's Story, Chapter 1: All The Way

Things were getting out of control. Jared could see it. The coach could see it. The 1400 souls inside Longwood’ High School’s gym could see it. The five young men on the floor couldn’t, however, and that was all that mattered.

Athens 38, Longwood 16. Athens 40, Longwood 16. Athens 43, Longwood 16. The outcome of the game was never really in doubt, as Athens had played for the state title the year before. But this was absurd. Athens 45, Longwood 16.

A Series On the Way!

Good news! I am going to be writing a series of stories, a little under twenty chapters, from what I can tell right now. The story, titled "Kayleigh's Story," is one I am very excited about. It will deal with themes of love, revenge, new starts, friendship, and modern life. I will ideally be releasing a new chapter every Sunday at 10 PM, starting January 8th. In the meantime, check out some of my new stories, including Christmas-themed "All Was Well" and "The Good Bridesmaids," my personal favorite of the tales I've written so far.

Love as always,

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All Was Well

I heard the bells on Christmas Day,
Their old, familiar carols play,
And wild and sweet,
The words repeat,
Of peace on Earth, goodwill toward men!

“I’m telling you, Callie, it isn’t a big deal.”

“Are you kidding me, Justine?” My roommate was ecstatic as we trudged up the stairs to our dormitory after a long walk in the winter’s cold.

“You’ve been named prima ballerina! That’s kind of a huge deal!”

Keep the Dreams Alive

All that we see or seem/ is but a dream within a dream...

WINTER comes in upstate New York whether you like it or not. It does not discriminate. It buries the rich and poor and middle-class folks like us in snow like you would not believe. It drives many out of town quickly. Those who stay are True Believers in the power of the area.

My parents were True Believers, unfortunately. Good people, simple people. Their ancestors had settled upstate and never really left.

A Friend in Need

He should never have made the bet. I don’t know a lot, but I know that much. Ethan should never have looked Darren and his posse in the eyes and bet them $20 that he could get a girl to dance with him. He was doomed from the start.

Ethan wasn’t a bad-looking guy - he was just painfully shy. This does not serve you well in the tenth grade. I thought about this as he sat glumly on the bleachers, watching everyone else have a good time.

I’d just got done dancing with a pretty girl when I came and sat down next to him.

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