
Through the years: Trials and tribulations of a preteen girl Part 21

“Yes. It was all Troy’s fault.” Molly’s glee was very evident. A sick smile had been on her face for a little while now. Her parents were helping with the story to the deputy, while the boys were huddled in a room together.

“You know, just a couple of boys fighting won’t be enough to arrest and jail him for long, if he has a clean record.” The deputy said. “You need something bigger.”

“Like what?” Louis Horton asked. In his mind this was open and shut. If the courts were God fearing. “Isn’t this bad enough?”

“Not really. With their ages...boys fight all the time. But sexual assault could work, like you’re doing with Amy. But what about another kid?”

“Like Robbie?” Molly Inquired. “We’ve beat both boys.” She said so nonchalantly.

The deputy shook his head. “I was thinking about a girl. You attack a little girl and people lose their minds.”

“We already have Amy. Why do we need another?” Molly’s mother asked.

Tracy has some dark times a-coming. But she is also going to have a fun time at the Happiest place on Earth.

Through the years: Trials and tribulations of a preteen girl Part 20

“Yes. Well, first of all, when the doctor got the results of Tracy’s blood test back, there was an issue. And her ultrasound thing.” Maggie said as she passed Shelly a baked potato, and took one for herself. She pushed the plate to her son. Tracy was serving Shelly a slice of meatloaf.

“The results from like two weeks ago?” William asked.

“Yes.” Maggie nodded.

“What issue? And does it pertain to Tracy’s....emotional problems?”

“It does. In fact, it was a big cause.” Maggie said. Tracy had passed her father the potatoes and Vance was getting a slice of meatloaf. Tracy had made enough for a second one, in case someone wanted seconds.

“The report they sent about Tracy’s hormone level that first time was wrong. They sent a copy of a boy with a similar name, he goes to Doc Addams too. They mixed up the results. Doc Addams found it and realized that on the eighteenth, Tracy got a second dose. Now it isn’t enough to start puberty, or so he thinks. But they are stopping the hormone shots.

“A second dose? Where did the first one come from?”

“Tracy.” Maggie stated.

Here's another Tracy. This one is a bit longer and we got some trouble brewing, hence the cautions.

The return of raffa01...again

Well, it's been 3 years since I posted a story for through the years and two years since my last blog. Life has been busy, but I think I finally got some stuff done and wanted to post again. I looked and saw I've been on this site for over 12 years now. So what a better way than bringing out my original story and continuing it

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Through the years: Trials and tribulations of a preteen girl Part 19

“I see that grin. You got something different, don’t you?” Beth asked.

“Yep. A new variation on the chewy bar things. Plus some more goodies and salads.” Tracy stated.

“I swear.” Chloe said, with a shake of her head. “Between the two of you, we’re all going to become diabetics.”

Tracy chuckled. “Eat just a few.”

“Yeah, what my helper said.” Beth replied.

It's been three years, but hopefully I can get back into writing. Here it is, picking up from the last chapter, more Tracy!
Once again, if you feel the need, go back and re-read the old ones, I had to.

Bad news

So last I had posted was before Dad came home for Hospice. Well, he passed away on January the 5th. Since then I have been dealing with the vultures in the family. I got my brother and his younger son both wanting to move in, but I can't afford to live here myself. I really can't afford to have them move in and not pay anything. My brother keeps insisting everything should be his, but dad did a living trust and gave me almost everything except his van, all because my brother only visited him once in the past 15 months.

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And the news keeps getting worse

So I have an update from last blog.

Dad is getting worse to the point that the doctors gave us a choice. He stays in a care place on a machine, which he doesn't want. Or he comes home for Hospice and lives out his time at home. So as of right now he is here and resting on the bed. He has maybe a couple weeks due to them stopping dialysis.

I will try to post soon, but life is about to get hard for a while

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Through the years: Trials and tribulations of a preteen girl part 18

Tracy pushed on the door in front of her and it swung open. and they stopped as they realized that they weren't alone. It only took Tracy a moment to realize she was looking at Yvette, the girl who had insulted her weeks earlier. But what really caught her attention was the fact that below her belt-line, Yvette was built just like she was. Sage was equally stunned at the sight.

Yvette was stunned by the appearance of someone else in the room, she thought she would have been alone. When her mind caught up to her, she gave a shriek of fright and turned, and tried to hold her clothes in front of her crotch, her arm reaching back and trying to shut the door that she thought she had locked. .

“Sorry.” Tracy quickly said as she reached forward and pulled the door shut.

They heard the sounds of Yvette moving in the changing room, then what sounded like someone falling to the tile floor, then they heard the sounds of crying, again. Sage looked to Tracy, who felt bad. They both knew the shame and fear the girl felt. Tracy and Sage both headed into the room, shutting the door behind them. Tracy was going to lock the door for privacy, but the lock didn’t seem to work right. Sage took her towel and as she got close, she draped it over Yvette.

“Go away....just please don't hurt me.”

Tracy has returned. More fun in her life.


Hello there. Remember me?

Hello again, for those who recall. Yes it is Raff. Back yet again. I actually have gotten to do some writing since I've been unable to work. Keep in mind not much because dealing with family and everything else, I've been busier than when I was at work 40 hours a week. Plus all our forest fires out here. I just had to move back to California.

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Hope's Ranch Backstories


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The Backstories of the people of Hope's Ranch and how they came there before year one. All tags will be done per each story, as none are the same story over and over.

Each part of this will focus on one or more character. Each will have the character listed on the start of the chapter. All of this is pre year one

Through the years: Trials and tribulations of a preteen girl part 17

Once again, Tracy has returned!

I pick up in Livermore, just the same day as the last post. If you feel the need to go back and read those, I'll wait right here for you. I couldn't pick a good part to make as a preview, so I'll just leave it all down below.


March 6th 1983

Hope's Ranch Part 2

January 1st 1:00 am
Truckee California

For Larry Rawlings, New Years wasn’t that big of a deal. Neither was Christmas, Thanksgiving and any other Family type holiday. Thankfully this year he was home, and not in the middle of a delivery. So instead of spending it alone, he was with his neighbor, Liz.

Dem's da brakes

Well, I had intended to get stuff posted, but life got busy. But now I got a couple of months. I was riding a quad and had a deer run out in front of me. Ended up in a ditch and my feet, left one, got caught between my quad and the dirt. I ended up with a Trimalleolar fracture Both bones in leg and one in the foot. And yes, hurts like hell.

So while I'm sitting about the house, if people will stop expecting me to go places and do things, I'll try to post.

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Oh Internet, how I've missed you...AKA I'm back!

Oh internet, how I've missed your loving glowing glow. Your pages of cats and puppies. Your MMO's. I'm sorry Internet I was away so long. Being on my phone was no replacement.

As you can tell, I finally got internet service. So now I can fill you in on what is happening and where I plan to go with writing from here.

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An update on my last update

Back in September I had posted a blog that said I'd been busy. Boy was I right.

Dad has since fallen about 3 more times. This past time he broke his left femur. He has been in the hospital since the last week of January. As of the last post he has moved back into his home. It took them nearly four mouths to finish the work they had to do. We were in a hotel from August to just after Thanksgiving. We also went from the town he lives in and then to 3 other towns. each at least 35 minutes from his town.

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The Life and Times of Mackenzie Somerset Part 1

I have been kicking around bringing back Mackenzie for some time now. But as I worked on things to post eventually, I made a few decisions and a few changes. Other changes had been planned from the start. So I'm switching an old Trope we see often here, where a church goes after the transgender youth. But this time, The youth isn't transgender.

So without any more babbling by me, I'd like to offer the first chapter of Mackenzie Somerset

6 years

So I looked at my account and it says I've been a member 6 years and 5 days. Of course i've posted very little over last a years and almost nothing for 2 years of that. But I am hoping to set things right again and start posting once more

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Time flew

I didn't realize until today that my fifth year had started 2 weeks ago. Then I got to looking at my stories and I noticed I hadn't posted anything in over a year.

Work for the past two years has been tough. I think part of it is because it's 3rd shift. Get home and I'll I want to do is sleep. Heck these past two weeks have been so hectic that I'm still tired and waiting for the day when my seniority date arrives and I got more vacation days. I so need a break.


3 years and 12 months

So according to my account info, I've been here for well, we can call it 4 years. So in celebration of this, maybe I can get Through the years moving again. I have been lacking in getting any writing done and I really want to at least get Tracy and Hope's ranch back on track. So in the next few days, I may post three stories, one from each (Through the years, Hope's Ranch and the life and times of Mackenzie Somerset, mostly because I have a lot of plans for Mackenzie too

So cross your fingers and maybe I can get the time and drive to do this.

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leg update

So I have had my MRI and while I did tear the hamstring, it isn't bad. I'm off of work for at least a month from yesterday. I'll try and get to writing while I have free time.

Not sure how the doc put it but it was a tear, but the muscle didn't retract. So some leg therapy and I'll be good to go

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hurt my leg somehow

Soi managed to tear the hamstring in my left leg on Monday, last week, not this. Thinking nothing of the pain, for which I have a high tolerance for I went on with life as normal, including 4 days of work, in which I outworked those half my age. Went to a walk in clinic yesterday and got told I tore it, so I took my first day off of work in 9 years (counting the other job) and caught up on my sleeping was gonna write, but computer chair is not comfortable

WL try to get some stuff out soon, since I may be off work for a few days

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An update on me

Can I say it now? I hate Christmas shopping season, and winter? I am still stocking the pet department of the store I work in, but since the rest of my crew hates to work and is trying to leave early each day, I have to cover other areas, like Toys. Love the toys, hate stocking them. We also spent two weeks cleaning up shelves that were overstocked, only to have another group put everything right back where it had came from. So work has been rough.

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The life and times of Mackenzie Somerset part 1

I hate High school. Just thought I'd make that clear. I hate it. Hate, hate, hate. I'd rather lick a dog's butt, then go to school. Heck. I'd rather have used tampons shoved in my nose. School sucks.

This is the story of a girl named Mackenzie Somerset. This is my entry into the back to school contest and yes, it starts out a bit different. But I'll get to the outing in part two

Author's note:

Please note that Mackenzie is a more modern person that I have written. She is a bit foul mouthed, like some teens can get. The story is also writing in the first person, which is a big break from how I write, so the story will focus around Mackenzie.


Edited by Djkauf


Through the years: Trials and tribulations of a preteen girl part 14

Tears started to pour from Tracy’s eyes and she began sobbing for now, out of fear. Fear of being taken away from her mother. The more she sat there, the more she wished she had never come with her mother. The more, meant more of the customers looked her way.

Eva had left the counter, as there were no other people at the counter. Even though she had questioned Tracy’s reason to be there, seeing the girl cry was more than enough reason to go to her rescue. She went to the booth where a now scared Tracy was. “Her mother is in the cooler, right now, grabbing more lettuce. She has the papers to show she is home schooled. Tracy has been here for the morning, but she and Grandma Leone were upstairs, doing her school work. Tracy came down for lunch and her mom should be off of work soon.”


Editing by Djkauf

A return to Tracy at the deli. When last we saw her, she was starting to cry. And we return, before the next teardrop falls.


An update and news

Work got bad, to the point where I was so tired, I was coming home and going right to bed. I tired to finish the next part of Tracy over the past two weeks, but at work it gets hard, with just 15 minutes and a half hour lunch. But i got it to the editors.

I was also setting up something for the contest. An idea that came to me one night. So yeah, got sidetracked. Hope's ranch has suffered too.

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Through the years: Trials and tribulations of a preteen girl part 13

Tracy is back! One again she has returned.

Edited By Djkauf

No spoiler this time. Instead I ask that as you read this, you forget the Halloween one, for now. That was made as a look into her future. This is still back in the past, just a month before Disneyland. In fact this starts where the last one stopped, after her Tai chi class.


for those who have been waiting... Tracy is back!

That's right. It's been since October, well, August and Through the years is back. Hope's ranch is almost done, at least the next part and maybe, just maybe, I'll try and post something tomorrow. I may drop to a post by the week schedule. Work has been hard and with our backroom at work, being like an oven, I have felt very off lately. Heck, spent almost an hour and a half in that humid room the other night, sweating like a hog.

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And we're back!!! Internet woes and more

So the internet connection issue should be over now. Changed from Frontier to Comcast Xfinity. So instead of using the 30 year old phone lines that are old and need replacing (At our expense) We are going with the wifi thingy from Comcast. And wow, got so used to slow speeds on the old service, this one is 25 Mbps and it's beating the socks off whatever it was we had through frontier, that was also $30 more. No contract on this.

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stl having issues with connections

Well I figured I would post again and let you all know the connection issues are getting worse. First of all, I hate Frontier. At first the connection came and went. It was more off than on. Finally it is just gone. Looking into Comcast. Not too sure. As for the stories, I'd teather my phone to a computer, but have gone over the monthly allotment of internet, so it is darn slow.

I shall post again with more news

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