Oh internet, how I've missed your loving glowing glow. Your pages of cats and puppies. Your MMO's. I'm sorry Internet I was away so long. Being on my phone was no replacement.
As you can tell, I finally got internet service. So now I can fill you in on what is happening and where I plan to go with writing from here.
First of all, my posts from last year and year before, Dad is doing okay. They are trying to find out why he falls so much. So far they learned his left leg is longer than the right by about an inch and a half. They are now more focused on his kidneys. Those seem to be giving him a hard time now.
As for work, I got the job I was waiting to hear on. It is minimum wage (but it's California, so still not too shabby.) with no chance of a raise. I'm working on getting a passenger endorsement for my licence, so I can stay full time. While I could get a better job, getting the endorsement means more jobs elsewhere too. Plus this one is 7 am to 3:30 pm Monday to Friday. So I can look for part time work if I want. As for what I do, I work with adults with developmental disabilities. I don't live at friends house either. My nephew moved out with his girlfriend, so I moved in. Of course this meant nephew moved right back in, so he can keep asking dad for money. But he keeps staying elsewhere. So most of the time it is just my Dad and myself.
I had internet from March to May, but it was at friends place and his kids got mad when I slowed the connection down. So now we finally got Net at dad's home and man I missed playing Star Wars TOR and Star Trek Online. My plan for writing is to go back and see where I was, then continue the stories I got. The big three that is. Through the years, Hope's Ranch and the Mackenzie Somerset one.
So hopefully I can get to posting stuff sometime soon.
Once again, it's good to have the net again.