TopShelf's December 2009 Christmas Holidays Contest Results

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December 2009
Christmas Holidays
Contest Results


And Now for the Winners of Christmas Cheer...





First Place was precisely tied by 2 very talented authors. Since this was the case, I combined both 1st place and 2nd places prizes together and divided them by 2. Hence, both authors shall receive equal first prize amounts.

First Place with 7 votes!



By Susan Brown

Copyright© 2009 Susan Brown


First Place with 7 votes!


Forlornly, George stared out his window. The nasty frozen stuff was really coming down.
Big, heavy, wet, white clumps of snow tumbled downward until they disintegrated smashing into the ground.

A Toy’s Story

by Grover

Copyright© 2009 Grover


Second Place was also precisely tied by 2 very talented authors. Since this was also the case, I decree both authors shall receive equal prize amounts of $40 each.

Second Place with 6 votes!


Kris has been struggling with gender confusion. On Christmas Eve, in the midst of a party full of girls in holiday finery, his sister offers to dress him up to see if it will help him to understand things better. He agrees to give it a try, and his world comes crashing down around him. He needs a miracle.
Will he get one?

One Christmas Eve

by Mona Lisa

Copyright© 2009 by Mona Lisa


Second Place with 6 votes!

I’ll Be Home For Christmas

by Arecee

Copyright© 2009 Arecee


Third Place with 3 votes!


So This Is Christmas

By Maddy Bell


We Need Susan Brown, Grover, Mona Lisa, Arecee and Maddy Bell to please
PM me with your mailing addresses for your Cash Prizes!

And Now... for the Runner-Ups!

To Sonja Henie, with Love by Katherine Day - 2 votes
Christmas Chaos by SuZie - 2 votes
Un Natale Agrodolce - A Bittersweet Christmas by Andrea Lena Dimaggio - 2 votes
Roni's Party by Maddy Bell - 2 votes
The Scoobies Do: Chapter 7 - The Scoobies Christmas Celebration by Jennifer Sue - 2 votes
'Tis The Reason For The Season by Elizabeth Marie - 2 votes
The Best Christmas Ever by Theide - 2 votes

December 2009 Christmas Holidays Contest Honourable Mentions

A Whole New Wardrobe - Dreams of a Christmas Yet to Come!      by Andrea Lena DiMaggio
Abbey's Road Home      by Andrea Lena DiMaggio
All I want for Christmas      by Barbara Lynn Terry
Between Christmas and Hell      by Beth Williams
Christmas Reunion      by Stanman
In The Pink      by Topsy
The Cycle      by Princess
TransBike-Merry Christmas Wish      by Stanman

I would like to thank everyone who took the time to enter for participating. In every sense of the word, all of you who entered the contest are winners!!! I wish I had the funding to pay everyone who took the time and entered, but... I simply don't have those kind of resources. I would also like to thank the people who took the time to vote and who read the stories. That is what BigCloset TopShelf is all about! Writing, Reading, Commenting, and Participating.

I will return with presenting the Summer Romance 2010 Contest!


Merry Christmas to All and a Happy New Year!


Sephrena Lynn Miller
BigCloset TopShelf


Old Comments

Congratulations to all the winners!
Submitted by Andrea Lena on Sat, 2010/01/02 - 9:32am
Andrea Lena's picture well as to everyone who participated. It was a lot of fun, and I had a blast! Once again, thank you to Sephrena for your diligence and care in providing us with this great opportunity and thanks to everyone else here who help make this the best site on the net!
She was born for all the wrong reasons but grew up for all the right ones.
Possa Dio riccamente vi benedica, tutto il mio amore, Andrea
Crying is all right in its own way while it lasts. But you have to stop sooner or later,
and then you still have to decide what to do. - C.S. Lewis
Love, Andrea Lena
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Submitted by Katherine Day on Sat, 2010/01/02 - 9:53am
Kudos to the winners and others who competed. I love these contests, since it forces me to write on a deadline. And thanks to Sephrena for taking time to do this. Hugs to all and to all "A Happy New Year."

A pity there were so little votes
Submitted by Faraway on Sat, 2010/01/02 - 11:10am
And even though contestant I voted for did not receive much votes, one of the honorary runner-ups from my list did make it into winners!
On rights of free advertisement:
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
On rights of free advertisement:
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
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Submitted by grover on Sat, 2010/01/02 - 1:01pm
I don't know what to say except to say thank you to Erin, Sephy and everyone else who does their part to help the BigCloset be the place that it is. May we all have the very best of happiness and fortune in the coming year. As I've said before in these contests, we are all winners because we see so many really great stories. This year was no different.
Great Big Hugs to everyone!
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Submitted by Maddy Bell on Sat, 2010/01/02 - 2:33pm
Sephy for once again putting, time, energy and money into making BC the best on the net!
Maddy Bell is external)
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I congratulate winners!
Submitted by Ronix on Mon, 2010/01/04 - 12:51pm
Well, to sing a hosanna to authors not my style, nonetheless ...
I wish to congratulate winners from the bottom of the heart! Moreover, I wish to thank all participants of contest.
Though, I will tell to you fairly, I did not vote for present winners. Well, another time the Fortune can will is more compliant.
P.S. Excuse for delay. I have been a little occupied by other things. Better late, than never. :-)

Thanks for this reminder

Andrea Lena's picture

So much fun! You're the best!


To be alive is to be vulnerable. Madeleine L'Engle
Love, Andrea Lena