
Holly Potter - Heiress of Slytherin Chapter 43

Classes were dull. It's like we have already learned everything they have to teach us this year, so all we have left to do is keep practicing the same things over and over. This led to several people doing their own things during Charms and Transfiguration classes once we demonstrated our ability to perform the day's task. In potions class we simply had a random potion written next to our names written on the board before we even entered the classroom.

Holly Potter - Heiress of Slytherin Chapter 42

Breakfast was underway when we got back to the Great Hall. While I did notice some concern from a few of the professors and a few students in the immediate vicinity of Draco, everything went back to normal when I calmly and quietly sat down. My spot next to Pansy had been taken, so I sat down next to Daphne, who was sitting next to Draco. Daphne gave me a little nudge with her shoulder and a smile. I haven't really gotten to know Daphne yet, but she seems nice. Slytherin is very cliquish, everyone pretty much sticks to the same close knit groups that had formed by our second day here.

Holly Potter - Heiress of Slytherin Chapter 40

Defense was a bore. Quirrell gave us a practice test which I finished in just a few minutes. I was contemplating pulling out another book, but I didn't want to get too involved in anything else and have to be interrupted. My nails were still impeccable, and I was enjoying the sparkly black color. I glanced around the room and everyone was still working on their test, except Hermione. She was staring off into the distance, mumbling silently. I'm not sure when I developed the skill, but I've come to the realization that if I focus I can read lips with a high degree of accuracy.

Holly Potter - Heiress of Slytherin Chapter 39

“That actually explains a lot.” Tracy said as she saw me pour the vial into my drink. “Just a tip, you can drink it straight. It keeps people out of your business.”

“It's not that big of a deal is it?”

“Technically, you're now on the market for marriage proposals.”

“I'm only eleven.”

“It's an archaic law, but it's still in place.”

I placed the empty vial in one of my robe pockets and scanned the room to see if anyone else had noticed.

Holly Potter - Heiress of Slytherin Chapter 38

“Holly! Wake up! You're gonna miss breakfast if you don't hurry!” The sound of Pansy's voice filled my head and her hand was rocking me back and forth more violently than I would like.

“Mmmm. More sleep.” I muttered, while rolling over away from her.

“Uh uh. You're too cranky when you skip breakfast. And you promised to help me in class today.” She gave my butt a hard slap. “Now get up!”

“Okay, okay. I'm getting up. Bloody hell.” I said, sitting up. And rubbing my rear end.


I was closed off.
I was shut down.
I told myself I was happy,
Living the rest of my life alone.
But on a whim I tried my luck,
Not even hoping, just looking.
But then she found me, a girl like me.
We started talking
And couldn't stop.
Silly flirts and serious talk,
We shared our fears,
We shared our passions.
And I started falling.
Happy tears and lonely nights
Only one person on my mind.
When we finally met
It seemed too good
But it kept getting better.


Holly Potter - Heiress of Slytherin Chapter 37

I was really starting to hate being in this room. The last time was only three days ago, right before falling unconscious, and then there was the time I was sentenced to five weeks of detention. At least this time I wasn't getting into trouble, or starting to feel sick. Dumbledore and Hagrid were having a private conversation, loud enough to hear that they were talking, but not loud enough to actually hear what they were saying. So I was just sitting there bored. Absent-mindedly I started looking at my fingernails. My face curled when I saw I had chipped the nail on my right index.

Holly Potter - Heiress of Slytherin Chapter 36

The sun was just about to set when we arrived at Hagid’s hut. “There you two are. I was about ta send the search party out looking fer ya!” Hagrid said, already holding several lanterns in one hand and a very large crossbow in the other. “But since you showed up on time you can help search instead of being searched for.”

Holly Potter - Heiress of Slytherin Chapter 35

“May I please go now?” I pleaded

“Young lady, you are staying in that bed until I am sure you are fine.”

“But I feel fine, now!” I stated, trying to keep my temper in check.

“Be that as it may, you are not going anywhere until we get your results back from St. Mungos.”

“Can I at least send a message to my friends to let them know I'm awake!?”

“We can't let you have any visitors until we get your results back. You don't want to get your friends sick in the event you are contagious, do you?”

Lyra Black - Story 01

This story is set in my world of Lyra Black (first known as Holly Potter) during their 4th year (maybe 5th). While this is set in the future (in reference to where the actual story is) it is not set in stone. This is just one possibility amidst a never ending sea of choices. I just had to get it off my chest to focus on other things.

“Crucio.” The one word whispered softly brought with it pain unlike anything else I've ever felt. My body tightened against its bonds and I tried to scream but all that came out was a muffled moan thanks to the gag firmly in my mouth.

The Adventures of Lyra Black


Audience Rating: 


The following stories are of an adult nature and set in my world of Lyra Black, aka Holly Potter. Just like any other time characters are suddenly placed in their own future, the events here are only glimpses into what might be. So please don't think of them as part of the official story. If adult themes are not your thing, please find another set of stories to read. You have been warned. Also, do not expect regular updates here. These are rabbit trails that pop in my head and create a block to the main story.

Holly Potter - Heiress of Slytherin Chapter 34

Author's note~

I know it's been a long time since I've posted, and believe me it was not easy to put a pause to Holly's adventures, but I was going through a major depression when I started writing and being wrapped up in a fantasy world wasn't helping my mental health. I am doing really well now, and things have stabilized a lot. But that's enough from me, I know you're all excited to get back to the story.

The return of Holly Potter - Heiress of Slytherin

Hello everyone! I'm back! At least I will be soon. It's been a long time, I know, but I'm back to writing. I already have a few more chapters written, and will post the next chapter in the saga of Holly Potter soon(ish). I'm still working on carving out solid writing time in a very busy schedule, while also trying to rebuild at least somewhat of an active social life.

Blog About: 


Life kinda sucks when you can't write

I want to apologize to my readers for my absence. It's not that I don't want to write, it's that I can't. To give a bit of background, my wife moved out a few months ago, causing not only a financial drain, but an emotional one as well. To make things worse, I wrecked my car and had it in the shop for a little over a month. In the mean time, my only reliable transportation has been a bicycle, so many days I would have to wake up at 6:30 in the morning, ride 10 miles to be at her place to watch the kids untill I had to ride 10 miles to work, get off at midnight and ride 5 miles home.

Blog About: 


Holly Potter - Heiress of Slytherin Chapter 33

"Lucius told me that he found you and Draco dueling. I hope he didn't goad you into anything." We had finished lunch and were on the veranda having tea. Draco was back on the Quidditch pitch with his dad dodging bludgers or some such.

"Not at all. Honestly, when he told me that we could use magic here I was more than excited to duel again."

"That's right, you're in the dueling club, aren't you? Quite an achievement for a first year."

Holly Potter - Heiress of Slytherin Chapter 32

Author's note. I know it's been a while since I posted the last chapter, and I'm sorry for the long wait. Shit has hit the fan in a lot of different ways, all in a short amount of time. I'm working through things, but it makes writing time and motivation to write difficult. But that's enough reading about me, so I'll let you (hopefully) enjoy the chapter.

Draco was asked to give me a tour of the manor after putting away his broom. "Thanks for inviting me to stay here. This place is amazing." I said once I was sure we wouldn't be overheard.

Holly Potter - Heiress of Slytherin Chapter 31

If I thought Bones Manor was impressive, it doesn't even compare to Malfoy Manor. After being told what had happened and a lengthy questioning by the healer, Mrs. Bones, and Mr. Scrimgeour about the events of the day and more questions of the Malfoys when they arrived to pick me up we left the Abbott's. Instead of using the floo I was side-along apperated to the front courtyard, no doubt a blatant way to show off the grandeur of the building, which was a complete success. I was playfully scolded by Mrs.

Holly Potter - Heiress of Slytherin Chapter 29

Author's note. I know it's been a while since I've last posted an update, and I'm sorry. Believe me when I say that I would love it if I had more time to focus on writing. If nothing else, I hope I made this chapter wort the wait.

The Mirrored Self chapter 3 and Epilogue

Author's note. This is the final chapter of this story. Thank you to everyone that has liked/commented. It's good to know that my work is being appreciated.

The Mirrored Self chapter 2

Author's note. I was hoping to have completed this in two chapters, but it looks like there will be one more (at least). This chapter does have several sexual/sex scenes, but I did my best from turning it into smut. I hope you all enjoy reading, and will stick around for the conclusion that hopefully will be forthcoming soon. ;)

Holly Potter - Heiress of Slytherin Chapter 28

Author's note. Sorry for the delay on this one. I had really bad writer's block. I hope you enjoy my little work around, even if you have to re-read past events a bit.

From the private diary of one Hermione J. Granger

11th of April 1992

The Mirrored Self chapter 1

There are two things I can say about myself, well there are a lot more than only two, for example I love Star Trek. Not any of the new stuff, when they started going AU, but the first four series and ten movies. I'm getting off topic. I haven't even gotten through the first paragraph and I'm already getting off topic. So what was I saying? Oh yeah, there are two things I can say about myself. First, I love magic and I'm an amateur magician. I'm not talking about spells and potions and mythical creatures, I'm talking about sleight of hand.

Holly Potter Delay

I've got a bad case of writer's block right now. I've written and deleted about 10 paragraphs worth of text cause it's not coming out right. With tomorrow being the day I usually post, I don't think that I will have the next chapter done by then. I do, however, have a new (short) story that I've been wanting to write and the first chapter kinda flew together last night. The main character is based on me, but I've thrown in equal parts fiction along with fact. All it needs is some polishing up and it will definitely be ready for posting tomorrow.


Holly Potter - Heiress of Slytherin Chapter 27

Author's note: Thank you to everyone that left a comment on the last chapter. Everyone that voted was against this turning into a dark fic, and after reading some of the comments, I am in agreement. With that said, there will be a few darker scenes, especially later in the story, but Holly will remain the stories heroine (maybe a tad bit anti-hero, actually) that you have all come to love.

Holly Potter - Heiress of Slytherin Chapter 26

Author's note: There is a very pivotal event that will be occurring soon (hopefully in the next few chapters) that has the potential to change a lot of things. I am (kind of) giving you (my readers) a chance to influence how the entire story plays out. Please comment or send me a private message to cast your vote. Will this event turn Holly dark, very dark, or will she remain grey? Originally, this was going to be a dark fic, but things are shaping out very differently than my original ideas. I'm happy either way it goes, so please vote.

Holly Potter - Heiress of Slytherin Chapter 25

"I still can't believe you have five weeks of detention when we get back." Susan said as I ran my fingers through her hair. Susan was laying on her back with her head in my lap while I was sitting against a tree.

"Yeah, but at least two of those weeks will be a formality. Professor Snape said all I have to do is inventory his ingredient stocks and after that it'll only be an hour each day, and Professor Flitwick has me tutoring students for an hour or two each day I'm with him, which I'm perfectly happy to do if he asks anyways."

Holly Potter - Heiress of Slytherin Chapter 24

"In all my years of teaching I have never seen such havoc caused by a single action. I don't think that a simple detention does justice to the crime." Minerva McGonagall was clearly agitated at the seeming lack of care shown by her colleagues for the event that transpired mere hours ago.

"And what would you suggest then, expulsion?" Filius Flitwick asked. There was a moment of silence as everyone took in the words of the up til that point silent professor.

Holly Potter - Heiress of Slytherin Chapter 23

Author's note: For those that did not see my blog entry, I'll summarize. I've recently battled with suicidal depression, and needed to focus on the real world instead of escaping into fantasy. I'm doing a lot better now and plan to continue writing. Although I can't promise any regularity, I am hoping that I can put out at least two chapters a month. Please don't hate me if I don't live up to that though. Enough rambling and making everyone reading this feel bad and onto the story.

Holly Potter - Heiress of Slytherin Chapter 22

The weekend passed all too quickly which meant it was back to classes and the normal routine. It was on Wednesday during breakfast that I finally got a reply back from Flourish and Blotts, it seems that, while not a unheard of, it is a rare request that they obtain muggle books but they would be happy to assist me and to expect a list of books and prices within the next two weeks. Without any new ideas on how to get past 'Cerberus' life returned to normal.

Holly Potter - Heiress of Slytherin Chapter 21

I'm standing alone in the dark and in a heavy fog. A voice calls out to me, beckoning me to follow. I reach out to grasp a hand, but when I touch it there is nothing there, just a shadow that disappears as if it were smoke. I see a light ahead of me, barely piercing the fog. I move towards it slowly, the ground unsteady under my feet. The light is coming from a cave, descending deep into the earth. The voice that calls to me is there and so I follow the path down, into the pitch black abyss.

Holly Potter - Heiress of Slytherin Chapter 20

"A lot of things don't make sense. You're gonna have to narrow it down." I said.

"Yeah. Like how they got it in there in the first place." chimed Susan.

No. I meant, why are we on the third floor?" Seeing the confused look on Susan's and my face she continued before either of us could say anything. "Shouldn't there be rooms right below us?" We all stared at each other in silence for a moment, before all coming to the same idea. Without a word we all made our way back down the corridor, towards the staircase, and down to the second floor.

Holly Potter - Heiress of Slytherin Chapter 19

Author's note - Sorry for not updating last week. You can blame my mental health for that. Things are better now, so hopefully I can update at least weekly again. As always, comments are welcome. But that's enough from me, let's get on to the story.

Holly Potter - Heiress of Slytherin Chapter 18

When I eventually got my hand back from Susan, I was able to complete my charms assignment rather quickly. Everyone else was either already done with their homework or just finishing up, and with plenty of time before lunch I started reading the book Hermione had handed me earlier, simply titled 'Magizoology: Beasts Native To Greece'. It was a drab, factual book that seemed more concerned with the statute of secrecy than anything that could help me get past it. "Hermione, did you find any books that compare muggle mythology with actual facts?"

Holly Potter - Heiress of Slytherin Chapter 17

"Where were you yesterday? Pansy asked as she and Tracy sat down at the table. "I know you don't like quidditch, but you just completely disappeared."

Of course she asked this as soon as I had taken a large bite of my pancakes, so she had to wait for my answer while I chewed. "I went up to the astronomy tower for some quiet and ended up taking a nap. I must have been exhausted because when I woke up it was already past curfew."

"Well it's a good thing you didn't get caught on your way back." Tracy opined.

Holly Potter - Heiress of Slytherin Chapter 16

I ran down the stairs after the man that might be my dad, but there was no sign of him. I stopped in the middle of the archway at the bottom of the stairs, staring down an empty corridor. The tears that had started after seeing the memories were in full force now and I slumped against the wall and cried. I cried for being taken from my parents, for being lied to, for the life that should have been. 

Holly Potter - Heiress of Slytherin Chapter 15

Coming back from Astronomy class I was wanting nothing more than to collapse on my bed and go to sleep. Since coming back from break, astronomy is now on Tuesdays, which isn't a problem in itself, but sometimes I have a tendency to overdo it during dueling club which leaves me a little tired. So when I finally got back to my room I changed into a sleepshirt, leaving my robes in a pile on the floor and collapsed on the bed. It was when my head hit my pillow that something was wrong. It took a moment for my brain to register the fact that my head hit something hard.

Holly Potter - Heiress of Slytherin Chapter 14

I couldn't sleep. I kept looking at the pictures I now have of Bellatrix, and the pictures I have of Lily and James. Why do the pictures of Lily and James fill me with anger, while the picture of someone I just found fill me with joy? I can see how I resemble the Potters, but the other me looks like Bellatrix. I decided to go back to the mirror. 'I know the book said it can drive men mad, but I'm not a man. I'm a girl. If it drives women mad as well then the book would have used the word people.' I said to myself, a weak justification I know, but I didn't really care at the moment.

Holly Potter - Heiress of Slytherin Chapter 13

I yawned and stretched out on my bed, sitting up to see Pansy sitting at her desk writing on a parchment. "Morning sleepyhead. You were out late." She said, setting her quill down and turning around. "Spill!"

I sat up, holding my sheet against me. "I had a private date with Susan." I replied as innocently as I could.

"Till 11:30! An hour and a half past curfew?" Her eyebrow raised questioningly.

"We lost track of time."

"Uh huh. And you're glowing. Spill"

"So we had dinner…" I wasn't sure how much I should share


Holly Potter - Heiress of Slytherin Chapter 12

Author's note - I appreciate all of the comments that have been left, they make continuing this story worth it. While chronologically, there is much of the school year left, story wise it's pretty far in. While I still have a few details to work out, I pretty much have the first book plotted out. However, if anyone has ideas or things you would like to see on the future, please comment. (I am trying to keep events as close to cannon as possible, and as realistic to the existing world mechanics as possible though.) Now on to the story cause I know that's what you are here for. :)

Holly Potter - Heiress of Slytherin Chapter 11

Gringotts didn't take as long as expected, so we had been waiting for a while before we were joined by everyone else. After all introductions were made we ordered lunch, and then us kids went to the shops. Our first stop was Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions, where everyone's focus was on finding me a dress for the party. 

Holly Potter - Heiress of Slytherin Chapter 10

Christmas holiday is quickly approaching. Other than that one day holding hands, nothing really changed between Susan and me over the following weeks. There were times that we spent as much time around each other as we could. We even held hands under the table in the library a few times, but there were also times that she seemed to shy away from me. It left me so confused. And I don't know who to talk to about any of it.

Holly Potter - Heiress of Slytherin Chapter 8

The weeks passed by quickly now that we were used to the routine of classes. Draco was no longer actively scowling at me anymore, but we weren't exactly on friendly terms either. I'd almost call it a respectful dislike of each other. And since the incident with Longbottom's remembrall even the Gryffindors have been sociable to me. Susan though has been acting a little strange. It seems like ever since the first dueling club session she's been trying to find reasons to spend time with me.

Holly Potter - Heiress of Slytherin Chapter 7

The weekend passed all too quickly and all too soon we were eating breakfast before having to go back to classes. It was at this time though that a flock of owls flew in delivering mail. It was emotionally difficult for me, knowing there wasn't anyone outside the school that would even consider sending me anything, so I was very surprised when an owl dropped a rolled up parchment in front of me. Seeing the other kids give owls some food off their plates, I followed suit and parted with one of my strips of bacon.


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