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The weekend passed all too quickly which meant it was back to classes and the normal routine. It was on Wednesday during breakfast that I finally got a reply back from Flourish and Blotts, it seems that, while not a unheard of, it is a rare request that they obtain muggle books but they would be happy to assist me and to expect a list of books and prices within the next two weeks. Without any new ideas on how to get past 'Cerberus' life returned to normal.
It still amazed me as to what I consider to be normal. We all live in a castle with ghosts, talking portraits, a poltergeist, moving staircases and even the reported disappearing hallways and doors, all while we learn and practice magic; normal life seems more like a fairy tale, and not even a year ago I would have thought it so myself.
"Miss Potter!" I was broken from my thoughts by what appeared to be a frustrated Professor Quirrell. "W-would you like to sh-share with th-the class your a-answer to my qu-question, or would y-you r-r-rather inform them as to w-w-what your dayd-dream is about?"
This got a few chuckles from the rest of the class, and caused my cheeks to flush a bit in embarrassment. I'm hardly the first to daydream in DADA, or even other more interesting and hands-on classes, and I'm far from the first to be caught. But that fact doesn't make getting caught with my head in the clouds, so to say, any less embarrassing.
It took a moment for me to remember what was asked, and thankfully Pansy mouthed the word 'difference' to me. "Umm, zombies are created by manipulating the victim's soul upon death, which binds them to their creator's will. Infiri, on the other hand, have no soul manipulation, and can be created at any time from any corpse, however the less decomposed the body, the stronger the infiri. They are given their purpose when they are created, making them a little harder to control."
"Well p-put, Miss Potter. I think your answer m-m-makes up for a momentary lapse i-in c-c-concenteation."
"What was that about earlier?" Susan asked after we exited class.
"I was just thinking, how what we all consider normal, I would have thought only a fairy tale not even a year ago." I replied.
"What do you mean?"
"I was raised by muggles. All of this is still relatively new to me."
"And that had you that distracted?"
"Yeah. I'd already read ahead, so I wasn't learning anything new. I think I really tuned out when he said the bit about getting his turban from an African prince."
"What does that have to do with anything?"
"Zombies are primarily in the Caribbean, and the Central and Southern America's. I think the last reported zombie problem in Africa was well over two hundred years ago."
"That might explain why he never tells the story about fighting off zombies."
"Maybe. I'm not discounting it completely, but he is definitely hiding something." Susan just nodded in agreement.
It took nine days before I got another letter from Flourish and Blotts, but the list of books was definitely worth the wait. In addition to a list of twenty three muggle books, there were two written by a wizard that had already done much of the same thing I was wanting to do. Adding up all of the prices came to one hundred seventy one galleons, well within what I was hoping to spend.
My mind wasn't focused on flying, I was more focused on the excitement of getting the books ordered and hopefully finding some useful information. While I was lazing about not paying enough attention when I'm knocked off my broom by a stray bludger. The last thing I remember was pain and then falling to the ground before everything went black.
I came too in the medical ward. 'How long was I out?' I asked in my head. Before I could really do or say anything Madam Pomfrey approached, with her usual stern face that she has any time a student is injured. She ran some tests, and declared me "all better" and free to go.
"How long have I been here?" I asked as I sat up and got off the bed.
"Oh, only about half an hour or so. It was nothing serious, just a bump to the head and a broken arm. Since you were already unconscious, I waited for you to be fully healed before I woke you."
"Thank you. Do I need a note at all?"
"Not necessary, dear. Madam Hooch is already aware of your injury and is not expecting you back."
I left the medical bay and was surprised to see Draco sitting in a chair waiting for me. As soon as he saw me he stood up and started to apologize. "I'm sorry you got hit. I was trying to hit Weasley before he could try and steal the quaffle, but I kinda missed."
"Oh, really. So this wasn't some sort of payback for our first week, then?" I was intentionally winding him up. I know that if he really did hold a grudge he would have had plenty of opportunities before now.
Draco's cheeks turned red, and his brows furrowed a bit, as it does when he gets angry. "Of course not! If I had really wanted to hurt you, don't you think I would be here right now?"
"Draco, I'm only teasing. And while I appreciate the apology, it wasn't necessary. It was an accident and I wasn't paying attention." I could visibly see the relief was over him, and he relaxed. "By the way, I know you don't get along with Weasley, which I totally understand, and I have a plan to get the Gryffindors good with an April fool's prank, but I need some help."
"I'm listening." He said.
"Well, we'd have to break at least three school rules, but the risk will totally be worth it."
"Well, what's the plan, and what rules would we need to break?" He asked. The fact that we could get in trouble didn't seem to bother him at all.
"Well, the plan is to steal a baby mandrake, still in it's pot, and tie a string around it so that when a certain door is opened, the mandrake is pulled out of its pot and starts to cry. Of course, without ear muffs, whoever our target is will get knocked unconscious. Maybe even an entire class."
"That is brilliant. But why do you need my help?"
"Well, the door I have in mind to set the trap is the first year boys Gryffindor dorm room. And as you're aware, girls can't go into the boys dorms and vice versa. So I need a boy willing to help."
"And how do you suppose we get into Gryffindor tower? I doubt Granger will give up the password."
"No, she wouldn't. Not for a prank anyways. But I've heard Neville complain that someone keeps a window open at night and it let's a cold breeze in."
"So we'll need a broom then."
"Yes. The first is on a Wednesday, so I figured Tuesday night you get to the changing room and get us each…" There were footsteps approaching so we both turned our attention to the source. Susan was carrying a couple plates of food in her hands and walking towards us.
Neither of us wanting to reveal any parts of our plan, we both stayed silent until Susan came close. "Don't stop talking on my account, a girl might think you two are plotting something."
"Not at all. Draco was just making sure I'm okay. He feels guilty about me getting hurt, and came by to apologize." I said as I took one of the plates of food from Susan.
"Uh huh." Was all she said, but the look she gave me said she didn't quite believe me. "Well, I'm glad you're okay, too." Turning to Draco she continued, "Now, if you'll excuse us, Draco, I'd like to steal Holly away for lunch."
"Of course. And I really am glad that you're okay." With that he left the way Susan had come, probably off to the the Great Hall to get lunch himself.
"So what was that really about?" Susan asked now that we were alone.
"He did actually come to check on me. He was the one that hit the bludger that smashed into me." Susan had a look of disbelief on her face. "It's not like he did it on purpose. He was aiming for Weasley, but he dodged it. I should have been paying better attention, anyways."
"If you say so. So why did the two of you go quiet when I showed up?"
"Cause we are planning something."
"Is it something for me?"
"No. It's an April fool's prank we are planning."
"Do I even want to know?"
"Probably not. But it should make for one nobody is gonna forget any time soon."
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Definitely giggling now.
I'm looking forward to the April fool's prank.
If they can pull off the prank, the fallout will be epic. It will also bring Fred and George into the story, as they will have found a kindred spirit, so to speak, in matters of pranks and gags.
I like Fred and George
And I think a lot of other people do too. I find it interesting that in a high percentage of the alternate history fan fics where Potter is not close to the Weasley's Potter still winds up hooking up with the twins.
I can honestly say that the
I can honestly say that the relationship to the twins will be very unique to other fanfics (at least all the ones I've read, and I've read a lot of them). I won't give anything away in the comments, but as you have commented on every chapter I've written, I think you've earned a spoiler. If you want it, just send me a message.
Another good chapter here! I
Another good chapter here! I'm definitely looking forward to the april fools prank and the eventual journey past Cerberus....
I think this is the first time we've seen any indication that Holly plays Quidditch. I have some vague memory a few chapters back that Draco need to get his flying gloves from his room.
This kind of implies that there are all sorts of things going on in the background that would be familiar to anyone that has read the original books or seen the movies. I really like the way Mudge doesn't spend lots of time filling us in on these things but still uses them as a back drop to enrich the story.