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a dream of dysphoria

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So last night, I dreamed I was a superhero.

I had this gun that would stun someone without permanent damage.

I got summoned to join a group of other heroes facing off a group of villains.

I was doing well, when suddenly I was hit with a case of dysphoria so bad I could barely walk, and one of the other heroes half carried me to our target.

Dont ask me, folks.

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Excellent News as Intelligence Returns


Trump and Elon tried to erase a class of people as he claimed only male and female exists. Think of it this way, remove American Indians, or Spanish Americans, or..., by claiming only Genetic White Americans exist. There would be a huge outcry from the public. Ver few have any idea transgender is a class of the human genome. Even fewer of those who do know have an understanding what that means.

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the In-Between Bookstore

So yesterday, we were getting groceries and went to the book section of the store to find Mom a new book, and she told me she would get me one too, so I looked for something that might be interesting.

I found a book called The In-Between Bookstore.

The cover blurb described the story as about a man, who moves back to his hometown, and somehow manages to meet his younger self.

This sounded very interesting, so I got the book.

And almost at the end of the first chapter (which is as far as I have read), the main character just casually mentions that he is trans.

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Someone’s Having a Birthday!

And it’s a BIG Birthday, too!

She’s an absolute treasure. A wonderful author, someone who’s succeeded at marriage for over 57 years, and always a warm, positive presence here at BC.


Take a bow, PATRICIA MARIE ALLEN! Or maybe a curtsy. :) Happy 80th to you! May your pantyhose never sag, and your nighties never tangle!!!

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Three Moments of Positivity February 2025

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Sephrena Lynn Miller asks us this morning to try to be positive about life. It's been very difficult in a deluge of bad things happening. But there are some good things to be joyful about. So in that spirit, I'd like to share three of them from this week.

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my brain is weird - big news, I know

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so my subconscious has decided to let me graduate from school, and now sends me dreams of being in the working world.

For the last week or so, I have dreamed of working in a daycare, at a water park, a newspaper office, and last night, working as a manager at a restaurant.

Since I never did any of those jobs in real life I am not sure where they are coming from, or what my subconscious is trying to tell me, if anything.

My brain is weird, which probably doesnt come as a surprise to anyone here.

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Can we at least try to be positive about life?

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I know everyone is posting everything Trump does everyday up here. We have no place left to escape his insanity. All that I am asking is to maybe try to think positively, not repost what he does all the time, so that we have a sort of, safe place to be. I did vote for Harris so I am in my right to say this. I would like BigCloset TopShelf to be a safe haven for all - Especially from the wanna be king. Please?

I am begging you all.


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Funny how the Trump administration claims that hiring should be based…….

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Solely on merit and capabilities - that the most qualified person for the position should be the one placed in that position - yet the most qualified person according to him and his cronies always seems to be a white male as far as the military is concerned. He has already replaced the only two members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff who were not white men, one a woman and the other a black man. Apparently only a lily white, all male staff is qualified to lead the US Military.

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DOD doesn't want us any more


A new Department of Defense memorandum "" states that gender dysphoria is incompatible with the US Military.

Another brick added to the wall separating us from our rights and our existence as citizens of the United States of America. Be strong, they don't know the type of people they are discriminating against, we will not be denied, we exist, we have a voice and we shall be heard. Love to all, Emily

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No chapter posts this week


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I will not be posting any chapters this week because I've been really sick this week after bouncing back from the flu. I spent the past three days in bed with a high fever and mostly sleeping. I'm still feeling weak and kinda terrible so don't think I can focus on writing anything quality. So, I've decided it's best to just take the rest of the week off and recover since most of it has been a write-off anyway.

*big hugs*


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Trump & Elon's Exec Order


Need to be real careful how I state this so I don't end up in a million dollar liable lawsuit. Most is what I have read from other sources and some is my own personal opinion and not in any way to be assumed as fact. Reality, I don't have dozens of foot notes listed here pointing to other sources and research. Forty years, six dead worn out printers, half dozen hard drives stacked in a box, thousand of pages over a foot high doesn't translate into viable medical and transgender research..., yet.

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I'm beginning to think my wife has given up objecting.

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She seems to have become very tolerant of how I dress when I go out. First it was when we were going to the doctor for her appointments. My attire was seriously on the feminine end of androgynous even with lipstick and mascara. She twice allowed it where she used to make a fuss if I wore knee high nylons instead of socks.

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Don't Renew Gov Docs


My psychiatrist informed me a month ago she was telling everyone to stay away from passports, driver's licenses, virtually all government documents and not renew them at this time.

Trans star of hit HBO series says renewed passport now says male after Trump order

Trump signed executive order narrowing federal government definition of the sexes
Hunter Schafer, a transgender actor and star of the HBO series "Euphoria," revealed that her new passport was issued with a male gender marker because of an executive order signed by President Donald Trump.

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Funds are low

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Hoping no more bills come in, we have about $200 in all accounts.

The loss of 2/3 of our ad revenue (~$1000/mo) is still hurting, especially mid-month.

Any financial help will be appreciated.

Thanks to everyone who has sent money. We really depend on you, more than you know. :)

Thanks for any amount you can send. All contributions are very welcome. Thanks a great deal to all who have previously contributed here or paid for a membership at Patreon or Hatbox.

Many thanks!

Erin, Piper, Jamie, Cat, Rasufelle and the rest of the crew

Below are versions of the PayPal links.

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2025 is not going well for me so far

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I honestly don't know what impression I make here. I suspect most of you see me as some combination of Happy Fun Time Huggle Giver, and Woman Who Constantly Sabotages Her Own Life and Then Whines About It.

Well, sadly, I have to do the later, and 2025 is not going well for me.

I have had several issues with my car, including repairing the undercarriage, replacing the battery, and most recently, replacing the tires, and now it seems I am not done yet, as my check engine light turned on today.

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Stopped by the police while en femme

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Last week, I went to the "big city" (I live in a small town; 2500 pop.) to do some shopping. Most of the time, I dress out of the butch side of my wardrobe; women's clothes but the effect is androgynous. That allows people to see me the way they want to. I'm always surprised when they look at me and address me as a woman, but it does happen and when it does my voice doesn't shake their perception.

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For everyone who does NOT need help writing correctly (not)

Good old Al wrote a song to help those who need to ‘up’ their writing game.


with love,


Once in a while, I bare my soul; more often my soles bear me.

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Writing TG stories in 2025

What do you do if you're thinking about writing a story focused around a transgender character, in 2025 America where institutionalized transphobia seems to be ubiquitous?

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Are your books safe?

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There have been repeated reports in the past of Amazon Kindle stealing money from consumers. As well as Kindle being a proprietary and closed standard for content delivery. The underlying issue is not only restricted to Amazon Kindle, but any and all cloud-based streaming content providers.

Who controls the content that is saved on the cloud? Is it the owner of the content? Or is it the owner of the infrastructure?

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grammar problem

Lately I have been seeing a lot of sentences that annoy me. they look like this: "John is a singer that is quite loud." I'm certain that this should be "John is a singer who is quite loud." The problem is that I'm seeing this substitution of 'that' for pronouns in these sentences so often that I'm wondering if I'm wrong?

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Article About Trump

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From A Veteran Editor of 'Stars And Stripes'

Regulars here will know I’m not a fan of BS and half-measures. Don’t piss on my boots, and tell me it’s raining …

This has been a horrible month for anybody who still cares about America, her place in the world, and her duty to her people.

We are under attack by Donald Trump’s soulless, gutless Republican Party, and the United States of America will never be the same again.

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There is nothing to worry about ...

There is nothing to worry about with Trump and Republicans in charge

-- The State Department is now not even issuing renewing passports to transgender people.

--The National Park Service (NPS), a bureau of the U.S. Department of the Interior changed the information about Stonewall on their website. They erased four of the leaders of the riots who were transwomen and changed the phrase LGBTQ rights to LGB rights.

-- As of February 7, 2025, transgender individuals were banned from enlisting and having publicly funded gender-affirming surgeries in the U.S. military.

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Road Safety?

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I just ran across this 13 minute video on road safety in Europe (and more specifically the UK) versus the development of electric vehicles at NEWS: UK Bans Cybertruck - 5 Fatal Design Flaws Tesla Can't Fix.

This is more for those techno-geeks and EV geeks out there. So you might like this FYI,

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I'm okay

Someone recently checked in on me, so I wanted to let everyone know—I’m alive. I’m struggling with the state of things in the U.S. and feeling scared, but I’m here. I’m trying to be okay, and I’m not going anywhere.

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BCTS Patreon Experiments: books!

Great news everyone!

To try and help us move away from reliance on Amazon so much, we're going to be starting some experiments on the Patreon with making books and/or stories available to purchase there.

Right now we have two options available in this way: the complete collection of Quillian, and my own story Fresh Start. We'll be working on moving more work over there in the future.

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Fighting back ...

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This is from the USA, but can easily be applied just about anywhere.

The first is a call for February 28th [1]

The second concerns Target 'rolling over' on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion (DEI); also Amazon, Disney, PBS: [4] [2]

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I am a goner

Between cvs and humana I am unable to obtain my jardiance medicine. It's too expensive: $500 for a 30 day supply. Never mind the fact that I need it for my heart. I have exhausted all avenues. It would take Elon Musk or Trump to intervene to make it possible. So, I will not go that route, okay? It doesn't look like I can get it anymore. So, this is the beginning of my end. The protection that it gave me will wear off me this morning, so I am prepared for a heart attack and going. I made it this far huh? Thank you all for allowing me to have been here at the end.

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Justice for sale - at a rock bottom price…….

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I have been reading and listening to the news articles regarding the Eric Adams criminal prosecution for the better part of the day today. I live some 150 miles north of New York City, but as a resident of New York State, especially one who lives in the Capital/Saratoga Region, the potential criminal prosecution of the Mayor of New York City makes the news here on a fairly regular basis, as does most state politics.

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The way I see it

The events of the recent USA administration fall into 2 basic categories. #1 Information overload. With the Tsunami of strange, weird, unsettling and scary actions taken by the new administration the news media, other politicians and the general public are overwhelmed by crazy and can not seem to decide which action to tackle first, so they are caught in stasis. That way the administration keeps doing whatever they want.

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Developments on the left side of “The Pond”


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If you are willing to see how Europeans view the current political developments in the United States of America, you might want to the following broadcast posts on YouTube. Be warned that these could be triggering to you, and therefor a risk to your personal mental health. So viewer discretion is advised.

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Recommendations - Series of unfortunate events


Hi guys,
I'm looking for stories where the main character is left with no other option but to wear girls clothes, but isn't necessarily forced. Classic examples would be forgetting his suitcase on a trip to stay with family only to realise that there's no way back and the only clothes available are frilly dresses and skirts, or a boy getting soaked in the rain and jumping straight into the shower then coming out to see a cute outfit laid out on the bed for him. Please don't recommend any overtly explicit stories I'm not into that stuff.
Thanks in advance!

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day.

I just posted a short story for Valentine's Day, titled, "The Valentine's Day Gift" It comes in at just over 8100 words.

Thanks to my beta reader. She assures me that I was successful in giving the story the look and feel I was after.

The Valentines Day Present.png
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Summer Camp

I am looking for a story, I began rereading Anistasia Allread's story "Camp Kumoni"

I remember another story where the MC signs their-self up for a summer camp my pulling a fast one on parents, think it may be Guide\Girl Scout camp

can't remember but there may have been a leather working workshop

please help

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Dura or Duro

It occurred to me - years late - that the male street hero should be named Mano Duro rather than Mano Dura. However, my two years of high school Spanish are decades in the past. Can someone with more knowledge of Spanish let me know which is correct?

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Writing Aids...

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I have been around this site almost from the beginning. Sephrena (hope I got the spelling right), sent me a PM to invite me over. I "think" it was around 2005 or 2007, don't really know. My first story here shows 2008.

I am writing this blog to see how others do their writing.
I write on a desktop computer with keyboard elevator. It used to be that PAIN ! was my way of life and I took lots of prescription opiate drugs back then. Nowadays, I rarely take any drugs at all and since I don't work anymore, I hurt less.

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Life After Retirement I am at the end of my contract, having reached the mandatory retirement age in my country of residence. Theoretically, I should have plenty of time to complete all of my unfinished stories, but it goes without saying that nothing is ever as simple as it first appears.

While I have a small pension provided by the government, it's not quite enough to make ends meet, meaning I have to decide what to do next. Basically, its a choice between finding another job in the private sector or moving to a cheaper country.

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Janegirl Scout Cookies

Yesterday, when I'd gone grocery shopping, I passed a few Girl Scouts selling cookies. That started a kernel of an idea rolling around my head. I woke up early this morning with a first scene in my head, which is inserted below.


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“I am shocked, shocked to find that gambling is going on……”

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The classic line from Captain Renault in Casablanca, just before he collects his gambling winnings, is a perfect lead in to today’s latest news from the Orange Asshat in Washington, D.C.

Trump today announced that he is firing the director of the Office of Government Ethics, a man who was confirmed by the US Senate in November 2024 and sworn in December 16, 2024 for a five year term - a term that would have lasted completely through Trump’s second term. See the attached news article:

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Searching for old story with borg-like adversaries


Asking for some help identifying a story I read between 20 and 25 years ago (so around Y2K)

The main elements that I remember are that it featured a post-fall setting, where an all female, Borg-like race had taken over. They would attack settlements and brainwash the women to join them, and feminize and brainwash the men too. Converted males were the ones given birthing duties.

The main character had a companion that came from a race/tribe that was androgynous until adulthood, and chooses their gender.

AFAB Transfemme - Is it Trans?

I have posted a story today and I think that I would be helpful to get an opinion on it.
I believe that is clearly belongs here, but is an AFAB transfemme individual truly transgender?
I pose the same question in my closing note, adding that the opinions of some are that "all genders and sexualities should be tolerated", but what exactly is this?
I would love to receive comments on the story, or here.

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Mein Gott, was für Ein Auto

While taking a break from a story I am working on I saw a photo of a 2025 Corvette Z..... something. 1000 hp, twin turbo V8, claims very good mileage if the driver keeps the foot out. 233 mph. Performance suspiciously like an Audi R8 which they stopped making. The driver of this beast MUST be a very masculine woman or perhaps TG ????

This must be edited into the new story !!!!

Gwen Brown

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Life Update.

Good evening everybody. I hope this evening finds you all in good spirits, for those suffering, afraid, or in pain, please know I'm praying for you. And that by simply living you are pushing back. Now, I owe everybody here an apology, I've not been as active as I want to be, I've not been leaving comments as I should. For that I'm humble sorry and I ask your forgiveness.

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Transgender Athlete Ban


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Just reading in the News on KOIN, a CBS affiliated station. It seems that some Oregon politicians are in favor of banning MtF transgender athletes. In this case, I hope that common sense stops laying facedown in a mud filled fox hole.

I'm not a Medical Professional. Over the years my experience has me believing that there could be a workable solution. If a prepubescent male loses the testosterone from their Gonads (Balls) and gets on a suitable source of Estrogen, then perhaps he, now she, could compete in girls sports.

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rough day today

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Bit of a tough day today, as my car battery died, and with the extreme cold I had to wait quite a while for a tow.

But honestly, one of the worst parts of the whole experience was constantly being called sir on the phone with the towing company, despite my attempts to correct the lady.

I know it's not as big a thing as what many people, including people I love, are going through, but it still hurt

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Question: Why isn't anyone commenting on Tracy Lane's Stories?

It is a simple question really? Why?

There is plenty to talk about in White Balance, and The Matinee. I just do not ever see comments. I believe her writing warrants a response. She has put in the same time and effort as others, why not grace her story with a comment?



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Sissy bride universe


I was wondering are there many stories posted on the sissy bride universe I believe it was created by janice337 and has been posted on fictionmania.
I love this genre and I can only find a few stories on this topic.
I would love to read any more stories that are out there

Clara's Already Written Stories Done

I have finally finished posting all of her already written stories. When she is ready, Clara will post her newest stories up :)

I thank her for the privilege of having been allowed to host them here. And I hope Clara will post as soon as she can.

Thank You Clara.


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Christmas Contest Runner-Up Prizes Paypalled!

All of the prizes were just paypalled out! Erin is holding the Prizes Monies for Rasufelle, MaryAnne Peters, and SamanthaMD. Everyone else received theirs!

I thank you for the time you allowed me to grace the site with my contests and I made my last contest an Everyone Wins Scenario. That was the gimmick from the start. I hope you all had fun. Adios Amigos!

Sephrena Lynn Miller

BigCloset TopShelf Logo 5.jpg
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Looking For A Story

The Protagonist does online investigations for a fee until "they" graduate college. They found a remote cabin in the Rockies and stayed there to do the investigations. They go into town for groceries at times and eventually go to a family gathering where "gramps" offers him the ranch.

I hope this is enough

Ahabidah, Gwen Brown

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Hi all
A few years ago l read the first 4 chapters of a story by Lorraine B on crystals storysite entitled the alien within or holy crap there's an alien in my bed at the time she said the story would continue with part 5 war children which i later discovered on another web site.
After re reading the story this weekend and trying to find the 5th chapter l am coming up with nothing does anybody on this site know where I can find this chapter or did anybody else copy and save it if you did could you let me have a copy.
Many thanks and hugs in advance.

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The Future of Fake it.

Alyssa's Blog


Well... I guess Holly's gone and done it, as per usual!

'Fake it Till You Make It' has been wildly more popular than I ever expected, and for that I am eternally grateful to all of you who have read and commented on it. As we head toward the final chapter of the book, I have some news... and thoughts I would like to share with you, my wonderful readers.

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I was doing some reading tonight…….


And I was reminded of the speech which Thurgood Marshall gave in 1992 when he received the Liberty Award. The following excerpt from his speech always reminds me of the reasons why I joined the Navy in service to my country, and why I still believe in the people of this country. I believe that it is even more applicable in light of our current political situation and that we need to take heed of his words once again:

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I finally finished my Halloween story tonight

Truthfully, it's disturbingly gory. So much so that I couldn't continue it until now. If it took me over two months to be able to handle one image, I'm not sure about subjecting the unwary to it. How should I tag something like this, maybe a warning at the beginning and a spacer after that or should I just hold on to it. It shares the first several paragraphs with the lynching tree to let you see where the gore is coming from.

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February is Short Story Month!

'Tis the month to be succinct, to get to the point, to tell your story in enough words but not too many!

It's not a contest, there are no prizes, but everyone is encouraged to write something short and sweet, from pithy drabbles to picaresque novelettes, a standalone polished gem, or a diamond in the rough side story to a longer work, Let's Be Brief!


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A Head's Up...

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I am currently down to 4 stories of Clara's left to post: If You're Not Paying It... and A little Bit of Change to finish up. Then the Disney Princess, The Good Son, and lastly - George and Martha. That will conclude all Clara's currently posted works. I have been assured BCTS will get the first exclusive to her next story sometime in the very near future, so there is that to think about!

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Please, please, please read this!

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As a card carrying member of the ACLU, I regularly get communications from them. Yes, many of those are asking for money to support their programs, but many others are asking for me to sign a petition or to reach out to my Congressman or Senator. They also send out communications regularly to help keep members informed.

I received this one today………

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My thoughts and prayers……..

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Go out to all those adversely impacted by last night’s plane collision in Washington, D.C. - I have flown through Reagan National Airport more times than I can count. It was a hub for US Air for a long time, and then later for American Airlines when US Airways bought them out and kept the American name when merging the two operations. As my home is in the New York Capital Region, for many years I would fly out of the Albany International Airport on a weekly basis - although less often the past few years.

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My Summer in Pantyhose Epilogue (final post) is up

I've just posted the final post of "My Summer in Pantyhose" It's the epilogue. It's short because, summer is over and the title of the series limits the story to that summer.

Is this the end of Jamie’s story? Are there no more adventures for Jamie, Tabitha and Mike? And what about Megan?

Obviously not. Jamie and co. have their whole life ahead of them. Where will Jamie end up; will he and Tabitha become a lifetime couple; what will Megan do after? Dear readers. Turn your imaginations loose and fill in the blanks that are the rest of their lives.

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If you were approached about publishing your story, would you do that while you were yet alive, or would you have someone hold it until you were gone?

Ahabidah, Gwen Brown

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I was watching RFK Jr.’s confirmation hearing today………

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And in between being disgusted to the point of wanting to throw up, and being outraged to the point of wanting to throw something at the TV, I found this article online. As the author stated, his list by no means contains all of the possible ways to fight back against the atrocities the Trump administration is inflicting on this country, but it is a good place to start - and if we don’t fight back, we might as well just roll over and die.

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A list to add to


Hello everyone,
I've been meaning to do this for a little while. My takes on the best interest in and so so stories on BigCloset TopShelf. Feel free to add stories to any of the categories also feel free to add any categories you wish as well.

Most read stories.

Somewhere Else Entirely By Penny Lane.
This is one of a few stories that I actually binge read And he still took me a couple of days to get through it.

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Another New Story

Here's another new one from me.

Also in case anyone was wondering, The Season of the Witch is back up on site for a little bit :)

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what some women saw as trash, I saw as treasure.

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When I first started going out as myself, I got to talk to a lot of women who told me they didn't like most of the feminine stuff.

They would avoid dresses and skirts and the rest unless they had no choice.

I got the impression they saw being feminine as being less, which is an attitude I would expect from guys, but it was a little strange to hear it from women.

Me, I would have given anything to be allowed to be feminine, so hearing women say they saw it as at best kind of meh . . . well, I really dont know what to make of that.

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My Summer in Pantyhose Chapter 43 is up

My Summer in Pantyhose Chapter 43 is up. This it penultimate posting in this series. This Thursday, I'll post the epilogue.

Hope you have all enjoyed my efforts to finish Jeremy's fine work.

My 'Summer in  Pantyhose.png

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The Danger of Being Trumped


I know all of you here enjoy this closet, as do I, but I will publicly state for the record that I will never again live in a closet. With Trumps new Executive Orders, being Trans has now become the new witches of old Salem. All I can think to do right now is be firm in my resolve and stand tall against this wave of zealousness. To quote Trump himself.....Fight, Fight..Fight. Love you all, Emily

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good news, bad news, and I am not sure news

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Well, the last couple of days have been full of changes.

The first was some good news about my aunt, who has been struggling with swollen legs, which is that the new meds she is on has been helping.

The second bit of good news was Sharon getting back pay from her job, so she won't need anything from us for the month of February.

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