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Horror In Southport

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I was shocked to read of the attacks in Southport, UK. Three innocent lives taken, with eight more children and adults injured at a dance class celebrating the music of Taylor Swift. And the attacker's identity is being concealed because he is only 17! That's old enough to be tried as an adult here in the US! Name and shame!

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Plagiarism Alert

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I am sort of flattered: I stumbled onto a Forced Fem story on You tube that is almost word for word my "Autobiography", and "You Did What To Me".

I messaged them but do not intend to ask You tube to take it down.

Some of you may be offended if their work is stolen like this.

I am not sure what to do.

Ahabidah, Gwen Brown.

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Old story


Well looking for two stories think both were on fiction mania hope someone can remember
First story boy goes to London I think meets a girl who runs her grandmas adult shop finds out the mothers is a doctor and both help boy transition think he ends up dating girl
Second story boy ends up in London meets a girl that wants to help but can't stay with her unless he dresses as a girl turns out the house is a brothel
That's all I can remember from the two

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home page story teasers question


Since the last site mini-crash, has anyone noticed or questioned why the TEASERS on the home page repeats the newest 5-6 selections?

This is a minor issue but if it's a simple fix, it'd be much appreciated.

I'll admit I don't read every story and use the teasers to weed out stories that aren't in the themes I have little interest.

Thank you

Jennifer Sue

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The Dagger of Heaven at the End of Time -6- by SammyC on Patreon

How long can Rani maintain the illusion of being a teen-age princess?

The Dagger of Heaven at the End of Time
Chapter 6
by SammyC
Read on Patreon
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Where Are The Aliens ???

Today, sitting in a group of (Sunday) people numbering about 50 people, both male and female, and seeing the obvious genetic variations, it came to me. We Are The Aliens !!! Said group of people have made a lot of money pushing Genetic testing to the tune of around $150 per person. Other people, purportedly expert scientists, say they have spent years digging through ancient ruins.

It seems obvious to me that "we" are the Aliens. Pardon my repetition.

I feel a story coming on.


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How Safe Will We Be?


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Depending on what will happen in the USA in the next 120 days, how safe will those of our ilk be here in America. I briefly looked into fleeing to Israel, but that is not practical for me, and perhaps not safe. I was considering Tel Aviv. I was just looking at going to western or central Canada, but that just seems impractical to me.

So, perhaps it is best to just say where I am and hope for the best.

Ahabidah, Gwen Brown

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Completing stories

I've been without a computer and the drive to write anything for the past two weeks...just felt what I write is inferior sometimes and that I've lost the heart and soul of why I write to begin with.

I've been working on a few of my current projects in hopes to finish them:

"I Don't Like You" (2 chapters remain)
"Circle in the Sand" (3 chapters remain, plus a COMPLETE rewrite of the current one posted)
"When You Close Your Eyes (2 chapters remain)

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it sucks being a responsible adult.

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So, I was wondering around the Taste of Edmonton, and I saw this beautiful skirt.

It was in my favorite color (3 guesses which one), and it fit me.

But I had to pass it up because it was $200.00.

Sometimes, it sucks being a responsible adult.

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Morning of frustration

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My kitchen mixer tap has been dripping for some weeks. Yesterday I tried to get the cap off and failed. I went and finished reading a novel instead. Today, with a renewed feeling of intent, I got a selection of screwdrivers and set to. I had bought some washers in the week so hoped I could do the job. I have never been good at plumbing, I'm still not, but it seems mixer taps don't have washers, they have cartridges. I watched a couple of you tube videos to see what I had to do, I then looked on Screwfix site to see how much they were. There are loads.

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moving is such a stress

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If you ever look at a list of the most stressful things that can happen to you, moving is pretty high on the list.

And I should know, having moved a large number of times.

but stressful or not, I am moving again.

The only good thing is the place we are going to looks pretty darn good.

I would ask for hugs, but then I gotta pack them . . .

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Latest AI Art/Last AI Art? (caution: Image heavy)

Hey ladies :-)

Since my last post showing off some of the AI art I've created of my characters, I've been... well, we need a better word than 'busy.' :-) Don't worry, I'm still writing too, faster than ever in fact (I have a full thirteen chapters in my backlog that I need to get to editing). But here are some of my favourite images I've created. Here's Laura, a bit older than she was in her story:

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Jasper is threatened by fire

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If strangers know anything about Alberta, it's probably the resort towns of Jasper and Banff.

Well, right now, Jasper has been evacuated, and fires have reached the outer reaches of the town.

We are safe from the fires here in Edmonton, but the smoke is making it hard to breathe.

hugs and prayers appreciated.

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Declining Capacity. End of Writing perhaps.


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I'm disgustingly old, 77 1/2, and while there have not been any diagnoses of Dementia or Alzheimer's, I'm tired, so tired. The Doctors such as they are think I have MS. For now, I plan to keep writing as a relief to my severe Depression, I do not plan to publish any more whether under Ahabidah, or Gwen Brown. I'm hoping that I die in my sleep rather than rot away in a care center. I was going to leave my email but that will expose me to scammers, so perhaps I'll just check the site for PMs, if there are any. Should anyone want to, I am sure the Admins can contact me.

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Chemo Day 2

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So, here I am on Chemo Treatment Day 2.

I got a new drug added to the cocktail, this one supposedly targets specific cancer cells, colon cancer being one of them, and draws the drugs to them to kill them. As it was explained to me, rather like a Ranger ground team Lasing a target to guide in a smart bomb. I still have to take the pump home for two days with it wired into my port, which makes for very awkward maneuvering around home. But, it beats dying so I'm not complaining.

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Documentary on Trans in Germany by DW (Deutsche Welle)

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The Deutsche Welle [DW] (literally “German Wave”, the German equivalent of the British BBC) just published a documentary on trans life in Germany. It covers the lives of three different people at three different ages.

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That's me on YouTube, where I can say what I want to.

OOPs, just got in trouble on YouTube. Guess I was wrong. :(

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The Dagger of Heaven at the End of Time -5- by SammyC on Patreon

Who knew being a beautiful princess on a mission to save the world could be so dangerous?

The Dagger of Heaven at the End of Time -5-
by SammyC
Read on Patreon
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What a dream I had about 2 of the best British authors!

I had a wonderfully eccentric dream this week and it won’t get out of my head.

It involves 2 of BCTS best authors. (I read everything they post.)

What if Cathy Watts, (Lady Cameron) from “The Weekly Dormouse” crossed paths with the good people of Bearthwaite valley from “A Grumpy Old Man’s Tales”? The ecological and family orientations of both would be a wonderful collaberation!

So I’ll put this out to see if any others would like to see this while begging the forgiveness of both outstanding authors.

Jennifer Sue

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Voice is Important


When we meet someone whether they are an old or a first time meeting our voice is the second thing noticed and it's usually an unconscious thought. The first thing noticed is physical appearance and that includes not only body but also attire. Do not dress like an escapee from a homeless shelter who lost all one's clothes in a flood or a fire. The Hippy Revolution was in the past and it should have been left there along with the tie dyed clothes and other bright ugly mismatched colors. Did everyone suddenly go color blind back in the sixties?

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False Memories

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Okay so last week, I had to get some cavities filled, and is always the case, they had to sedate me.

Once it was over, one of the nurses helped me get to our car, and Mom drove me home.

Except . . .

I can place myself in the driver's seat for the drive home, even though that is impossible.

And so I find myself shaken, wondering what other memories I have are fake, especially the memories I have recovered of the abuse I suffered as a child, as one of the few things I am sure of is my abuser used sedation on me.

hugs appreciated.

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Redress - A Novel

Once the current Roberta Galbraith story has finished, I will start posting a novel that I have written. It is almost complete and is currently more than 170,000 words long.
I have 4-5 chapters to write. I'm off to France for a week on 1st Aug. I'm heading down to the Ardeche region and have rented a Gite for a week. I hope to finish it then.

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Suddenly Royal 2 - Draft Complete!

Longtime no see everyone! I wanted to let everyone know that after waaaaay too long of a time I've completed my draft and first edit for Suddenly Royal 2: Royal Performer!

Life and writers block had interfered with finishing it until now, but it'll be coming soon! I'm hoping to publish the complete book on Amazon later next month, and I'll post a chapter a week on here as well.

I just had someone ask me about any upcoming books, so I thought I would share the news with you all!

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a good day

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So yesterday, mom and I got laundry and groceries done, and then we took Sam to a bookstore.

Unlike most places, they were allowing dogs to come in, probably because of the heat, so I was in heaven meeting several pups and giving them some petting.

Which made me one happy Dottie!

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Be A Screen Writer

"Dust" is a maker of internet short videos. I got curious about them, who they are, where they are, how they function and all that. I did not find out if they use sources outside their group, or if they pay them. It's just an idea but perhaps some of the better writers on BCTS could submit their work to Dust, you know, take a flyer. They might even be interested in TG content. I see a lot of TG content on YouTube nowadays.

Just an idea.


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I have a miserable case of covid,

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and I'm running a fever of 103F right now. Just took some tylenol. I have more than a few of the markers for being at higher risk from covid, so keep me in your thoughts, please. I'll let you all know how things go over the next few days.

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May 2024 25th Anniversary Contest: The Results Are In!


You hear that? That's the chiming of the bell signifying the end of voting for the contest! So without further ado...


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Looking for a story: Season of Fear book 2


Odd that I know the Author and Title of the story, yet I am bothering y'all for help, isn't it?

Well, on the sites I have found, this story (book 1 at least) was presented by tiger, on his web site and here on BCTS as:

Seasons of Change
Book 8 - Season of Fear
Seasons of Fear
Book 1

by Ediolon90 (Eido)

Ok, so I read to the end of the document, and found a link to:

~Season Of Remembrance~
Book 9 - Jamie's Visit
Seasons of Fear
Book 2

by Ediolon90 (Eido)

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Things Bigger Than Gender

2:00 AM PDT my time. Just finished watching outsider Russian movie called "Attraction". It is about 2 hours long and in my opinion very good. It is worth your time. It came out before the Ukraine/Putin war. It makes me realize that there are things that are more important than gender.

The English dubbing is flawless, though a bit stilted.

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Just an update


Well so far my gall bladder removal is healed well. Kinda ruined my summer plans so far but eh.

Have been out cycling. Finally made the custom axles and nuts for my hybrid raliegh. Front quick release is gone and now has a solid axle and nut, good thing too one section was somehow getting worn. Gonna have to give it a service so I’ll replace rear then too. Next job will be to replace the one on seat.

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EAT SUMMER.jpg So, I popped onto the site this morning see a slew of comments on stories I hadn’t read. Then my eyes bugged out, because some of the comments were from the amazingly talented Maggie Finson. Talented . . . and much missed.

Alas, it was not a sign that Maggie has returned to us. But is there a reason why the comment board is suddenly flooded with comments posted over a decade ago?

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38 years ago

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38 years ago it was a Monday morning when I went into my office as a woman and everyone was very helpful. I've had a few difficult days since then including coming to terms with a stroke and the finite quality of life. I've lost my son, my marriage had already broken up, but he took his own life in 2014, a week after I'd celebrated 28 years of being me. The surgery took longer than anticipated but gave me time to know it was right for me. I just got into the fast track applicants to the Gender Panel, so after 16 or so years as female, I actually got legal status as one.

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minor issues with the new computer

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I have been trying to set up my new computer, and for the most part I am happy with it, but I do have some minor issues I have not been able to fix. its mostly the keyboard, as somehow when I try the key for the apostrophe and the quotation marks, I get this instead: è È.

I have tried to reconfigure the keyboard, but so far, no luck.

It is not a major thing, I can live without them, but it is kind of annoying, and it has slowed my writing.

Ah, well,

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There is no excuse for substituting violence for political discourse.

There us no excuse for doing things that result in death and severe injury.

Those two statements aren't debatable in a civilized society.

However, those who are clutching their pearls on Sunday morning TV are those who have excused January 6th as a free speech exercise.

Killing someone is an irrational act. Those who are pointing fingers need to be more rational. That would help.


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Are We Experiencing the GOAT?

I'm in my third decade as a BC author.

During the last six months BC has been on a tremendous UP!

Not to disrespect a great group of departed authors, but it just might be that fifteen of the top twenty-five BC authors of all time have posted since January First of this year.

I would include in that group: Rasufelle, Jenny North, Jenny Walker, Laika, Erin, Bru, Emma Anne Tate, Erisian, and Melanie Brown. . .without giving it too much thought.

Who would you add to this expanded Mt. Rushmore?


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my dreams would make a blockbuster film

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I swear, if you could somehow film my dreams, you would have a blockbuster. Like last night, I dreamed I was a police woman in a small town with a sexist boss when something made people in the town go crazy and I had to keep people from hurting each other.

See what I mean

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New Posting - Novel serialization - first three chapters

Image Credit: From Adobe Stock Photos - Three women in vintage attire with braided hair, posing for a selfie. By Irina Kozel

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Chemo: Day 1

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So, day one of chemo.

Got to say, I'm having second thoughts about it after the lecture and Environmental Protection Suit I was given to clean up spills, if any. To include, if more than a small amount gets on your cloths, put them in the bio-hazard bag and bring to us for DESTRUCTION. And this is stuff I'm putting INTO my body intravenously! I mean, I get where Paracelsus was going when he said, "All things are poisons, for there is nothing without poisonous qualities. It is only the dose which makes a thing poison,” but still!

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Allison Zero - Clean Up - eBook

Allison Zero has reached a major turning point. I've been talking about this in both blogs and the comments on the story for the past few parts. The story is not done, and will continue, there's a lot left to be told, it's just, as the readers will know, reached a point where there's a significant change to Allison's life (beyond gender.) Certain "discoveries" have been made, which readers have commented on in the last part of the story.

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The Bender Of Gender

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There is a site that is new to me on YouTube called "The Bender Of Gender". So far, the first entry looks to be some four hours long. It is all voice and perhaps a Cross Dressers dream. I'm into it about ten minutes, and have it paused to make this blog. It remains to be seen if I will be able to keep getting into it for the whole four hours.

So far so good.

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The Dagger of Heaven at the End of Time -3- by SammyC on Patreon

“If it’s more compliments about my beauty, that can wait until tomorrow....”

The Dagger of Heaven at the End of Time -3-
By SammyC
Read on Patreon
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Some kind soul willing to be an editor?

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Hello all,

Is there some kind soul who would be willing to be an editor for an attempt of mine to write a story? Preferrably a native English speaker.


1. It is big - almost 100k words.

2. Its English is awful (non-native speaker here, please don't kill me, that is my best)

3. It is trans-ish stuff, but I'm not trans (hence in there might be plenty of unintentional idiocy, outside of that of some of the characters)

4. It re-uses an idea that already has been used (but hopes to both amuse and tell new things)

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A new persona for commenting

I've been wanting to comment more here, but I realized that I am so much better at communicating when I write fiction. Being my bland self feels tedious and really I want to write. I want my writing to be free of constraints and liberating (to me at least). Much like how some of my stories seem to liberate some of my characters from the contents in their pants. Consequently, I've decided to take a stab at creating three personas when I comment.

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Spanking Badly Needed

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It was still about 95 Degrees F (35 c) at 1:00 am this morning and though my apartment was 76 F or so, I woke up with cabin fever and stepped outside to get away from the noise of the chiller. As I sat there, I could hear a woman on the street screaming hysterically. She sounded close enough that I decided to see if calling the Police was in order. She was actually about 2 blocks away, so walking as fast as I could it took less than 5 minutes to get to her.

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Peerage for Hilary Cass

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Hilary Cass, who wrote the recent report on care for trans children for the UK government, is to be made a peer:

This means she will have a seat in the UK House of Lords and have a vote on UK laws - for life.

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May 2024 25th Anniversary Contest - Voting Is Live

The poll is now live for voting!

Check it out here!

Voting officially ends at midnight PDT on July 15th!

Melanie E.

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Of Topshelf and Personal Things...


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Hey everyone,
Sorry, I've been so quiet lately. Things have been happening.

Today, we started an aggressive process to fix what I've been calling the "phantom logout issues." No one is logged out; just some part of the system serves you a "stale" logged-out page from the cache in a few small places.

We have disabled much of the caching setup to try to figure out what's going wrong, and things seem to be better, but I need more data before I can start rebuilding.

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TG Techie - Blog - 00 - Final Blog


Oh, right! I started posting chapters again. Just not on this site. I probably won't post here again.

There are reasons, I'll let you speculate wildly. Meantime you can read the new chapters on TG Storytime

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Jamie Farr Is 90 Today

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Jamie Farr played Corporal Klinger on M.A.S.H.

Klinger was trying to get discharged from the service during the Korean War and often dressed in women's clothing to show how crazy he was.

It was "hilarious."

Of course, it was a cringeworthy moment for some of us every time he wore a new outfit.

Does anyone else remember him?


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Getting Published


After reading this, I'm guessing most will be more than grateful to the ladies running BCTS. Here writers and authors may publish their stories without an agent, or a NYT Best Seller pitch behind them. It is almost too easy as many don't realize the meat grinder of getting published in the cut throat business of selling a story. I want everyone to think what will happen if Erin and the girls can't keep the doors open? Will you open your own domain or possibly find another site to post on? Lots of luck as hundreds, possibly thousands of those sites have come and gone.

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Erin & crew


Just letting you know that when I clicked onto the site and had to log in, it didn't return to the home page but went to a page with just the stories and every time I try to log back in, it does the exact same thing.

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