2024-09 September - TBFS Caption Story Contest

What am I doing?

What am I doing?
By Daring Diane

“Billy, I let you move in, because I needed someone to cover half the rent and utilities. It’s been months and I’m running out of savings.”

“I spent everything completing my degree.”

“Great. You have a college degree. It’s time to get a job.”

“I apply every day. No one is hiring.”

“You need a job. Work at Starbucks or some restaurant.”

“Oh What A Day I’ve had”

“Oh What A Day I’ve had”

I could hardly wait to call my sister Jennie and tell her all my news.

“Hi Jennie, it’s only me, have you got a few minutes to spare? I’ve had an amazing day and I must tell you all about it.

The Doorbell Rang

The Doorbell Rang

By Joannebarbarella

That didn’t cause me any panic. I was expecting a few deliveries and I was hoping this was the one I was really waiting for. When I opened the front door a delivery-man was standing there, brown uniform, a cardboard box in his arms and one of those sign-in document thingies for me to register that I had received the delivery.

Current Participants in our Contests

As Promised, once a month, except for October which will be twice, I will list all of the current participants in our contests, Here are the totals so far:


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We'd Like to Help You Learn to Help Yourself

We'd Like to Help You Learn to Help Yourself
By Angela Rasch
(inspired by the Aria Nova image)

“Plastic. . .,” My sister said in an accusatory tone.

We sat in the living room of the Hinsdale, Illinois house we had inherited from our parents -- enjoying Sunday morning mimosas. Citrus and champagne tainted the air.

“Plastic?” I teased. “Is that a reference to that sixties’ movie with Dustin Hoffman, Katherine Ross, and Anne Bancroft?”

The Graduate?” She shook her head.

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