Blogs, Topics, Weblinks, Forms, Polls etc.

Facebook Not Mandatory

For years when my computer booted, 'Facebook' automatically loaded and I used it quite a lot. Recently the owner of that site has been sued for damaging children and had to testify in one of the US Government houses.

A day or so ago my computer would suddenly load without it and it has been quite enjoyable.''



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Has anyone else had the "Error 503 Backlash" or whatever it's called with this website as of late? I just had it when I was trying to publish the last chapter of my TMEP serial, and I almost panicked. I thought I was gonna lose the ~2000 words that I had written! Luckily, I tried again, and this time it worked. SO relieved to not have to rewrite that whole chapter from scratch...

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MORFS Website

So after speaking with someone from the website and receiving the suggestions, I decided to make this post. For many people they do not know how to use the internet archive. After watching a video on it yesterday, I learned how. So for those who miss the MORFS website I decided to post the last date that an update was made to the site. This way if one of your favorite stories are not accessible on any of the various sites. You now have this resource. I hope the link works right. As time goes on if I find places where these stories are currently archived I may add those addresses.

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Is there a reason bullets are set up the way they are here?

  • Sample bulleted list
  • Just to show what bullets look like.

You see that the bullets appear in the left margin and the text of the bullet lines up with the regular paragraph text.

This is contrary to the way I see bullets used literally almost everywhere else, where the bullets are either aligned with or indented with respect to the body text and the text within the bullet is indented further.


Main Page - Teasers/Blurbs - Update on old blog post

Since my previous blog post about story summaries and blurbs, and after all the helpful advice, my "process" has had a new addition. All my Toni With An i stories now have a blurb on them, so does Marking Your Card, and Allison Zero has been getting a blurb right from the start.

I don't know how it's working out, but I feel it's beneficial, and it's something I want to continue. I don't think comparing kudos/readers/comments across stories is very helpful as blurbs only play a small part, but I would hope readers are finding them helpful. I certainly feel justified in doing them (based on nothing but gut feeling and what people previously asked for in the older blog.)

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2024 New Year's Contest

If you click on 2024-01 January - New Year's Resolution Story Contest above, you will see a list of the entries.

Contest Closed for entries.

Please post your choices for top three stories and possibly win $50.

Start the New Year right by participating in Jill, Emma, and Joanne’s writing contest!

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My Last Set of Comments

Please take some time to post your top three choices and possibly win $50.

Trust Your Gut?

Life is all about discovery and adaptation, according to this very good tale by Marissa Lynn. The world changes convulsively as the characters build cocoons and emerge as colorful butterflies.

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Don't Truncate Your Author Name.

First: I have been guilty of that which I complain about and now see the error of my ways.

When entering your author name on a story it is easier to navigate if you have carried through with some consistency. I understand that there are several Authors that use more than one name. I have three though primarily use "Gwen Brown".

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"All I have left is madness"

So last night I had a dream.

In the dream I was in a room with three people.

The shortest of the three, who might have been a dwarf, threatened me with a knife, and I knocked it out of their hand.

Then I went to the other two, and said, "You've made a mistake. you took me because you thought I was a good person. But I'm no longer a good person. All I have left is madness. Now, you will let me go, or I'll kill your friend here and eat him, and make you watch."

I woke up before I got an answer.

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Just got home from hospital. Ten days ago I stepped out to the end of my street to catch a bus, and then my lungs decided not to cooperate. I collapsed, pulled out my phone and made a hash of trying to call an ambulance. Fortunately, another woman stopped to see if I was okay, took over the call and stayed with me till the ambulance had loaded me on board.

That was ten days ago, as noted above. The cause was a large blood clot in my pulmonary artery.

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Space Knowledge

To dispel my own irritation, here are some important definitions:

Space is anywhere outside the Earth's atmosphere.

Deep Space is outside this Solar System.

Galaxy is a generally spiral shaped collection of stars and other matter that is thought to orbit around a Black Hole. The number of stars in our Galaxy is thought to be in the billions. At light speed, Scientists say that it would take 200,000 years to cross it.

The Universe has unnumbered Galaxies in it. Our own Galaxy is thought to be in a group of Galaxies that occupy the Lanea kea group.

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Looking for a story

Looking for a story that I read a few years ago. A pilot, I believe military, undergoes a swap (as part of a global swap) and ends up in the body of a little girl I think in Japan. I remember that she gets attacked by a man early on and escapes. She's taken in by a family. If I remember right, eventually she is reunited with his family. I've searched all the key words I can think of but can't find it. Can anyone help?


Not your usual looking for a story (now solved)

Hi all, I was thinking about a book/short story I read years ago and I wondered if anyone here could remember the author or book name.

The story is set in the future and it’s about cars that can drive themselves, people who look after them have years of trouble free motoring but the people who don’t have nothing but trouble, the story comes to a point where a badly treated vehicle goes all “Christine” on the owner.

I believe it was called ‘Automatics’, does this ring any bells for anyone?

Hoping you can help

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Forgotten Books

Just read a blog about the old Nine Princes in Amber series by Roger Zelazny and it got me to thinking about a novel that I purchased back in 1975 for my wife that Christmas. First hardcover edition of the English translation (by Derek Coltman) of Malevil by Robert Merle. Merle was also the author of the bestseller, Day of the Dolphin, some of you may remember. The only books of his, still in print, are in 50 languages--none of them English. All his English novels are out-of-print.

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Family Court (Mediation Now) Update

For all of you who are wondering what's happening now, and want to know what's going on, my In-Laws have filed again, after being denied an emergent hearing for custody. This time the judge is having us all go into pre-trial mediation to see if we can solve this outside of court.

This has nothing to do with the criminal case but is still nerve-wracking, I thought you would all want to keep updated (we are still representing ourselves pro-se, because we have yet to find a lawyer that will help us for less than a $3500 retainer for Family Court).



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You're Only Human, final chapter later this week

I plan to release the 10th and final chapter for "You're Only Human". I never wanted to have it be a "love connection" between an AI and the human narrator but I moved the needle into that direction and found it shoved back the other way by the AI. So, the story will end on a not so happy ending in "virtual love-land" but more of a way to have the narrator not confide so much with a program but with others in the flesh.

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Brave Enough to Die...Bravely?

...Not Suicidal...
Just embarrassed???

Not feeling too well just now so got in a tub of hot water to soak away the joint pain. With all the ruckus over illegal drugs, I'm not about to try to find something illegal. I tried a light dose Tylenol (Paracetamol) but it did nothing. The hot water just made things worse, so I got out. I am too shy to go to the ED on the week end, and I have an appointment with my Doctor on Wednesday. I'd planned to use a Taxi Wednesday if the Bus seems too much.


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Today is the fourteenth!

The writing contest will accept entries as long as it is the fourteenth somewhere.

We opened the contest on Oz time and will close on New Zealand time.

For those in the States, there is a five-hour difference between Auckland time and Minneapolis time.

Before the contest started, Emma, Jo, and I posted sample stories. They did not qualify for awards because we are the sponsors. In my opinion, all three stories were exceptional. They should have been because they were mostly group efforts.

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What. Have. We. Done?? Simple math on the Contest Entries ...

... Simple math on the number of contest entries (115 is the most recent number I've seen), times the minimum entry length, says we have dump-er-inflict-er-deluge -er- "sent" our Judges well over 277,500, to perhaps around a half million words!

Plus comments. And our responses. And Contest reminders and 'house-keeping' ...

To our Judges and all others involved, may I offer my condolences on y/our success!

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Only a few days left!

With only a few more days before the deadline for the New Year's Resolution story contest, I want to give a huge shout out and THANK YOU to our beloved organizers: Jill, Emma, and Joanne. You all are amazing and really have outdone yourselves with this effort, huzzah! And additional thanks to all those helped fund it!

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I added a third story -- Something very different from me.

I just posted my third story for the contest. This one is very different from me. Inspired by Dorothy's first story, it is highly autobiographical of my own process for deciding to come out.

It is somewhat fictionalized, and the time frames have been changed, but it is ultimately my story.

I needed to write it, and I hope others will find some value in it.



I'm having a little contest with myself

Right now, "Resolution Evaluation" has 63 kudos, and "Night Shift" has 58 "kudos. I'm curious if "Night Shift" can catch up, so I'm kind of competing with myself on the subject.

Of course, "Resolution Evaluation" has 28 comments (half of which are my replies), while "Night Shift" only has 10, so its not likely "Night Shift" can catch up in that area before the contest ends, but it looks like the kudo count will end up being close.

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Seventh List of Contest Stories

There have been surprises in this contest.

I didn't expect the quality of the stories to be as robust as it is. About thirty percent of the entries are top-tier. There haven't been any that I thought weren't readable.

The number of stories inspired by this contest is about what I expected, a total of one hundred and fifteen -- with less than a week to go.

At the Midnight Hour

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More Great Stories!!!

Hi everyone! I’m traveling, but managing— just! — to keep up with the great stories that keep coming in. Just a couple days left to get yours in, authors!

Here’s my next batch of fifteen thumbnail sketches. Great stories - have a read!

Countdown to Confidence

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"Nine Princes In Amber"

Up in the middle of the night and wandering around my apartment, I discovered a dead tree book called "Nine Princes In Amber", Book 1 of several. The author, Roger Zelazkny, is not a TG author.

I am not more than 1/4 of the way into the work, and must say that the odd seeming 1970's language and break from TG drabble is most refreshing. While not a terribly prolific author, his story seems good enough.

These days, I seem to survive on a series of naps of 1 to 2 hours, and have been told not to worry by my Doctor. Lots of time to cast about in the middle of the night.

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anxiety and memory issues

So all day today I have had memory issues - nothing major, just forgetting my phone, and things like that. Really just minor inconveniences.

But then as I was driving home from helping Sharon and Sam get a few things from the mall, all of a sudden my anxiety went through the roof and I had to take some deep breaths to try and calm down.

Are those two things related? I don't know for sure, but they might be.

Can I do anything? Only what I did, which was to try and ground myself.

ah, well.

hugs appreciated

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A Christmas Wish

The actual date is December 08, 2024.

For all the things we can get for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, I look at all the items people buy for others and inwardly shake my head. For me, the true meaning of Christmas is not of the material, it is what we mean to others. Everyone is entitled to a wish for Christmas, as that is the day that Christ was born. If everyone else can have a wish, I can too.

Only that I know my wish will never be granted. The upstairs will never allow it to be.


Explicit Sex and Other Contest Updates

Despite Explicit Underage Sex stories being excluded from the contest, it seems to have thrived.

The New Year's Resolution Writing Contest has resulted in the following to date:

New stories – 110. . . 100 Contest Qualified
Hits – 121,214
Kudos - 9,851
Comments – 1,447
New authors - 6

Fifteen More Story Comments:

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Closing in on 100 stories!

When we started this contest, Jill, Joanne and I guessed how many stories we would get. I’m normally the cautious one, guessing low and hoping to be pleasantly surprised. But this time I threw sense to the scirocco and guessed that we would more than double the number of entries in the last contest, hitting . . . 55. Joanne, with the sunny optimism of the Aussi girl she is, aimed higher still, thinking we might get seventy. Jill, though, is savvy in the world of sales. She said we’d get a hundred. Amazingly enough, we’re almost there, and we still have a week to go.

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Stop Writing ???

I've been increasingly suffering the effects of what I had feared is ALS. Now the self diagnosis seems to be more appropriately 'Ataxia', which is not a disease but merely is the description of a group of symptoms from injuries suffered in a full life of many falls that often included head injuries. As usual Doctors have shown to be almost useless and secretive.


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Looking for a story

Yeah, another one of those requests. Trying to find a story I thought I bookmarked it, but no idea where I put the bookmark.
It was a Christmas story, I believe, where the young protagonist takes all his Christmas money ($50?) and convinces his mom to let him get something by himself. He goes to a dress store where he saw a blue dress in the window he just fell in love with and had to have. He gets it and the line the little girl outside the store crying to her mom still stands out. "It's gone! The dress is gone!" (Pretty sure it was something like that). Any ideas?

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On Homelessness, Prosecution, and Family Law...

So fair warning, this may be hard to read. You've been warned.

So, Hey everyone. Last time I posted a blog I told you that Aimee and I and our lil ninja were homeless and working with an agency.

for the record, that agency is DYFS/DCP&P/CPS or whatever they are called these days.

They are still paying for our hotel and helping us try to find more permanent lodging, but that has been hindered by a few facts that I alluded to but didn't directly mention.


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Problems with Patreon……

Is anyone else having problems with Patreon? I have been trying to update my credit card info for two days as my bank issued me a new card due to a fraudulent charge on my card.

When I attempt to change the card, it will not allow me to. It will not even allow me to add a card. For two days it has been saying “Unable to add card at this time. Please try again later.”

In just a few days, it is going to try to charge my old card and it will not go through. Yet it will not allow me to update or add a new card.


2024 Story Contest Leaderboard Update


Leaderboard Update

As we enter the homestretch the field is narrowing a little, but here are my picks. You're making it difficult because the quality is improving all the time. So, keep it up, folks!

First, a special accolade to Dorothy Colleen.

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

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An interesting and compassionate opinion on Brianna Ghey's murder

The children who brutally murdered a transgender girl have been named, in a positive article about her death, Zoe Williams comments that transphobia seems to be a component of why Brianna was murdered and how it is whipped up by the right-wing press and politicians, I think it's worth a read and I agree we should remember the name of the victim not the perpetrators, who will locked up for years.

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Impact of Adding a Cover & Additional Story Comments

You’ve written your story and now are faced with deciding whether or not to create a cover.

I’ve posted about one hundred and fifty stories on BC and have never created a cover. Mel and Erin have made covers for all of my Doppler Press books. I’ve often wondered what difference an attractive cover makes to BC readers.

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Women Warriors

History has stories of women warriors. Separating truth from fiction doesn't matter when one is writing fiction. In real life the truth is often lost due to men writing the history and not wanting to give proper dues to the women who made their own history. Shield-Maidens, Amazons, and Mary a disciple of Christ, all denied by most historians.

A short history of one Viking Shield Maiden recently reviled


I'm not sure if I'll have time to write Bike this week.

I have had two reports of bereavement in the last few days with the funeral process tomorrow taking up most of the day. As they say, one sign of old age is going to more funerals than weddings. One is my elderly neighbour, who at 97 years old could be seen as inevitable, the other a good friend and widow of an even better friend, who died some years ago. This good lady died from a stroke, which given my own experience of a similar affliction, makes it even more poignant.

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Working As An Escort

Out for a walk in a rare break in the rain, I was approached by a male that was approximately my age or older perhaps. We had a short conversation about the route of the new walking path we were on, him wanting to know if it went downtown. As it turned out, I knew it did and shared the information. He then departed, him continuing along the way that he had previously been going.

As I walked along, I began to muse about what it would have been like had he been attracted to me? I was not attracted to him but did not feel fearful either.


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CONTROVERSY Surrounds Story Contest

This blog's views, thoughts, and opinions belong solely to the author and not necessarily to the management of Big Closet, the Writing Contest committee, or any other group or individual.

I have long contended that there is very little correlation between the number of kudos, hits, and comments received and the quality of the story.

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Contest Stories -- My Third Set of Comments

Good morning! It’s February – do you know where your Contest Story is? C’mon, authors! Just two weeks left!

Here are my third set of comments on the stories that have been submitted to date, selected with the assistance of a handy random number generator:

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Hockey in Canada might be facing a pivotal moment

So the news is saying 4 current and one former NHL player have been charged in relation to an alleged sexual assault that happened 2018.

What makes this interesting is that Hockey Canada, who was responsible for the players at the time seemed more interested in making the problem go away, giving the accuser a lot of money in a lawsuit settlement.


Invasive Characters

I seldom wake up rembering my dreams, but this morning I woke up from an argument with a red headed, asshole boss in an office setting. After a few minutes I realized the redhead was an adult version of the photo I used for Lucy in The Elliptical Path. Good thing I'm not planning a sequel, I will hate to see my character turn into an asshole.

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Another Set of Comments on Contest Stories

Wow! We have received eighty-four entries for our contest.

Thank you.

We appreciate the effort it takes to produce a story for a contest. We also appreciate that all of you recognize that judging a contest like this is highly subjective and certainly not a science. All Emma and I can do is give this our best efforts, which I'm confident we're doing.

For most of the participants, the only compensation they will receive will be your kudos, comments, and reads. The following list might help you find a few more stories to read. The titles are a link.

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I am cheating in the Story Contest.

And this is how I am cheating.

There has to be scores, perhaps hundreds, of on-line grammar and spelling checkers, free, free trial, paid, and perhaps other arrangements.

I 'landed' on (thank you Google and your rankings):

They have >a lot< of paid services, so it took me a lot of poking around to get to their page ( that said "type (or paste) your your text here."

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Quite The Progression...

I just finished typing up and publishing the seventh chapter in my new series titled The Most Extreme Punishment-which, if you haven't already started reading, I suggest you check out. ;) But I was surprised to see that this chapter has over 2200 words. Which is longer than any of the other chapters I've written thus far. It's kind of funny, since the first few chapters had progressively fewer words, but now I've got the longest chapter yet. Wow!

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Nice Bras

While doing the wash, my wife picked up my new bra and grumped that I had nicer bras than she did. It was my first underwire style and closed in the front, an experiment for me. (The experiment has been a success.) She said she wouldn't mind one in that color for herself. So what could I do besides log into Amazon and get her one in black and one in rose?


Contest Update & More Story Comments

January is winding down, and we are now four weeks into our 2024 writing contest! If you’ve missed it — well, I don’t know how you’ve managed, but if you have — the rules are here. There are still over two weeks left to join the fun, so get those stories posted. :)

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How I found the confidence to write here.

Hey everyone,

It's been a journey of over thirteen years with BCTS, a journey filled with laughter, tears, and moments that left me utterly captivated. When I first stumbled upon this place, I was here for the erotica, but soon, I found myself falling deeply in love with the community and the stories it held.

I've been a bit of a lurker, gobbling up stories from many authors, sometimes sneaking in a DM or two. Watching the comings and goings of some fantastic writers, I've been the silent spectator in the corner, hand metaphorically (and sometimes literally) in my pants.

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Second Tranche My Comments on Contest Stories

Resolution Revelations

Aylesea has written an above-average story that brings us inside the life of a depressed young lady. This story is a good example of what humor can add to any story.

View From a Bridge

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