Update on A Wildcat Summer

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I'm pleased with how well the story A Wildcat Summer is being received. It's moving along pretty well, and I'm about 40% through the story. It seems like a large group of you are sticking with it, and that's all I could ask for.

I just wanted to thank all of you for your time and energy in reading and offering constructive criticism.


Thank you

Dear Leslie,
Sorry I haven't commented on any of your chapters for few. The truth is I have just been too damned tired. After spending 12hr nightshifts being charge nurse in one of my states busiest ER's and also being called in to do R**e Kits and examinations whatever hour when Im on call and not in the ER, I have enjoyed just reading a new chapter.
I thought the session with Grace was sorely needed as Jens been getting a bit hardcore with the baby. Even Jessica told her she needed to wait a few years in BBOW.
I wonder if it is Jenns insecurities pushing all the "must have a baby now" talk. Jenn has swung from pushing Teri away to almost wanting to baby trap in a way (probably not the best way to term it).
Teri has told Jenn they love her with all their heart and they're not going anywhere without her but I think maybe Jenn needs some therapy of her own to deal with her abandonment issues from her own father. Best analysis I can give at the moment but I am loving the storyline.

Thank you

I am sorry you are just so exhausted. But thank you for your dedication and commitment,

The abandonment issue is a good one. thanks.

Jenn needs a few chapters, too. They are on the assembly line as we speak. I have my own trained monkeys writing the rest of the book. Seriously, who needs AI? A few bananas and we’re good.

Watch Out for Those Monkeys...

It reportedly took a million of them a million years to write one of Shakespeare's plays. So don't count on quick work. (Of course, they were using manual typewriters.)



My monkeys are AI. They’ll write quickly but then somebody has to read it! And honestly, it’s not that good.