Hilary Cass, who wrote the recent report on care for trans children for the UK government, is to be made a peer:
This means she will have a seat in the UK House of Lords and have a vote on UK laws - for life.
So an anti-trans mouthpiece...
The BBC gave her stance against gender care for minors high praise.
No surprise there, much of the British media seems comfortably
nestled in the pocket of the TERFs. I used to look up to the UK
as an island of santity compared to the USA's holy roller
hatemongering + discrimination, but in this one area they seem to be
way ahead of us in their rush to embrace totalitarianism.
Today (July 04) is the day we celebrate our rights
and freedoms here in America.
Enjoy it while it lasts...
~hugs, Veronica
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
The blocker