I posted on here nearly two weeks ago and soon realised that there was no edit button I did some digging and found that only listed authors get such perks, I don't want to post anything more here until that's resolved but I don't even really know the process or anything. If anyone could please help I would really appreciate it. Thanks.
You're listed on the author page
See the link below.
Authors are listed in alphabetical order, so you'll have to scroll down the nearly the bottom of the page.
To edit a story, you should be able to do that from your "My Stories" page. Click the link for "My Stories" on the right side of the home page. This will display all stories posted by you. The first column lists the title, the second is the date/time posted and the third is the edit link.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann
thanks so much it's all working now
Will Hunter-Dickinson
Erin will have to add you to author drop down menus
and set you up. She runs the place!