Monica Rose's blog

Commenting on stories

I want to apologize to every author here. I read a lot of your stories, but I confess that I don't read everything, but I seldom leave a comment. That is because I just do not know what to say, other than I liked the story. I just feel that only saying that kind of thing is lazy when I do not have anything critical, good or bad, to say. I am also hesitant to leave comments that might make me look silly.

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I lost a friend this week



My friend and co-writer Marina Kelly suffered a major stroke this past weekend. She has been in a coma and only semi-awake since then. Her daughter reports that she squeezes her hand when she tells her to, but she is not breathing on her own and she needs a gastric feeding tube. We are hoping that she wakes up, but things are touch and go right now. I don't think that we will be able to collaborate on any more stories. Because she lives 800 miles away, I will probably never hear from her again.

Please pray for her.

Thank you, Monica.

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Searching for a story


I'm looking for a story that has nothing to do with anything that has appeared here on BCTS or the other websites, but I am hoping that someone is well-read enough to have heard of it.

The scene was set during World War II or in the Far East during a conflict of some sort. A group of prisoners are lined up and told that every third man will be killed. When they choose the main character, she removes her hat to show that she is not a man at all.

Does this sound familiar to anyone?


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I would say that stories about growing up are pretty close to being real

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I have just returned from my forty-fifth high school reunion and I would like to tell you about a lesson I learned. (Yes, I can still be taught at my age). I had not managed to attend many reunions over the years and I went to this one to see if any of the people I knew would be there. I wanted to find out if they behaved any differently from our time in high school.

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Not sure if anyone saw this

The Day My Dad Kicked Me Out For Being Gay Changed My Life Forever

I'm not sure if anyone saw this article on Huffington Post when it appeared in June, but here is the link to the article:

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To the readers of Journeys West

Some of you have expressed the desire for an epilogue to the story.

I'm afraid that there is no epilogue at this time. To make up for that, there are still two chapters of the story waiting to be posted. I hope that this will an acceptable consolation.

It's been a lot of fun writing this story and I am flattered that some of you have enjoyed it. I cannot tell you how good and how humbling that feels.

Thank you and lots of hugs,
Monica Rose and Marina Kelly

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Could I throw in my two-cents worth?

I know that a lot of people are upset about nasty comments or things that take place that they regard as 'not right'.

For things that folks do not like, this is not a subscription site and everything is paid for out of our goodwill. I'm sorry to say to those people, but you should just accept it if you do not like it. Any advertising that is present is intended to bring in revenue for the site.

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