Marina and I feel that we owe a bit of an apology to those of you who felt let down with ending of Womanless Beauty Pageant.
It was our intention to make our readers a part of the story writing process by setting the stage with the characters and then allowing the reader to decide for themselves how the story would end.
Needless to say, we are surprised at the overall reaction and we intend to try to address these either changing the ending of the current chapter or writing an additional chapter.
For those you familiar with the four movies in the Attack of the Killer Tomatoes trilogy, this would end up being chapter 12 of 11.
I thought it ended as if should.
Sue had betrayed,emasculated, and scorned Bob, then got a court order to keep him away from her. She never once listened to his side of things and just took things for granted and jumped to conclusions. Bob is better off without her. As for the end? I say leave it open so readers can make up their own finale. You did it right.
I liked the ending, worked for I posted before...still would have been nice to see Cindy crash and burn...
Cartman: A fine day of plundering we had boys. What about yourselves? Here you are lads, plenty of booty to go around. A round of grog for me boys. A round of grog for everyone!
"It was our intention to make our readers ...
... a part of the story writing process"
If this is really your intent, why not a YOU write "Chapter Twelve: The End" contest? ... With you two submitting your own entry, of course.
BE a lady!