yesterday, we went to a graduation party for my daughter's friend Jason.
And while there, I was introduced to a 4 year old girl who apparently decided I needed a hat to complete my look, and gave me hers.
We traded the hat back and forth, and then she upped the ante by giving me not only the hat but a small suitcase filled with her toys.
The whole thing almost made up for being called "Todd" the whole night.
Dad during Halloween
One Halloween, a girl, around the same age, rang the bell and said, "Trick or Treat!"
Dad (joshing): "I would like a treat."
The girl reached into her bag and handed him a candy.
Dad: "Thank you. Now, I shall return this to you, and give you another," as he handed the candy back and gave her another.
-- Daphne Xu
You made a young Lady quite happy.
"An act of great merit."
And, perhaps, kept her from getting bored and cranky. And possibly saved "all concerned" from her throwing a tantrum from said boredom and crankiness.
Which is why I let people with children go ahead of me in (grocery store) lines. Get the kid out of there ASAP. Yes, the kids have as much right to be there as I do. But moving kids along to the rest of their day ASAP may delay or prevent them from getting bored and cranky and throwing a tantrum ... and if they do - I'm not there to watch!
Side bonus: The young Lady reduced the time you had to interact with people who didn't know your name.