Some kind soul willing to be an editor?

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Hello all,

Is there some kind soul who would be willing to be an editor for an attempt of mine to write a story? Preferrably a native English speaker.


1. It is big - almost 100k words.

2. Its English is awful (non-native speaker here, please don't kill me, that is my best)

3. It is trans-ish stuff, but I'm not trans (hence in there might be plenty of unintentional idiocy, outside of that of some of the characters)

4. It re-uses an idea that already has been used (but hopes to both amuse and tell new things)

No obligation is expected - if you volunteer but then decide not to go, it's OK.

Anyone... please? :)


Editing a story

What are you looking for an editor to do for you?

Do you only want spelling and punctuation to be reviewed and corrected?
Do you want recommendations on how to resolve perceived awkwardness in scenes?
Do you want to have that editor add content that might expand upon what you have already written?

These are important points to address.

I am in the process of trying to create a forum of writers who are also willing to assist other writers. For myself, I started out being asked to edit stories for others and that level of assistance eventually segued into contributing to the story. Not all writers want their editor to contribute to their work though, so it is important to have an understanding of what an editor is being asked to do.

Looking for an editor to...

Mostly fix my bad English. And if some stupid mistake is spotted, to tell me about it, I won't burden them with fixing it.

Your need for an english speaking editor

I'm willing to help if I can. I'm English, but I have lived for 40 years in NZ. But I'm also mildly Dislectic. But I'm very good at picking up on other peoples mistakes. What's your time line? Is there any rush?
I've also got a book underway, that I'm also trying to both proof read, at the same time as I'm trying, to re-write the 15 very long chapters, into a more reader friendly 5000 word chapters, not 15000 word chapters. It's currently at about 150,000 words.
I'm available if needed.

Polly J

Re: Your need for an english speaking editor

Thank you, I am already overwhelmed with offers to help. I knew that the folks on this site are nice and helpful, but never expected that amount of support!

Thank you again - and to everyone who stepped in and offered help too!