Blogs, Topics, Weblinks, Forms, Polls etc.

Julie O.-verse

Has anyone done a timeline for Julie O's stories, especially one that includes the stuff others have written set in her universe?

It'd be nice to see what order to read things in.

Also, I don't suppose there's any chance of getting her stuff in e-book form is there?

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bad news, and PTSD

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Well, bad news about the apartment search. we had to cancel the walkthrough because of a blizzard, and since then, despite me phoning the man who was supposed to lead us through the place several times, he has not let us know if we can reschedule.

I've come to the conclusion he got a renter for it, and isn't bothering to even tell us.

If that wasn't enough fun, the last two days I have been dealing with nasty memories, flashbacks, and nightmares related to the abuse I suffered as a kid.

Hugs and prayers appreciated.

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Joanne’s Take

Comments are oxygen to authors, lifeblood. They show that somebody has read their story and cared enough to respond with some encouragement, or not, as the case may be, but at least appreciated the effort that went into posting.

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A Warning

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I've not seen hardly any stories here that have Butt Plugs in them, and I think for good reason. After my own very short term experimentation with one and the accompanying medical intestinal issues, from my point of view, they are dangerous and should not be done, even as a way to induce a prostate sexual stimulation full stop.

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wish my mom and I luck

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My mom and I are looking for a new place to live, and today we're doing a walk-through of a place that looks quite promising.

Please send prayers, good wishes, or whatever you can, that if this is everything it appears to be, that we can get it.

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Story Numbers to Date

The New Year's Resolution Writing Contest has resulted in the following to date:

New stories - 49

Hits - 42,933

Kudos - 3,710

Comments - 525

New authors - 3

That's after one week. We have over five more weeks to go.

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Jo Dora Webster Mini-Bio

Mini-Bio for
Jo Dora Webster, pen name of Ariel Montine Strickland

I'm a southern belle with auburn hair and blue eyes from the vibrant city of Denver, CO, USA. Although I sometimes feel like I'm in my forties, perhaps wishing time would pause, I'm actually grateful for its passage. It's been since my millennium resolution that I transitioned as a transwoman on my original rebirthday, July 6, 2000.

My roots trace back to lowland Scotland and Ireland, yet I am thoroughly American. My leisure time is often spent delving into the latest romances, comedies, or mysteries on Big Closet Top Shelf (BCTS) and embracing the great outdoors on weekend camping trips with my SCA friends, where we revive the noble ways of old and chivalry reigns supreme. Additionally, I cherish my moments as a member of Starfleet Internationalwhere I carry the honorary title of Captain.

My journey with writing spans over thirty years. My debut story, 'What Would Jesus Do?' on BCTS was initially published under 'Jesus and the Transwoman' on a nascent Christian platform called Faithvine, which has since vanished. Moreover, thirty years ago, I released 'Beauty and the Vial' on a BBS, which, unbeknownst to me, found its way to BCTS, penned under a different alias. Currently, I have completed nine novels, all initially released under my pseudonym, Jo Dora Webster, along with three short stories bearing the same pen name.

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going into the deep freeze

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It is already -15 C here, and the forecast says its going to get much colder, until we are going to have -30 C for a high on Thursday and a low close to -40 Thursday night, with wind chill to make it feel even colder.

wish us luck as we try to weather the weather!

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The Beekeeper and The Devil's Bountyhunter

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Has anybody seen the teasers for a miniseries being plugged on cable, on HBO, called the Beekeeper? He's an off-the-books agent that steps in when corrupt politicians and businesspeople are escaping paying for their actions. He is under no control by anybody. He goes by the title The Beekeeper.

Does that sound like anybody we've read about here on BC? Like Jack Bounty, for instance? Sounds really damn close.

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Where have I been?

As the title suggests, this is about what has been going on since I last posted anything or even interacted with anyone on here. I think my last blog was over a year old and my last story was like two years ago at least. I guess to paint a deeper picture on how I ended up where I am now I need to go back to when the Covid Pandemic started.

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New meaning of TG

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I've been doing some preparatory work/ study for some surveys I'm doing and also some teaching I'm doing next week. As you probably know I have an interest in freshwater macroinvertebrates (Mayfly larvae etc) and I came across TG being used in a dictionary of entomology - it stood for tracheal gills. There will be more of those than transgender people, so should obviously spring to the ordinary person's mind (or what passes for one). I knew you'd be glad to read that.

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An Aussie Girl

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My name is Joanne Askew
I am an Aussie girl
A glass of wine with you sir
And the ladies I will swirl
All New South Wales and Queensland
Is measured up by my own hand
It was my fate from birth
To make my mark upon the earth

Apologies to Mark Knopfler for mangling his beautiful
“Sailing To Philadelphia”

And apologies to Andrea Lena for giving me the idea which I have stolen.

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Latent Homosexual ???

It's been years coming but lately I seem to subconsciously be on the prowl for a man to plow me. Would I do blow jobs? Come to think of it... Does that mean I was always a latent homosexual, or have the hormones finally done their job on me. My only worry now is that I do not wind up with some sort of sexually transmitted disease. Questions, questions.

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Great Start for Contest

By the end of today, the blog announcing the New Year’s Resolution Writing Contest will have received over three thousand hits. That level of activity has resulted in thirty-seven new stories published on BC.

We don’t have comparative statistics, but it appears the level of comment activity is up.

A new author is among those who have posted a story entry.

Given that the contest opened for submissions less than a week ago -- we’re pleased with the initial results.

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Fires in your apartment building or hotel - Surviving. Read now. Please.

A BCTS Author had a fire in her apartment building.

I found this:

Advice is sane, sensible and authoritative.

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we had a fire at our building


so about 2 AM this morning, a fire alarm went off in our building. at first, we didn't take it seriously, as we get false alarms all the time.

but when 3 firetrucks, an ambulance, and a fire chief showed up, plus when we started smelling smoke, we realized this time it was the real deal.

Now neither my mother or I can climb down 14 floors, and the elevators were turned off, so we had no choice to wait and hope for the best.

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A bar and two funerals - The backstory behind my story 'Kissing Cousins'

I know this post is a self-indulgent, and I hope any readers will forgive the impertinence. Inspiration can come from anywhere and I feel confident saying my latest story, 'Kissing Cousins', has a weirder origin than most posted on this site. It is also an apology of sorts, but you'll have to read to the end to understand.

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Two authors whose stories I’ve been following — one an old BC hand, and one new — seem to have vanished in the last couple months after posting industriously. I hate to see good stories unfinished, naturally, but I am more worried about the authors. I don’t know if it’s considered poor form to ask, but does anyone know whether either Domoviye or Ms. Woolly are safe?

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Contest Comments

I thought some more thoughts about comments on the New Year's Competition might be relevant. This also is relevant to comments on any story, regardless of whether the story is an entry in the contest or not.

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Opinions Welcome (Needed)

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In a previous life (BC) I was an executive recruiter for over 35 years. I actually got into the business by accident when as a struggling CPA, I spoke to a recruiter to help me find a new position. Instead, he suggested working along side him at a place called Source Finance. It turned it to be a job and industry that suited my skills to a T.

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Brianna Ghey, Teenage Trans Girl


Ms Chambers pointed me to the murder of this beautiful girl. As usual, i had to research it. I strongly suggest everyone read this from beginning to end even if one doesn't live in England. There is a whole lot of what is right and a lot of what is wrong with everyday aspects and the legals involved for transgender.
Knowledge is strength. Understanding comes from knowledge. Thank you Gillian

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A Simple Request

I seem to have lost my editor due to a conflict of interest. Would anyone be interested in giving a contest story (or three) of mine a review? They won't be ready for about a week as I am busy reading the current avalanche of entries. Perhaps if you would be willing, you could drop me a DM with your email? Thank you in advance. :DD TAF

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Contest Clarification and Update

Hi everyone! We’ve received several story submissions outside the contest’s 2,500 — 5,000-word limits. We recognize that different word-processing programs use unique word-counting rules. If you are wildly off, we’ll send you a PM and ask you to adjust your story to meet the contest parameters. Thanks!


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Yet Another Milestone

A story of mine has finally reached 200 kudos! And it was not the story I would have expected, possibly a year ago. My top three stories have inched up kudo by kudo, but "The Bridge" (third place at one time) began inching up a little faster than the others.

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Too Explicit For Here?

So far, my rough drafts usually get edited out, falling to the rock crusher of propriety until what remains is vanilla work suitable for all ages.
Lately I've roughed out some work that is BDSM, and very explicit, but I do not want to get rid of it. There is another site, that I will leave unnamed that I must have joined over a decade ago, perhaps before this site. Much to my surprise, when I looked into the site tonight with a view of possibly joining, I discovered that I was already a member under a different user name than here.

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the level of talent being displayed by the writers here

the level of talent being displayed by the writers here, especially the entries for the New Year's contest, is absolutely amazing. Every story (except mine) has been a home run in terms of writing.

I guess I should be glad I'm better known for my comments than my stories, because I am not in the same league as some of you people!

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Cosmic Loophole


Happy New Year!

I added an entry to the contest. It's a crazy idea but I had a lot of fun writing it. I hope everyone likes it.

I couldn't remember how to mark it as solo. Admin, please mark it as solo for me. Thanks!

- Terry

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resolution story

I have written a new years resolution story but it stubbornly refused to be TG. Every time I tried to lead it there it returned to the main plot. I'll probably post it anyway after a bit of proofreading and editing. Tomorrow, without the glow of the new years eve whisky, it may just go in the recycle bin.

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Women's Crossdressing OK, Men's NOT !!!

Preaching to the choir here... Women in western culture can basically wear anything that is not too revealing. On the other hand men who wear women's clothes, it's not good.

I really like stockings and garter belts (Suspender belts in the UK), and I have several variations of them. Anytime I wear them it must be in secret or heavily concealed.


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"Transitioning" with in laws


Well, I just noticed that my mother-in-law blew my phone up while she was drunk last night. If you knew her that's nothing out of the ordinary especially with the meds she's on. It seemed like every message was coming at me for being transgender. It started with a half dozen missed calls then immediately went to the topic of her daughter marrying a transman. She said I was wrong for saying I'm transgender and that it'd be easier to say I was transitioning. Being honest, I'm not someone who found it necessary to get hormones or surgery.

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To whom much is given, much will be Required

While I was fishing this afternoon. This bible verse popped into my head. "To whom much is given, much will be required." For a moment I felt like I'd been struck with a piece of iron. Allow me to explain, I have been given much this year, and I'm afraid I've done very little to return it. I've been blessed with the firm mentorship of two of the most brillent writers I've ever known, Emma Anne Tate, and Joanne Barbarella, and I'm sure there dozens more waiting to be discovered here on this forum.

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For the coming Year and for all of your Years ...

Wishing that all of your endeavors, and all the endeavors of all those whom you care about, bear sweet fruit in this year, and in all of your years.

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Contest Update: Go, Go, Go!!!

It’s New Year’s Day somewhere (specifically, where Joanne lives), and the contest is now officially open for entries!

There’s an official tag for contest entries. The fourth drop-down menu under “Add a Story” is labeled “contests.” Scroll down and click on “2024-01 January - New Year’s Resolution Story Contest.”

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Judge Joanne

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Now that I have been Press-Ganged by Emma and Jill into making the ultimate comment on Comments, it's probably reasonable to give you all some very rough hints as to how I will go about it. The two kind ladies have given me total discretion and I will try to use it benevolently.

The first criterion is that a comment MUST relate to a competition entry. That should be obvious.

It doesn't matter if the story to which it relates is not one of the winners. I am judging the comment, not the story.

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I'm semi-retired and drive school bus. That means I'm right there with the school kids counting down the days till the breaks, like Christmas break. Then when it's here I relish the wonderful feeling of freedom that it gives.

Yet this Christmas, the call went out for a contest and being the masochist that I am I decided to enter. The length limit meant the the story was quickly knocked out. I've been sitting on this completed story for a few weeks now. Long enough to let it settle so I'm confident that self-editing will catch all the errors (well at least most).

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For what are we without love…….

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“If I have all the eloquence of men or of angels, but speak without love, I am simply a gong booming or a cymbal clashing. If I have the gift of prophecy, understanding all the mysteries there are, and knowing everything, and if I have faith in all its fullness, to move mountains, but without love, then I am nothing at all. If I give away all that I possess, piece by piece, and if I even let them take my body to burn it, but I am without love, it will do me no good whatever.

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I just finished my 3rd draft


I just finished my third draft of my New Year’s contest story. I am so rusty, but I like it. Just need to do a final check for technical stuff like commas, etc.

There is a wanted poster for me in the Library of Congress for the wanton abuse of the comma, lol.

I will be ready to post on day 1.


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The New Year Competition.

I have an entry written, peer reviewed, all ready to go.

Now do I publish day 1 and hope no one betters it, or revises theirs to compete, do I wait for the end and hope to trump the others, or slide it out in the middle, hoping to impress the judges but go under the other entrants radar....

Decisions decisions....

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Kids Kamp

Don't know why, but my thoughts recently have been on the Kids Kamp universe of stories. I know they go back a ways. If I recall correctly, some of the authors were:

Holly H Hart
Maggie the Kitten

Who were some of the other authors?

Does anyone remember what the first few stories in this series were? Who was the original author?

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Contest Update: Judging Emma

Somehow, in a fit of enthusiasm punctuated by lots of exclamation points, I volunteered to be a judge for our 2024 New Year’s Writing Contest, even though this site alone is full of better and more accomplished writers. You know what they say about fools rushing in. Choirs of angels are undoubtedly waving cheerfully from their LazyBoy recliners and calling out, like Jamie Lee Curtis, “Make good choices!”

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spent my Boxing day getting mugged by a dog

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So I spent today getting mugged by a dog.

His name is Rocky, and he belongs to my aunt.

He's the kind of dog who basically has the doggie equivalent to hyperactivity.

He mugged me, my mom, my other aunt who was with us, and then started over with me.

He's famous in his neighborhood, to the point a couple of kids came over to play with him.

Do I need to even need to say I had a lot of fun today?

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Last Night

I watched Love Actually on Netflix. Yes I'd seen it before but it's back at No.8 in the top10 Australian shows, and my memories of it were a bit fuzzy. It is, after all, 20 years old.

What a lovely movie it is, fantastic cast, heartwarming stuff for the season, and some good songs in the soundtrack. Also some poignancy for me, like Alan Rickman, who died fairly recently, playing one of his rare nice roles.

Well worth another watch.

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Don't Respond


Sunday evening I received an email with all my personal, private, and financial data listed on it. A security breach at one of the health hospitals let them copy everything about me and a million others. They offered to sell the list back to me before they placed it on the darkweb for sale.

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Heaven or not……….

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I was sitting on the couch in my living room this evening, just catching up on my e-Mail from the last several days, while my wife watched TV. We had been watching the news, and when it went off the show ET came on. It was a special broadcast about Celine Dion, so she left it there even though she usually doesn’t watch that show.

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Back again


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Well, I'm back again because I just couldn't stay away. I've been taking writing more seriously lately and kept thinking back to this place. It's the only place I really ever felt comfortable or at home. Whenever I try to talk to other writers online it's like talking to a brick wall, but here it's always been different. I appreciate each and every one of you and I look forward to making some new friends as well as getting back in touch with some old ones.

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Writing Contest -- My Approach to Judging


Judging fiction is subjective. . .based on personal feelings and opinions.

I have helped judge several Big Closet contests in the past. In those instances, I picked the top three or five stories.

For the current writing contest (entries to commence 1/1), I’ve been asked to assign a number between one and one hundred for each story. Emma Anne Tate will also assign a number between one and one hundred. We will not consult or know what each other has assigned for a “score.” The total of our scores will be the score for the story. Highest score wins.

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Fear and Homelessness


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Hey everyone, It's been a REALLY long time since I posted a blog here, despite working on a lot of the things behind the scenes still but shit has become very different recently and I was urged to let yall know some of what's going on.

Currently, my little family is homeless. My wife, our son, and I are residing in a single hotel room with the help of an agency but we are only secure here till January 3rd as of right now. The agency might be able to help more, but we don't know yet.

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Just Wondering About the Time


Wondering about the time.

I've been trying to figure out what is the optimum time to post a story in BCTS. So I decided to use the time that BCTS uses, and post my stuff at 8 PM or thereabouts. But then I realized I didn't know what time zone BCTS uses.

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'Tis the season of giving, yada, yada...

And all I have is some pixels ... but it's the shape of the pixels that matters.
The lucky among us can send in some coins to keep BC "on the air".

I want to keep everybody here "on the air".

I really want to see all of you listed here in left and center of the home page. Seeing you get moved to "In Memorial" ... that just hurts. And it's really rough on you and your people ...

Or worse, you just go silent, and we never know ...

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You Y'all Lift Me Up!

First allow me to say this, Merry Christmas to y'all. This year has been a amazing, yes there were dark periods, periods of self doubt, periods when I felt like it was time to give up and retire and retreat into the darkness of the internet never to be seen nor heard from again. There were also times when I felt like I was on fire and the world of fiction was my oyster. Rambling aside, I want to thank every member of this site.

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The reason for the season………


My wife and I had a nice dinner out this evening - December 25th is my youngest son’s fiancés birthday, so we all got together and surprised her with a dinner for her birthday at a nice local brew pub, Hank Hudson’s. We finally got to meet her parents (a very, very nice couple), and had a truly wonderful time. After, the two of us stopped and got a coffee, and then took a nice ride to look at all of the Christmas decorations - an annual tradition for us.

Without meaning to brag, the people at our house did a really spectacular job, lol.

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New Stories

Dear BigCloset readers,

I've recently posted some new stories to the site Tigger and I share. Go to and follow the links.

Or . . . just wait a while. I'm trying to work out a way to get them posted here are BigCloset.


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Maybe A Touch Early

It's already December 23 over here, so I wish all you adherents to Big Closet a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, and, of course special thanks to Erin and our Admin staff.

I'm sure you will all join me in a huge round of appreciation for all their hard work in making sure that this site is the best place on the internet for folks like us. It's what they do behind the scenes that counts. Thankyou. May you enjoy next year as much as I think we, the audience,will.


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It's Christmas.


I don't know if others have noticed that when Christmas nears, we seem to have a series of disasters, usually earthquakes, aeroplane crashes or killings. I looked at the Guardian website and beside the awful murder of Brianna Ghey, there was a shooting of 14 or more in Prague, the murder of a little boy in London, the continued genocide in Gaza, Russian atrocities in Ukraine, the earthquake in China and so on.

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I am so sorry, everybody

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I need to apologise to anybody who got worried about my last post.

First a bit of an explanation. due to some passive-aggressive stuff by me, I ended up owing extra on my cable/internet bill, and could not pay it off this month.

I ended up rage-quitting with my provider, and then panicked that if I suddenly wasn't on for a while, people would worry about me.

instead, because all my manic energy turned into self-hate, my post was more likely to worry people.

I was already in the process of finding a new provider, so if there is a gap, it shouldn't be long.

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The sad case of Brianna Ghey


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In the UK the trial of the murder of a poor, shy trans girl was concluded recently.

Two seemingly normal 15-year-olds with no previous convictions planned to murder Brianna in February this year.

The whole story is so sad, it brings a tear to your eye when you read it. It does make you wonder what hope there is for humanity when there are children around like this.

What can possibly twist two young minds this way?

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Looking for a story


I'm looking for a story that I probably read on this site.

Mankind has just started to get time travel reliably working. A university professors team goes back to France then England to do some research on an English war, maybe around the 17th or 18th century. One of the university techs pulls a stupid prank and has the professor, who will pose as the wife, materialize with HUGE breasts.

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