Looking for auto racing stories.
Life’s a Drag by Zoe Taylor, Ashleigh McGreagor (my personal favorite)
Racing Angels and Speedway Demons by WolfJess7
Racing Hearts by Melanie Brown
Are there any others? I know of at least one which I cannot find. It was about a crossdresser who drove faster and better when he was dressed. I think that he wore a red wig if I remember right?
Kelly Shannon
I don't know if this is what you're looking for, but I have a series on Patreon (on Big Closet) called Monkey Business about motorcycle racing.
Re: Racing
Thank you, Melanie.
Kelly Shannon
You also have "Racing Hearts" on DopplerPress
It's got racing, and cheerleaders, and movie stars... what else could they ask for?
Melanie E.
and it is a good one
I look forwards to every new chapter posted .
Skirting the Issue
Funny you should ask this. Less than a day earlier I asked almost the same thing. I just finished reading Life's a Drag. I am currently reading Skirting the Issue
Another transgendered racing story is Skirting the Issue by Tels.
I would also like to recommend the comic "Misfile". It's about a former boy that street races. Heaven accidentally turned him into a girl.
Re: Skirting the issue
Thank you so very much, WillowD. Skirting the issue by tels is the story that for some time I have been looking for.
Kelly Shannon
Kelly Shannon
Seems everyone is looking for my story
Now if I can just get my anxiety issues to settle down somewhat I can write again
Re: Seems everyone is looking for my story
I would love to find out what Jason/Melissa does after graduation and what kind of adventures he/she gets up to. Auto racer or stunt driver during the summer months earning money for school? Junior college/tech school for auto mechanics and fabrication (tool and die?) followed by a mechanical engineering degree?
Kelly Shannon
Kelly Shannon
Motor Racing
I wrote a story - "Pit Crew" - https://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/fiction/84539/pit-crew
If you want inspiration then look at Roberta Cowell - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roberta_Cowell
And more recently Charlie Martine - https://www.facebook.com/dw.euromaxx/videos/meet-charlie-mar...