stacy's blog

julie o


I recall someone posting about julie o and her stories and if there was an order of reading and i think someone asked of any recent activity or news of her. just a note that while the site was worked over, julie posted a new story over at FM. it was not one of her heavy types, but a simple, pleasant tale.

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Karen West

Well. I see the slime trolls have struck again. I presume our leadership will take down these badly done sales pitches for meds, probably from India from a few words I noted. I could be very wrong about that location. To the I charge script kiddies (how's that for an undeserved insult Piper?).......when I touched Karen's name, her page opened show casing the latest insults posted to her account. Is it possible for admin to over ride the account and delete these and the other similar posts that were made to the account in the past?

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The song of corazon

Hello all. I just re-read Maggie finson's masterful work. For the old timers, you know what I mean. For the younger generations that may not know of the Caregivers stories, I urge you all to find and read them, and re-read them. If they are not all here on BC, they are all up on the whateley site in the library except for Straycats entry, which is still on storysite. Get it. Read it. Save it off. Who knows when it may vanish, and that's the only place to find it I know of. Owner/operator. Look for it. Finson wrote several, EE Nalley originated it and did several, along with Straycat's.

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Thriftbooks .com


I was just reading over at fanfiction .net when one of their inbuilt ad spaces opened to show an add for this seller. AThe first book listed was by the esteemed (fancy word, I know) author ms. O'Malley, Hands of the Morri. It was listed as pre-order. I don't have an account so could not say anything nice about it. But, it is getting closer.

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Interesting email

I got an interesting email the other day from Karen Lea. She was letting me know that life has slowed from its craziness, retirement I guess, and after reading some kind words from me she wanted to let me know that she got inspired and re-examined her tale "Educating Danielle". Anyway, long story short, she has had it professionally edited and it has been formatted and she has placed the first half on Amazon. She has completed the was previously unfinished...... and the second half she hopes to have up around Christmas.

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Well, I'm back

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Well, they fed her up on antibiotics, stuck needles in to drain her twice, and got tired of listening to her and shipped her back. So far she is able to be up moving about 30min a day, which just about covers restroom trips. Glad I learned to cook and do laundry as a kid. I went to pharmacy and picked up a months supply of meds and they counted 14 scripts to ensure they got them all. I'm really glad they don't count things like medicine, doctor bills, and hamburger when they are trying to figure inflation rates for pensions and social security, or I could get a real raise.

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More good news


While sitting with the better half in an isolation room, the duty doctor came to visit. He was nice enough to inform us that along with the covid, or the covid had developed, or whatever it is, she has gone into viral pneumonia. So she will be starting on antibiotics. They had to drop her regular blood pressure med to start her on a new one to fight the atrial fibrillation (I hope I got that right) which they think is brought on due to the breathing treatments which hit her like adrenalin. Oh, goodie. We havin fun now!

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Just when you thought it was safe


Well, the better half and I hunkered down and buried ourselves and came through the plague just fine. Then things started to slowly open in stages while we remained the same. School started back again, not sure what precautions in effect, while the kids I raised and their kids got fairly back to normal. I know I never saw them take masks with them, etc. We still took all the precautions and got some strange looks for wearing masks when the govt said we didn't need to. A couple of weeks ago one of the school age kids was diagnosed with covid, then another older kid.

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Just an idea

Had another thought. (I know that's scary in and of itself) It has now been about 7 years since Ellen has posted anything to Tuck. I have sent her emails, and left requests for contacts in a couple of places. I did not know her, outside of her writings and a couple of contacts by email, and as cantankerous as she could be, could have just blown me off. BUT, that's a long time to not even leave an update. She and her SO had split after many years and her health was not on the top line. I am truly surprised her site is still up and running.

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Just a thought

I was just surfing around checking old dead links to remove when one popped up for me finally. If I may suggest so boldly, check for stories you haven't seen before cause the link didn't work for quite a while...….nothing new, unless you have not been around since the dawn of time, like me

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Jogged my memory

I was just reading a post and down at the bottom was the Doppler ads. I saw one for Tanya Allen's Whispers in the Mind. I am in no way pushing an ad, but couldn't help the posting. I remember reading this a couple of times and have to recommend it to anyone interested in sci-fi tg stories. It is very, very good, if you are interested.

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Looking for a story

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It's my time again. I am trying to find a story called Being Beautiful or The Importance of Being Beautiful. Author unknown. I know I had copies of it but it's gone now. I think it was on FM, but I can't locate it. If any of you other old people out there have a copy, let me know. It was in two parts, the second part was not as good as the first. The storyline was simple. A guy bets his sister in law she can't make him woman enough to enter a beauty contest for impersonaters, and she wins of course, so she gets to make him beautiful and makes him request it.

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I guess its time

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Remember in Men in Black when the guys are talking about where a space ship could be hidden and J is trying to get their attention, he Yells Old Guys. Since today is another birthday, how do I change my log in to something similar to Old Guy

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who's messin around

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Fo the last couple of days, I have noticed the top half of the page is in a smaller than normal font, and the lower half is about 4 times that size and in bold, and some of the stories are popping up liike that, at least in my browser, which still unfortunately a windoze product. Is it on my end?

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Missed it again

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Huh. I was watching my account so I could mouth off about 8 years here, and I must have slept through it, as it has jumped to 8 years 1 week. Might know.Now I wish I had signed up as soon as it opened, instead of waiting forever to open an account. Wonder what it should have been, if I had been smarter.

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Does anyone have any info on what may have happened to Demonoid? For a couple of days, when I tried to get to the site, I got server busy screens, no matter the time I tried to access. Then I got 404 errors, then I got other ad websites, now all I get is the standard can't find it page. I wonder if the Feds or allies finally got to them.

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Morpheus's stories

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I am not sure how many people here follow the yahoo group TG Fiction, or even FM. But many stories appear first at the TG Fiction group before they are ever posted to a story site. There is another group I am writing about. Morpheus has his own yahoo group where he posts a lot of stories that never get posted to other sites. If you follow it, my apologies for taking your time. If you don't you may wish to look it over. He currently has one going titled The Changling Chronicles, it is an excellent read. You may wish to look it over. He also has a couple other going also that you may like.

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Has anyone else had an luck trying to get to story site? None of the bookmarks I had, and used to check it twice daily, are working since early yesterday. I don't know if the two different servers she was using are both out, or if she didn't pay the bill, or if she decided to just pull it since there was no evidence of activity in 3 years. She said she was working on it, but......

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Another brain fade...lost again

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I have done it again, and humbly seek your aid. I have a story saved off, entitled Beyond The Sky, I have parts 1-3. According to word, I assembled it into a word doc on 3-28-12, but it will be a bit older than that. I finally read it last night and went looking to see if any more had been posted. I can't find it anywhere. It is by D A Trask. I have searched BCTS, FM, Stardust, TGFiction.Net, Whateley, in case I forgot to label it thusly, Sapphire's, Crystals, TG Storytime, Morfs, Literotica, Nifty, personal blogs I look at, several personal story sites, even so far as The Overflowing Bra.

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Has anyone heard from Teddie S

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It just occurred to me that we have not seen anything since 2008, when Teddie posted her story Faith. I wondered if anyone knew if she was okay, quit writing, moved on, or ??????

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May be losing more sites

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A few weeks back I went to look over a site named Vicki Irene's. I'm sure many of you have checked it over. She had posted that she never asked for help paying for the site, but stated she was open to any donations someone wanted to give. The site name expired and she apparently never re-newed it. It has been gone for many weeks now. We lost the old geocities sites....many are on reo-cities I guess. Haven't checked yet. Today I went to open Sapphire's site, and the name has expired there also.

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Tigger and Acting Dominant

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I thought I might take a chance and hope that Tigger reads this, here. I just re-read one of his stories titled Acting Dominant. It was first posted to the tg fiction list and later at FM, for those that might have missed it. I just wanted to let him know it is an awesome piece of work, and encourage anyone that missed it, to check it out.

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the whole site

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Big closet was down for me for over an hour and now that it is back up, it looks like it was hacked extremly well by a bunch of idiots. My sincere thanks go to them for causing Erin and her people all this work and heartache.

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Bike Numbers

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Well, I just ran some numbers. The Gospel of The Bike, according to word, (if you trust it), totals out to....5,850 pages............2,059,091 words, anf the folder that holds the assembled books weighs in at......22.3 meg. Sounds awesome to me.

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Midnight Downloads

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Back in 3/2010 I posted, and offered, the wonderful story Midnight Downloads by Wendy J. You can find that in my blog history. Since it has been a week over a year, I thought I would again offer it to anyone interested in reading this one. It can still be found in a few places. The copies I have are her edited files in chapter 1-30. And she had also released a few more chapters. I have through 50. The later chapters are incomplete, and a couple are just working ideas. Email if you are interested. I have sent this to probably 100 people over the years.

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