stacy's blog

New! Oh goody.

Well, I opened the page and got the usual look, then noticed my persistent login had failed again, so I hit the button and logged in, but when I got back to the home page. things have changed. Blogs has moved, some of the ads have moved, and two stories if not more are missing. Hope you can find them or the author notices and they get reposted.

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Well, as I sit here contemplating the Firefly fanfic, I am reminded its time to start cooking. My daughter and her family is coming into town for the next 4 days, and my niece that I raised got a car finally (the head gasket let go on her other one), so she and her family will be her every night about for a while, and my other niece I raised will be around with her family all weekend, so there will be about 20-25 people here depending on if Scotty and crew shows up, and any of my brothers show up with their families. Tomorrow is the monthly birthday get together for the May birthdays.

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Lost authors

A short bit back, we were talking about misplaced or lost authors here on the site. I totally forgot a great story then. Has anyone seen or heard from Jennifer Matisse recently. I used to see her in some of the chats at Gabyzone, but Have lost touch.

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I have to stick my 2 cents in here. Any way it turns out, the "poachers" were breaking a law of some kind, whether it was "jack-lighting deer", hunting out of season, hunting where they shouldn't, shooting without making sure of their target, or playing a Bush or Cheney, etc, etc. The fact remains, they were breaking a law. Maybe several.

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