Well, I opened the page and got the usual look, then noticed my persistent login had failed again, so I hit the button and logged in, but when I got back to the home page. things have changed. Blogs has moved, some of the ads have moved, and two stories if not more are missing. Hope you can find them or the author notices and they get reposted.
Um Stacy
its like we had some authors leave, blogs got out of hand and this is cooling off time for those involved. Take a peek down here on the bottom of the page for your answer
BigCloset TopShelf
I see nothing to answer my question, or maybe its in a topic or blog I don't care to open. I presume someone shot off their mouth again when it should have been left out? Politics and nonsense have nothing to do with this site or any story site and should not be made. Take it to some forum where they can claw and scratch and bite and not bother those of us that are here to enjoy the stories. Opinions are something everyone has like some other part of the anatomy and often have as much use. I learned when I was a small child.....how long ago was that? .....if you can't say something nice, don't say anything, and also it is better to be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt. This is the third or fourth time this nonsense has happened and I for one, am getting tired of it.
Actually Stacy . . .
The blogs were healthy discussions on commenting (again). No politics were really involved and I think that people aired what can be a touchy problem without clawing, spitting, name-calling, scratching, knifing, kicks to the soft-bits or whatever.
Two authors have upped and gone, though to us on the outside, it seems that the reasoning is a bit vague. Perhaps someone can clue you in better than I on that score, but unfortunately, they have decided to remove their stories too, so that would explain the missing bits.
I feel that you may have jumped a little hastily where the subject matter of the blogs is concerned as nothing really got out of hand--least not as far as I can see and I definitely WAS involved. As far as I can tell, everything ended quite amicably--no comments were erased and no-one was required to step in to call a halt--I think that's pretty darned good, don't you?
As I understand things, Erin was quite pleased that this discussion didn't end in a flame war--which I believe may have been what you were alluding to, but I can assure you no such thing occurred.
Hope this helps.
I seldom read the forums, and am choosy about the comments I read, based on the topic title. I seldom, very seldom, get into long drawn out discussions anywhere. If I like a story I say so. Once in a very great while, if I don't like one, I tell the author direct. I just don't read things that don't grab my attention, so I guess I amy miss stuff. I never noticed anything about this from the titles. I guess its good that no blood was spilled for a change. I did notice "stuff" while trying to find the source of the situation (I never did see it)