With all of the members and readers we have here, I thought I might inquire about something. A while back, my job revoked our permission to use a laptop or dvd player while working. We still have permission to read during down periods and on break. Being hard headed, and very cheap, I decided to do it the hard way. I located and purchased a like new IPAQ 1910, from back in 2002. I figured for 40.00 it would make things easier for me, and my buddy could buy a tank of gas. He gave me a 64 Mb card with it.
In case.... for those that missed it.... good news... a quote from her post
First I want to give a HUGE thanks to Nora! The first I got any info
was when she called me on the phone!
The domain reg had expired, and since the last time I had to renew
it, I got the " 10 year" package, and I lost track of time ( and got
NO NOTICE from Network Solutions! )
Looking over the info the registrant info they have, it seems they
sent the renewal notice to Mindy! ( for those with LONG memories,
they might remember that FM/Mindy hosted the site long ago - well
I was just over at TG Comics and they have posted a new story I thought it was excellent. http://tgcomics.com/cover.php If you don't have a member ship, they are easy to get. The mature stuff is restricted as well as the Premium stuff, but there is no charge unless you elect to download a premium item, if you have never been there.
It is titled The Right Man by Commotion 22, and is one of the neater stories I have seen recently.
I seem to have lost another story, I was hoping more follow ups would arrive for. I can't recall the name or the author, of course, that would be too easy. I know it was very long, as I sat here and assembled it into a word doc, and the read and edited minor stuff as I went. Seemed to be a couple hundred pages. It atarts with a guy and his sister at college. He has to get a part time job. He is not an early riser, and stumbles from bed, 2/3 asleep, and dons his sisters clothes, since he has just moved in, and digs them from a box, by accident.
Woo!, After hitting FM, I went over to Crystals and checked history there. The first one I saw was Brandy's classic Whose Body Is it Anyway (Xora 1 for the uninitiated). Its now 11 years since it was posted there all the way back in 1999.
I just happened to hit FM history to see what was posted today in the past and the first one up about floored me. Today is the 10th anniversary of Babs Yeruncle posting her sci-fi space opera Planetary Agents 1. It is hard to believe this oldie but so goodie is 10 now. Now if we could just convince her to finish Agents 3.
I have been a tad busy the last couple of weeks and hadn't checks sites like I normally do. Imagine my surprise when I hit one of my old favorites and found not one, but three new stories by Brandy D. Yes! check them here if interested. http://www.tigger-n-brandy.net/brandy-index.html
So, I just went to check Lillith Langtree over at TG Library blog and its not there. Did she wipe it for some reason, or did the nasty computer glitch eat it? Enquiring people want to know?
Another person recently inquired about a Space Opera story they were looking for. This brought to my mind Marina's story The Last Frontier over on Sapphire's. She seems to have left a large portion of her later works unfinished, and I just wondered if anyone ever hears from her, or knows of her, or maybe if something happened to her. She authored quite a few really good stories then just faded.
Well, I went to work at Midnight Friday for the Sat shift, and the boss informed me the company had hired two new peple to work with us. We had been working 12 hour shifts on the weekends for coverage without driving people into overtime stats, and we were getting along just fine. Then the company decided (the lady in charge of the area office) that she didn't like the 12 hour shifts, and she hired a thrid body and cut us to 8 hours. That meant myself and the other guy were only getting 16 hours a week....not enough for either of us.
Maddy Bell posted her update as usual with a new chapter from Book 7 on Wednesday, along with the following statement.... "On the writing front I'm suffering not so much from writers block but rather from lethargy! I have started more Jamie but I really need to get to grips with some Nena and Gaby but I must admit that there seems little interest out there in reader land for me to continue with either, maybe they have run their course?
Hey fellow Browncoats, I was flipping channels, bored, and found Serenity on SyFy. Wash just bought it. Now I can't wait for Randa to get out the next chapter of her fanfic. Hurry, please.
There is still a bit of time to save off your fav sites on geocities if you hurry and are lucky. I just checked some I had bookmarked. 8 out of 10 are gone, including some of the best, but many are still visible. I guess yahoo is zapping them one at a time instead of just pulling a plug. Good luck.
Has anyone ever heard of this story? It was about a kid that crashed his bike in the woods and found an old Celtic ring that was slowly turning him into a girl. It has vanished from my collection.
My apologies in advance for posting this here, but it was too good to pass up. I usually only send to a select few but.....
It's all how you look at it!
For all of us who feel only the deepest love and affection for the way computers have enhanced our lives, read on.
At a recent computer expo (COMDEX), Bill Gates reportedly compared the computer industry with the auto industry and stated,
'If GM had kept up with technology like the computer industry has, we would all be driving $25 cars that got 1,000 miles to the gallon.'
I was doing my weekly check of the jewlbox and found one listed 4 years ago. It is called Illiana by Kay Lavander. The prologue is not even listed on her author's page. She posted 2 segments of what is supposed to be an epic length novel, and then nothing. Has anyone seen her or it around anywhere else. Does anyone know if she ever posted anymore. I haven't gotten into the story yet, but it looks as if it might be interesting with all the other magic stories that have been done recently.
Saw a post over on the tg fiction list that yahoo has announced they will be closing the geocities in the near future. I can believe it the way they seem to butcher everything thing they touch. If you know of any geocities sites with stories you like you may want to go save them off before they are lost. I hope the authors like Brandy DeWinter can find a place to house her great stories and wonderful art. I know there are a lot of story sites on geocities as well as personal sites for the girls. Good luck to all.
Many of the long time readers will know of Wendy J and her epic story Midnight Downloads, but if you have started reading since the first President Bush took office, you may have never heard of her or seen the story. Wendy was upset over the election and withdrew her works from the sites she had posted them.
I was just perusing the forums at gabyzone.com and found an interesting post from Maddy herself. For those not up to snuff on Maddy, she has authored quite a few stories besides the Gaby and Hostess (Nina) series. If you check her library page at maddybell.com you can find a wide variety of stories besides the kid biker and the bus hostess. All are good, with a wide variety of tg/ts/tv/corsetry/tattoos/dom,sub/other themes. The post at the Gabyzone can be read by non-members (members to post etc)so just click and go look.
I was just scanning around and noted that two days ago, Britan's Nicole Cooke won this awesome award. Another victory for cycling....Posted just for you Ang.
I just realized that my .doc version of Carversion by Pru Walker only had chapters 1-50 in it. I went to the home page to finish saving the rest of it, but apparently the domain expired and is up for sale again. It is not posted at Storysite. Does anyone know where it might be available now?
I just looked over the contest entries to make sure I didn't miss one and the more I looked, the more I realized, this is gonna be tuff to pick the winners. Way too many good story lines with way too many of the plot lines I enjoy reading. And so many twists.
I finally got a minute and got onto the site and noticed that Angharad had posted a new chapter of Charlotte. (BTW, Thanks for that. I know it has been anxiously awaited by many.) Seeing it caused a scary thought to pop into my often evil little mind. I posted a couple of weeks back and made a comment about her other story line which is ongoing.
In case you hadn't noticed, Piper has resurrected the Gaby Zone to what we had just before it blew up. She has been kind of lost since Kim passed, but she promises the new improved updated Zone is not far off.
Checks can be made out & sent to:
Joyce Melton
1001 Third St.
Space 80
Calimesa, CA 92320
Note: $6000 is the operating, maintenance and upgrade budget. Amounts received in excess of the $6000 will be applied to long term debt accrued over the last 19 years.