Yahoo Geocities

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Saw a post over on the tg fiction list that yahoo has announced they will be closing the geocities in the near future. I can believe it the way they seem to butcher everything thing they touch. If you know of any geocities sites with stories you like you may want to go save them off before they are lost. I hope the authors like Brandy DeWinter can find a place to house her great stories and wonderful art. I know there are a lot of story sites on geocities as well as personal sites for the girls. Good luck to all.


geocities sites in my bookmarks just a few

free webhosting

ok I can't write or spell to save my life, but what I can do is offer, free unlimited hosting at as a subdomian or folder, or if you want to pay £6(single payment) I'll get you a domain and unlimited bandwidth and space, no ads.

email r_raven_croft @ or go to I know it looks basic, it just a way for poeple to be able to pay me.

If you just want a sub-domain then send an email.

"Information equals ammunition" - Maj Adam Steiner (Battletech Cartoon)