Gads, I'm getting old(er)

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Woo!, After hitting FM, I went over to Crystals and checked history there. The first one I saw was Brandy's classic Whose Body Is it Anyway (Xora 1 for the uninitiated). Its now 11 years since it was posted there all the way back in 1999.


Storysite 2001

It would be 4 years until I came out. Life is entirely different now.


Who's getting old? Watchit!!!

I started posting on FM in 2001 and I don't feel old. I'll shortly be posting chapters 20 to 24 of Sissy farm there soon after a hiatus of nearly a year! (Don' ask why. I discovered this new site called big closet or summat!)

Anyway less of 'OLD' darling... I'm only sixty four!!!

Anyway speak to you soon.

