I happened to check in her site at http://www.geocities.com/brandy_art/index.html and found what appears to be another great tale from her called Sisters. She mentions she has plans, but no time for more artwork to go with it, but the title pic is great.
Thank you for pointing that site of Brandy's out, as I am fairly sure that I am only familiar with one of those stories.
I have always wished I could duplicate her ability to create her pictures, as they have always been some of my favourite images accompany stories in this genre. In fact I once tried, with great incompetence, to follow her instructions for creating a similar image. I failed miserably, which is why the best I have been able to do is draw a few maps. They require little artistic talent, at least the type I make. Besides it gives me a chance to finally live up to the profession high-school testing recommended, being a cartographer.
I envy her her skill. and you. I can't draw a straight line if I use a t square, much less anything more complicated than my name. I lost the site for a while, then remembered she has a link to it on her old geo cities site. This way I get to read her stuff, since she declines to allow it to be published anywhere else. ( and if you have been around awhile, you remember why she started do so.) She and Tigger do some outstanding work. I just hate geocities cause of the bandwidth limits they impose. Her original geocities site is here... http://www.geocities.com/WestHollywood/9557/ I would like to see what she would come up with for Tiggers latest epic.
The Joys of Yahoo
It seems that everyone responding the new Brandy story has for now overloaded the available bandwidth. I'm a big fan of her writing and am looking forward to eventually reading her new offering. I really liked her Whateley tale which is a wonderful stand along story. Sigh...
Brandy D
Well, I thought I was being slick. I saved off the new story, and then came and posted about it. When I tried to go back, the site of course would nopt let me in cause of traffic. And the saved kept giving me errors. I don't know if thats geocities or Brandy doing that. So I couldn't even get back to it until the next day. I finally got it and saved it, and finally read it. It was definitely worth the effort, and the wait. And I told her so.... so go read it if you haven't yet. and the others there are well worth it also.