Hope's Light - Dramatis Personae

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Considering the complexity of this saga, readers earlier requested a listing of characters. So here's an update for Book 6! Thanks all!



If you have not read Books 1-5 (Into The Light, Light's Promise, Call of the Light, Light and Shadow, and The Light Between) then the list below will contain spoilers!!


The tale starts here: Into The Light. Hope you enjoy!


Hope's Light- Dramatis Personae



Jordan Emrys / Justin Thorne / Aradia / Amariel (’God has promised’) - Once a mild mannered middle-aged software geek (Justin) everything changed when his niece Danielle got kidnapped by a mysterious sorcerer. As a result of trying to save Danielle, Justin became Jordan Emrys and had hoped to learn to live with suddenly having become a teenage girl herself. But Jordan was more than just that, she was the reincarnation of the Nephelim daughter of Lucifer named Aradia, and with the arrival of her wings she learned her true and angelic name: Amariel. She has since literally been to Hell and back, and for complicated reasons has returned again.

Callas Soren / Camael - An ageless sorcerer who manipulated the start of the Apocalypse by kidnapping Danielle Thorne and by virtue of ritual and circumstance triggered Justin Thorne’s transformative ascension into the angel Amariel. He himself was once Camael (’He who sees God’), an angel who accompanied Gabriel in investigating the transgressions of the Grigori. Having regained his full angelic nature, he traveled to Hell to deliver an important message to Jordan/Amariel and is there still.

Nicholas ‘Nick’ Wright / Barakiel (’Lightning of God’) - Demonologist and consultant for the Department of Paranormal Affairs, Nick discovered he is the reincarnation of a Grigori angel, specifically the fallen angel Barakiel. He is also a former student of the sorcerer Callas Soren. Having been blackmailed by the sorcerer to join him, Nick / Barakiel has deliberately ended up in Hell.

Azrael (’Whom God Helps’) - The Angel of Death and Judgment. Raised the abandoned Aradia along with the help of the fae Saibh. Split into two aspects, one exists beyond the Fourth Seal apart from Earth - and the other as the incarnate Isaiah Cohen.

Gabriel (’Strength of God’) - An Archangel who is currently missing from Heaven while apparently busy behind the scenes manipulating events on Earth surrounding Jordan, Danielle, and pretty much everyone. She came into being from one of two drops of Helel/Lucifer's blood unleashed at the moment the Dream of Heaven was forged, and also removed an extra Seed from the Tree of Life when tasked to retrieve one, and later used it along with her own pattern in the restoration of Aradia's spirit.

Raphael (’God has Healed’) - An Archangel who assisted Jordan and became dismayed at witnessing the restoration of a fallen angel to his full empowered Name.

Azazel (’Scapegoat’) - Fallen angel and former Captain of the Grigori. He gained power through a deal with an Archon of the Primal Chaos and used it to corrupt and control his fellow angels. Bound by Camael for thousands of years under a mountain to contain the Chaos energy he possessed, Camael returned and cast him into Hell. During his attempts to take over the Sarim council of fallen angels and then to capture Beliel’s great mace in order to conquer Hell, he fell into the Chaos after Amariel wrested the weapon free. Deceased.

Tsáyidiel (’God’s Hunter’) - formerly a Fallen angel mind-controlled by Azazel, redeemed and restored by Amariel’s Light. A Kerubim, he takes the forms of panther or raven, or that of both together: a gryphon.

Kokabiel (’Star of God’) / Ester Berglund - A Grigori who had spent millennia consumed by Azazel’s Chaos. Restored to the Light by Amariel which also freed her incarnate self: the young girl Ester.

Sandalphon (title meaning ‘co-brother’) - An Archangel in charge of the Book of Life, said in lore to have been the prophet Elijah. Metaphysical brother (twin) of Metatron.

Metatron (’Voice of God’) / Enoch - An Archangel whose purpose is to bring Elohim’s commands to those unable to hear Him directly. Originally was the man Enoch, a prophet raised to Heaven to testify on the dark doings of the Grigori on the Earth.

Tamiel (’Perfection of God’) / August Rose - A Grigori who had strong ties to the fae. By chance their incarnate self August touched a fragment of the Book of Life and thereby became entwined with its essence which caused a dramatic transformation and a need to depart Earth.

Shemyaza - Co-Captain of the Grigori with Azazel. With Heaven’s denial of their petition to return Home after being on earth for countless millennia, Shemyaza began a campaign of the Grigori breeding with human women to form an army of empowered Nephelim with which to declare independence from Heaven. See Cassius, his human incarnate.

Michael (’Who is like God’) - Prince and Archangel, Heaven’s Defender, Commander of the Host.

Helel (’Shining one’) / Lucifer (’Lightbringer’) / The Morningstar - First of the angels, bearer of the Light, who abandoned Heaven and later his daughter Aradia.

Beliel (’God is my Lord’ / ‘Worthless’) - Second of the angels, former ruler of a domain (the ‘Rock’) in Hell but was carried to Earth by Lucifer. Resided there during the time when the Grigori fell from grace. Currently incarnated as a man named Adam who lives in Cambridge, England, and enjoys tending his garden.

Gadiel (’God is my Fortune’) - A Kerubim, taking the form of both bull and falcon.

Hizkiel - A Kerubim, taking the form of lioness and eagle. Gabriel’s standard bearer.

Ruhiel (’Wind of God’) - A Kerubim, taking the form of a condor.

Zakiel (’Choice of God’) - A fallen Grigori. Through continually attempting to fulfill his original purpose even while fallen and incarnate, the energies of souls released by horrible and rage-filled deaths accumulate around him. After being used by Bishop to harness those energies for most of a century, he was released from his latest lifetime by Azrael to have only one more lifetime on the Wheel with which to become worthy of the Light he turned away.

Sariel (’Command of God’) - A fallen Grigori. Sariel deployed a mana bomb to almost wipe out a chunk of the Middle East and the Mediterranean in the hopes of preserving the Third Seal. Also used a smaller one against Whateley Academy in a failed attempt to assassinate Danielle. Incarnated as Firuzeh Sardar, then took over another mortal body to escape the Wheel before being confronted by Isaiah/Azrael and Jordan/Amariel. Returned to the bondage of the Wheel with the restoration of the Fourth Seal.

Armaros (’Accursed One’) - A fallen Grigori.

Ananel (’Grace of God’) - A fallen Grigori.

Nathanael (’Gift of God’) - One of the Powers who served under Camael. In his last incarnation (Lieutenant-Colonel Henry ‘Hank’ Polk) he was retired U.S. military and blacksmith hobbyist before journeying to Hell to find Jordan / Amariel - whereupon, much to his surprise, she and the Light found him. After her departure, he left his mark by forging a star in the otherwise empty void behind and around Beliel’s Rock.

Samael - Chief Rebel who led an insurrection against the Throne, fell to Hell, ruled a realm, and then quit and disappeared.

Abagor - A fallen Maschitim, former general under Samael. Rules over the ‘Rock’, the realm Beliel (mostly) abandoned.

Asmodeus - Another former general of the Maschitim.

Beelzebub (’god of flies’) - A fallen archangel who joined the Rebels against the Throne. They (for Beelzebub are now many) have overtaken numerous souls and angels, impressing their own name upon them so thoroughly as to create a “Unity”.

Abaddon (in Greek, ‘Apollyon’) - A fallen archangel who joined the Rebels.

Raziel (’Secret of God’) - angel whose Book of Secrets was used by Callas Soren to restore himself as Camael, and was then tossed into Hell by Matityah, son of Azrael.

Kalka’il - angel of the Powers, assisted in the fight against the Azazel-possessed Kokabiel in the skies above the deserts outside Aleppo, Syria. Incarnated as Father Anthony Moreno, a very close friend to Rabbi Kirov. Dying of cancer, Anthony transfigured to Kalka’il during the lapse of the Fourth Seal and departed incarnation.

Mirael - a ‘Captain and Chief’ of the Maschitim, the Choir known as the Destroyers, once in service to Samael. Led those who refused to rebel against the Throne, and thus became bound in service to Azrael when he ascended to the Seat of Judgment. See Tracy Matheson.

Lilith - an archangel once claiming the Seat of Victory. Abandoned her Seat when refusing to take sides between Samael and Helel. She attempted to catch Helel as he fell to Hell, thereby joining him Below. There she bred with demons and devils to create the Lilim.

Raguel (‘Friend of God’) - the Angel of Justice, who stood against Samael on the bridge to Hell to prevent the Rebel’s escape when Azrael tried to slice the darker realms away from Creation before Elohim Sealed those realms, which are now collectively known as Hell.

Turiel (‘Rock of God’) - a fallen Grigori

Yomyael (‘Day of God’) - a fallen Grigori

Posri - a fallen angel in the service of Asmodeus

Jophiel (‘Beauty of God’) - an angel of Heaven, guardian of Eden

Ithuriel (‘Discovery of God’), Saphiel (‘Ruler of the Lord’s Day), Eleleth - Servitors of the House of Light


Fae / Gods / Mythics

Danielle Thorne / Saibh / Whateley Codename: Shioc (Gaelic for ‘Frost’) - Manifesting as a low-powered mutant at a young age, Danielle was raised by her mother after her father abandoned them. When her mother died in a car accident, Danielle went to live with her uncle Justin. Recovering from being kidnapped by a magical tornado, Danielle discovers that it’s not just her former uncle’s life which had been turned upside down. Danielle herself was the reincarnation of the fae priestess Saibh who had worked with Aradia to seal away the remaining mana of the world - before it could be depleted beyond recovery. Danielle sacrificed herself to prevent Queen Fionnabhair from breaking the Third Seal with all the queen’s rage and hatred which would have corrupted the stream of mana across the world. Deceased.

Queen Fionnabhair - a Fae Queen ruling over the dream realm Arcadia and other vassal realms. Younger sister of Saibh and seven brothers. All the brothers died. With Saibh’s taking of the vows of priestess of Gaia, Fionnabhair was doomed to be queen. After threatening the Third Seal with its destruction, its release by Danielle instead tossed her through the resulting maelstrom only to be ripped apart by the gods Heru and Set to prevent her from bursting the ancient mechanism crafted by their peoples to save the world from the flood of mana.

Sir Gwydion - Queen Fionnabhair’s Champion, one of the eldest of the fae. Wielder of a blade forged from Chaos, gifted him by Alal with which he fought in Heaven’s First War against the Host. After fighting to free his people from the trap of the Fourth Seal and losing his Chaos blade to the Spear of Destiny, he is brought to the dream realm forged by Amariel, Gealltas. There he takes up the sword of the new dream realm to stand as its Knight Champion.

Galen - a minor noble in the Queen’s Court.

Jesse Cameron / Zap / Heru (Horus) - Incarnate of the Kemetic god Heru, Jesse lived many years as a hawk before returning to human form to aid Jordan. As his god-self he journeyed with her to Arcadia and fought against Queen Fionnabhair. He and Set aided Erica Lain in activated the magics embedded in the pyramids preserved against the day the Third Seal would shatter.

Set - Kemetic God, known trickster and snarky manipulator.

Kami Kurohoshi / Drathonix - Incarnate of the ancient and revered black dragon Drathonix. Former Green Beret and current underworld information broker with his own dedicated team of operators. Father of Haruko Kurohoshi.

Alal - Archon of the Primal Chaos, emerged from a drop of Lucifer’s blood at the moment Creation’s dream was forged, instigator of conflict in Heaven, and occasional airline passenger. ‘Twin’ sister to Gabriel.

Bristlebeak - a small forest fae ever in a quest for gooseberries but who, after much careful consideration, decided that a lightberry was more than a sufficient substitution.

Whittler - a small yet smartly dressed albino squirrel who followed Jordan out of Arcadia.

Zeus - leader of the Greek pantheon, wielder of thunderbolts.

Artemis - daughter of Leto and Zeus, mother to Aradia.

Coatl - trusted vampiric servant to Bishop.

Matityah - Nephelim son of Azrael, brother of Edna. His last incarnate a doctor, via Alal’s efforts he gained the Book of Secrets and personally broke the Fourth Seal by dint of a murder to escape Earth. Currently empowered by Chaos, he is hunted by the Powers after throwing the Book through the Gate to Hell.

The Boatman - the spirit operating a boat that crosses the river Styx, which surrounds the city of Dis in Hell.

Leviathan - the Beast of the Abyss, sitting athwart the Unknown and Unknowable, threatening all Creation

Children of Leviathan - Chaos spawns of the Beast


Thorne Family

Khan - Jordan’s much snuggled Maine Coone kitty. He once joined Jordan in the dream-realms where he occasionally became a larger-than-life tiger in order to defend her. Adores Jordan and demands his food bowl always receive proper attention.

Isaiah Cohen - Best friend and brother in all but name to Justin Thorne (who became Jordan Emrys), and also a high-powered attorney. Was Danielle’s legal guardian. Also happens to be the incarnate of Azrael, a rather unsettling revelation.

Caroline Thorne - Justin’s beloved wife who despite a valiant struggle still succumbed to the ravages of cancer leaving her grieving husband behind. Deceased and deeply mourned.

Helena Thorne - Danielle’s mother and Justin’s sister, deceased.

Mark Boone - Caroline Thorne’s brother and Agent of the Department of Paranormal Affairs (DPA).


Whateley Students

Jenna Beltran / Rockslide - Jordan’s best friend at school with the ability to turn her skin to stone. This has the unfortunate side-effect of causing all her hair to fall out each time she uses her power. She still mourns her younger brother Thomas who died due to self-inflicted immolation after he had a literal mutant burn-out which had left him horribly burnt and scarred over his entire body. Being best friend to Jordan Emrys has both restored and challenged her faith.

Brendan Rogers / Tank - A rather tall mutant who went to Whateley hoping to someday be a superhero and use his invulnerability powers to fight against evil.

Tamara McPherson / Sigil - A budding witch who has become good friends with Danielle. Tamara once was saved from possession by a demon due to Jordan and Zap’s efforts. Her mother Marilyn is a High Priestess of some reknown.

Haruko Kurohoshi - Daughter of Kami Kurohoshi, Haruko is Danielle’s roommate. She is always armed with her trusty jade dagger and more skilled with its use than she likes to let on. Her spirit hosted a dragon egg, which finally cracked open when the Fourth Seal dropped- and Haruko merged with its spirit to become a newborn dragon incarnate.

Cassius Biron - A student of magic sharing a class with Jordan and Jenna taught by Rabbi Kirov. During the collapse of the Fourth Seal, to prevent his inner spirit, the malevolent Grigori Shemyaza, from rampaging across Whateley and then the world, he ordered the use of a prepared defense to cast the fallen angel to Hell. Which of course also therefore condemned himself to those dark realms as well.

Erica Lain / Fields - Having stolen a demonic pendant from her father’s safe and used it to influence her roommate Tamara into granting access to Tamara’s scrying sphere in order to hack various secure networks, Erica fled Whateley only to be taken by Queen Fionnabhair as a way to escape Azazel-possessed MCO agents. Thanks to Jordan’s risky negotiations with the Queen while in Arcadia rescuing Danielle, Erica was also set free of her oath of service to the Queen and saved. She now controls the working built into the pyramids which control the flow of mana across the world.

Magnus Eriksson / Barrier - Magnus was raised by a grandmother who passed on the lore of how the fae once ruled over an enslaved mankind and wished to do so again. He is able to project powerful magic barriers with the ability to block both physical and magical attacks. Due to a dream from Gabriel he chose to save Danielle from assassination, almost sacrificing his own magical abilities in the process.

Tian Li / Flint - A young martial artist with a minor ability to spark fires, swift evader of dragons.

Evie Whitscomb / Mindshriek - Young Evie has a talent for manifesting her emotions, either her despair or her hope. It is only recently and with Jordan’s help that she has realized she is capable of hope. It was through Evie’s open heart even after all the trauma of her childhood that Kokabiel too was willing to embrace hope and accept redemption in the light.

Penelope Rubak - A senior with a condition whereby she requires colder temperatures to be comfortable. Part-time hacker and admirer of Khan.

Ester Berglund - see Kokabiel.

August Rose - see Tamiel.



Gregory Kirov - Gadgeteer and Devisor who works for the DPA creating various metaphysical analytical tools including his beloved ‘Big Betty’.

Elliot Goodman - Director of West Coast operations for the DPA.

Natalie Usher - Psychotherapist working for the DPA on loan to Whateley Academy.

Martin Diego - Wizard in employment with the DPA (suspended then restored), father of Erica Lain.


Whateley Staff

Rabbi Immanuel Igorov Kirov - Rabbi and instructor at Whateley Academy, brother to Gregory and Anton.

Circe - Chairwoman of the Department of Magic and ancient sorceress of reknown.

Louis Geintz / Fubar - powerful psychic who accidentally transformed into a tentacled creature now stuck in an underground pool.

Mrs. Carson - Headmistress and former superhero.

Sensei Ito - Strict and disciplined instructor of martial arts.

Gunny Bardue - In charge of the combat simulators.

Mrs. Cantrel - housemother to Hawthorne Cottage.

Cecilia Rogers - Fashion Designer Extraordinaire and Ball Room Dance instructor.


Denizens of Hell

Captain Erglyk - A lady demon in charge of Outpost Epsilon on the Rock, possessor of a powerful crystalline bow and demon crafted armor. Deceased.

Barry - A human soul, former reaper at Outpost Epsilon, and paramour to the Lilim Twins - especially Ruyia. Also known as that ‘bear of a bearded Scotsman’.

Xargglxesh (Charles) - A demon, son of Duke Valgor and Duchess Ruchinox. Deceased.

Duke Valgor - Corpulent demonic duke ruling over many Outposts on the Dark side of Beliel’s Rock as well as a large region on the side with the Spark.

Duchess Ruchinox - Spidery demonic and extremely pregnant demoness, concubine of Duke Valgor.

Cookie - A human soul and expert chef.

Hank - See Nathanael.

Balus - One-eyed giant demon of few, yet emphatic, words.

Twitch / Thomas Beltran - Brother to Jenna Beltran, scarred in death by burns caused by his ability to vibrate / move at incredible speeds. Former reaper at Outpost Epsilon, speaks even less than Balus.

Leila - a former Reaper who recruited Twitch to Outpost Epsilon on his arrival. Sacrificed her soul to turn into an endless pure waterskin in order to save Twitch after they’d been attacked and overrun.

Vance - A Lilim trader on the Rock. Violinist and mustache aficionado. Occasionally found as a harpy the size of a house, as are his daughters.

Yaria - Daughter to Vance, seductress, dancer, and assassin. Twin to Ruyia.

Ruyia - Daughter to Vance, seductress, violinist, and also assassin. Twin to Yaria.

Tuthos - Demon and former commander of The Hole on the Dark side of the Rock.

Commander Dhalgrix - Leader of a mercenary team of demons hired by Azazal’s proxy. Deceased.

Horatio Greenwood - A human soul and former personal valet to Dhalgrix. Admirer of Veronica.

Veronica - A human soul and former (forced) concubine to Dhalgrix.

Maddalena - A human soul freed from Dhalgrix’s demonic grip, witch, healer, and worshiper of Diana/Artemis - and Aradia.

Major Praztus - A devil and long-nosed officer in Duke Valgor’s army. Served alongside Jordan for a number of cycles.

Rithgargaxith - Five-eyed demon cursed by Jordan to no longer take sustenance from the suffering of souls.

Krux - A short bat-winged devil and Officer of the Security Forces in the City of Dis. Shrewd, manipulative, and despises being stuck in traffic.

Pierre Rene Blanc - a lost soul in Hell who seeks the Light of the Savior of the Rock

Carlos, Edgar, Nadia - souls of Hell who once served the Lilim

Santiago - a soul who recently arrived to Dis, and Hell in general

Jones - another soul recently arrived to Dis and Hell

The Pilgrim - a figure of one of Hell’s ancient myths who leads souls to rumored safety, a place called Sanctuary

The Apostle - a recent figure in Dis who preaches of the Savior of the Rock, that she will return and save them all

Greepa - a bartender in Dis, as well as underworld fence - a likely prerequisite to be a bartender in Hell if one thinks about it.

Halphas, Urigtha - demons in service of the Citadel’s military

Kelly - a soul who took one lookout job too many

Blorph - a demon prison guard in Dis

Sergeant Yurglith - another demon prison guard in Dis

Catherine - former girlfriend of Nick Wright, fallen to Hell due to unfortunate reading habits

Duke Pruflas - a demon in Hell

Frank Jeremiah Robinson, Kalgisha, Treyvor Galpin - recent additions to the crew at Outpost Epsilon



Major Barrett - An Army Major.

Corporal Alvarez - An Army Corporal.


Underworld Operatives

Fred Anderson / Doc - Former soldier now working for Kami Kurohoshi. His blood has a unique healing factor and can be shared with others.

Derek McCann - Hacker and devisor in the employ of Kami Kurohoshi.

Miguel ‘Miggy’ Ramirez - Former soldier also working for Kami Kurohoshi. Capable of reaching into the elemental realm of fire and unleashing that fire on his foes, with byproduct that his own fingers similarly get burnt to a crisp.

Hassan ibn Tariq al-Shadid / The Summoner - An assassin now in forced service to Kami Kurohoshi.

Tanya - A former mercenary now working for Kami Kurohoshi. Can summon electric blue blades and wield them using telekinesis.

Bishop - San Fransisco nightclub owner and Nephelim vampire. Originally named Hahyah he is a son of Shemyaza and brother to Ohya. His metal-skinned brother is trapped in Limbo.

Ms. Firuzeh Sardar - Kidnapper of Nick Wright and worker of the magic which triggered his memory of being Barakiel. She was the fallen Grigori Sariel’s incarnate, before being cast aside for a different human body.

Captain Chizoba Isong - former military recruited by Kami Kurohoshi for his operatives team. Able to generate powerful force fields.



Jim - hired bodyguard.

Ari - hired car driver, Israeli agent

Faaiza Irfan - Director of Finance at Shir Industries International, Nephelim daughter of Sariel. Offended by Sariel’s possession of her birth father’s body (amongst other transgressions), Faaiza rejected Sariel by plunging the Spear of Destiny through his chest - timed to align with Matityah’s attempt to destroy the Fourth Seal.


Mrs. Feingold - A no-nonsense attorney and major partner in Isaiah Cohen’s law firm.

Tracy Matheson - Isaiah Cohen’s legal assistant and secretary. Killed in an assassination attempt against Isaiah. Also the angel Mirael as incarnate on Earth, restored to life and incarnation during the restoration of the Fourth Seal by Isaiah/Azrael and Jordan/Amariel.




And we're off!

Erisian's picture

Chapter 1 is posted!

New chapters go up Mondays and Fridays, likely in the evening after work.

Hope folks enjoy! Massive thanks to Kimmie for above-and-beyond proofreadings!! <3

Thanks for the updated list of everybody!

You’ve confirmed one thing that I suspected: Azazel is dead. In Book 4 Chapter 40 Abagor said, “Chaos has claimed his spirit.” But I wasn’t certain that he was truly “deceased”. Chaos is really "different"!