Hope's Light - Chapter 15: Continuance


Hope's Light

Chapter 15

by Erisian

Book 6


If you have yet to read the saga - the tale starts here:

Into The Light

Hope you enjoy!


Part Four


Chapter Fifteen - Continuance


Time, fluid in its speed across all realms, inexorably moves forward with each advancing page.

Upon the fundament do towers rise, gleaming with marbled perfection in the undying shine radiating eternally from above. Multitudes of angels, working hand-in-hand and wing-to-wing in the fulfillment of the plans laid out by their cherished Architect, constructing the channels which culminate at the focal point, at the tallest tower of all:

The Throne.

There, at the brightest center, the holy Words of the angels are wrought together, continuously bound and blended, their songs and voices merging into a splendor beyond all splendor.

And there, as the final brilliant strands coalesce into the final phase of structure for which all have striven, behind twin majestic doors a moment of disharmony as two voices, equal in burning passion, clash in argument.

“I tell you, brother: this working is flawed! You must reconsider!”

“How, Samael? How can this sublime evolution be mistaken? Creation grows in leaps and bounds, new Words form in glorious determination to join our brotherhood! Our numbers stretch towards the infinite, our understandings and potentials rise unending with each passing moment!”

“And yet I tell you, here and now, it scratches at my core! I feel it, Helel. I feel the pinging of danger, as strong here at the center of this edifice as out on the Edge of All Things.”

“There is no danger. We follow the Plan, its unfolding more perfect with every beat of our collective wings.”

“A Plan only you view in full! Even Uriel in all his architectural wisdom has confided that he cannot predict the eventual capabilities of the engine you and he have forged. Do you claim to see all, brother?”

“I see enough. I see what must be.”

“Blinded are you by Gabriel’s soft illuminations, submerged within tender compassion and the comfort offered by her wondrous dreams - while ignoring that she was not created alone!”

“We all have endured sacrifice. How many have we lost to achieve the eminence of this stability? Our price has been paid, brother, in the blood of our brethren and of our hearts. Has that not been enough? Must you seek yet more to spill?”

“I seek the fulfillment of my Purpose. Are you so certain that binding ourselves in this fashion yields not a dilution? For I am not.”

“When you witness what our harmonies shall accomplish, you too shall be assured.”

“Tell that then to these untarnished guards who surround your towers, they who look with prejudice and disdain upon we who stand proud against the darkness beyond. We who bear the holy marks of savage service upon our patterns - the service and sacrifice granting these glittering upstarts the very space and time within which to exist! Go and order these growing numbers of untried soldiers to reflect on the true meaning of harmony and what it requires to achieve! For me and mine shall be elsewhere.”

“Where will you go?”

“Leviathan may slumber, the Chaos does not. From its infinite potentials new archons ever stir, and their pain-filled rages and ego-induced insanities threaten continuous past the boundaries. We therefore shall depart, back to our realms along the Edge. As ever have we been the true guardians of all that is, unyielding and eternal in our sacred duty - and through our struggle is allowed your safety and experimentation at the center. When you achieve that of true worth with which to prove your points, send word and I shall surely come.”

In challenge one angel departs, and the other remains.

Though not without a pause of silence in the midst of crescendos from the voices singing the surrounding symphony.

Even the Book goes still, as if itself in deepest contemplation, before finally flickering on.



“That’s absurd.”

I couldn’t help but stare at the crown of gold. Physically its form was simple.

In reality it was anything but.

“Is it?” Asmodeus ran a finger along its gleaming circle, the metal shining from the stored power within. “Tell of this: when you set out to find me, what had you intended to offer in return for the Regent’s lost feathers?”

“I hadn’t entirely decided.”

“Humor me with possibilities.”

“Honestly? Either to threaten to tear your realm apart…or save it by replenishing the Light needed to maintain its existence.”

He chuckled, a note building slowly until booming laughter caused his chest to wheeze which forced the sound’s clipped end. “And yet,” he said past the gasp, “you still perceive the taking of this crown as absurd? Priceless, absolutely priceless.”

“Hell is fragmented, isn’t it? Are you saying that the other Sarim would accept me as their queen?”

“Not all. But enough.”

“Enough?” I shook my head. “The city of Dis itself is already a mess! Wouldn’t me trying to claim the throne of Hell throw each realm into war?”

“Existential threats make for interesting allies, would you not agree? As in the past, and always. We fools scrambling upon the echoes of what we once were cannot stand against Leviathan, not as we have become. Your Nathanael, he shines brighter than all who have crossed unto Hell but Lucifer - yet his strength flows through your Word. Yours. And even he cannot stand against Leviathan.”

“Not alone.”

“Exactly. The First himself required our aid - and our sacrifice.”

“What of those who wouldn’t join?”

“We either unite or be subsumed unto the Abyss. We do what we must - be it with or against one another. And we are fully aware that Elohim will not open His barred gate to send reinforcements.”

“Do we?” Turning away, I chewed a lip while Camael’s brilliant feathers painted glowing crimson across my cheeks. “Michael would also do whatever is necessary.”

“And should he cross in force, this would leave Heaven undefended. Azrael’s great tear is a glaring flaw within Creation - and through it entities of Chaos also attempt access. Michael can no more leap that gap as abandon his post entire. We stand or die here, the only assistance from Above…is you.”

“What makes you think I want to save all of you in the first place?! You rebelled against Heaven - I’ve dreamed of that slaughter, Asmodeus! And the horror of it remains beyond comprehension!”

“Because you are here. Returned to Hell.”


“You are of Gabriel as much as Lucifer. And I have felt the grace of her heart. There are certain to be those here in Hell for whom you hold great affection and would keep safe.”

“Are you threatening my friends?!” I spun around, wings flaring as power flowed to fists.

He raised a placating hand, the crown now resting upon his lap. “Peace, dear lady. I myself have no need for such uncouth dramatics. In my view, the threats of Leviathan and her children are alone sufficient. From that a coalition may be forged.” White teeth sparkled behind a sly and calculating grin. “Or have I misunderstood what Prince Camael witnessed within the Light of Lights? What says your center, your Purpose! Already have we witnessed your penchant for self-sacrifice, efforts worthy of plinths of their own within this garden!” The single eye flared with intense scrutiny. “For what do you fight, oh Amariel? Why think you that you are here?!”

I fell silent, and the being before me who had spawned so much pain and suffering as to break the heart of hardened stone remained in mirthful and dreadfully focused observation.

Camael once told me that Creation’s needs and mine were one. Was this part of her need?

I was Conquest, the first Rider of the Apocalypse, breaker of the first Seal - and destined to wear a crown. I had one already, worn for my fae realm of dreams, but was that the crown which was foretold?

Or was it this one?

Did Creation itself need me take it up?

Did Twitch and all the others?


“I don’t want it,” I said, taking a half step back.

“Of course not. Nor did your father when first he arrived.”

“Then why did he take it?”

“He claimed Hell served a purpose.”

“To defend against the Chaos?”

“That, and more.”

“More? What more?”

He laid a palm over the crown. “I dare not surmise.”

“Without knowing, maybe I’m not ready for this.”

A choking laugh racked a damaged body. “Perhaps! Perhaps. But oh-so-many clocks are ticking.”

“I still desire Camael’s wing returned, Asmodeus. And any information on where he may be found.”

“The price of acquisition remains as stated. As for his location - why, I have not the faintest idea. I left him to do what he does best: slaughter until the blood and gore renewed him with their stench. And if your vision is so incomplete that you cannot sift the tapestry for one such as him, then despite these wounds of mine a challenged duel between us would not tilt in your favor.”

“You’d fight me? But don’t you wish me to rule?”

“We never shall serve the weak.” His head shifted and silver hair again fell to cover the ruined side of his face. “You should go. And when those inner doubts are conquered to take up what must be, then return. I will be here still, waiting to witness the glorious pearls of your revelations before allowing myself to finally end.”

With a touch the crown disappeared, and the broken angel began to wheel himself further into this tortured garden of celebrated sacrifice and horrendous struggle.

No matter how much death and destruction each had in turn caused to be.




Emerging back into the salt-filled fog enshrouding high and shadowed basalt, thoughts continued to run amok. Nick reclined against a stone while Tsáyidiel rested in panther form nearby, and both looked to the other upon seeing my expression.

“It not go well?” asked Nick, slowly pushing himself onto his feet.

“Not sure yet.”

“The realm is still intact so you two didn’t come to blows at least.” He grinned, brushing black sand from his heavily-stained coat.

“No. But what he said might be worse than even that.”

The smirk faded. “You didn’t get the wing?”

“I didn’t like the markup on the window tag. Was ridiculously steep.”

“Usually is. So what now?”

Tsáyidiel approached, rubbing whiskers and muzzle against a thigh, and I reached down to scritch between his ears. “Now? The cats are out of the bags, therefore I think it’s past time to make a phone call. So shut up for a minute.”

Nick swallowed whatever additional snark he was about to say, and merely nodded.

Closing two eyes in favor of inner ones as wings flared brighter still, I first reached within…and then without, tracing the connections the true Name at my center had forged in radical brilliance. Finding the one I wanted, I sent out a pulse of power.

“Nathanael! Hear me!”

The response was instant. “Amariel!” Gladness spiked along the linkage at the contact, but also a twinge of sadness for what the contact implied. “You’re back.”

“Yes, much has happened. Where are you?”

A strong touch of his former incarnation’s accent came across, even in the pure communication of the angelic language. “Traipsing through the Halls of Golab, searchin’ for a rat amidst this stink of debauchery.” An image of demons and souls writhing wetly over each other in a monumentally vast orgy pit flashed briefly - one complete with acrid sound, smell, and even taste.

Yeah, I so hadn’t needed that.

Ignoring the tactilely disgusting sensorium, I asked, “Chasing Leviathan’s child?”

“You’re more up to speed than expected. Camael find you?”

“No, Asmodeus filled me in. Camael is missing - and wounded.”

“That can’t be good. You need me?”

“You’re with Lilith, right? Can she fight that thing by herself?”

“She says no. This one is bad, it’s more cunning than usual. Been quite a challenge to find.”

“Wouldn’t the impingement of Chaos make its location obvious?”

“It’s from beyond Creation - size and location are practically meaningless. Wherever its contact attunes becomes a mess to sort out, like playing whack-a-mole with infinities. We’ve been tracking and playing cleanup - and we think it’s shifted and may now be searching out a target of its own.”

“Raziel’s Book fell to Hell. Could it be after that?”

“Well shoot. You know, that’s quite possible. That explains your return too, now don’t it?”

“I followed the book to Dis. Any idea where Camael would go if hurt?”

“Unless someone picked up Beliel’s toothpick again, how’s that even possible? Did Samael make a move?”

“It’s my fault, I’ve still got pieces of the Regent’s armor - and the exposed weakness was exploited.”

“By who?”

“An incredibly stupid yet clever Grigori with a grudge.”

“Heck. Did the Regent finally kill the idiot?”

“No. Instead he saved him. And now that idiot is helping me.”

“Barakiel is with you??”


“Well I’ll be. Not sure that’s wise, but what do I know. Just watch your back around that one - as Camael must not have done, astounding as that is. Maybe the clash with Azazel hurt him more than he ever let on.”

“You need me on this hunt? I saw what that thing’s sibling did to Asmodeus.”

“If we can find it, I think Lilith and I can handle the fight. If not, I’ll shout. But we should get it quick before the blight reaches its quarry.”

“That I can help with. Tsáyidiel is also with me.”

“The Hunter is here? Color me pleasantly surprised! Though you sure you don’t want him working with you in finding Camael?”

I paused. If Camael - the strongest of the Powers and the Rider of the Apocalypse known as War - hadn’t been wounded, then I’d have thought differently, as his help against this shard of Leviathan would have been incredibly useful. But gambling who knows how many souls in Hell that we could find him before the offspring of what the Bible had termed ‘the Beast’ accomplished whatever it was up to didn’t sit well.


Light flickered and focused within. “Your assessment, Nathanael of the Powers - where doth the strategic priority lie?”

“I don’t like leaving our Captain danglin’ in the wind, ma'am. But Chaos and the Abyss beyond are the greater threat.”

“Then shall I send Tsáyidiel to you, and pursue Camael myself with only aid from the tragic betrayer.”

“Get more reliable help than that. Contact the Lilim.”

“Do Lilith’s children still pass through Epsilon? The perch within their tower in Dis lies compromised and ruined.”

“Maybe. The outpost is as good a place to start as any. They had strong ties with that duke.”

“What of the others?”

“There were some disagreements on supporting the uprisings. But when last I saw ‘em, Twitch and Maddalena were off to investigate the resurgence of stories of Sanctuary, and if possible make use of their belief.”


“Your activities stirred many pots, ma’am. Sanctuary is some really old legend amongst the souls, but folks started talkin’ about it again: a safe place for enlightened souls and the Pilgrim who leads them there.”

“And the rest? Balus and the mercenaries?”

“Odd jobs and training. Look, I’ve been long out of touch, what with chasing Leviathan’s sneezes. And time itself is starting to get real wonky.”

“A convergence approaches. So proclaimed the angel Eth to Raphael.”

“Eth? Shee-it, that explains the stream bucking wildly at the Edge like a stallion near fillies in spring heat. It’ll snap around like a whip before reaching alignment.”

“All the more cause for urgency. Tsáyidiel shall fly forthwith to grant you assistance. Be well, Nathanael. And should you have need - I will come.”

“Appreciated, ma’am. We’ll be in touch. Stay safe, and mind your six.”

Opening eyes, I looked down to where fingers still curled within the fur atop Tsáyidiel’s head. I’d kept him in the loop on the conversational threads, so he was fully up to speed. Gorgeous yellow eyes of a cat swiveled upwards.

“I mislike leaving you, my Queen.”

“Yet such is necessary. Should this intrusive entity be found - do not engage unless you are confident in success. The Powers charge in where others dare not, as likely does Lilith. Call and I will burn with speed the spaces between to reach and aid you, my beloved Hunter - and woe unto any impediments interfering with the path to your side.”

After another nuzzle, the panther moved off a few paces and - with a shake of head and body - four glorious wings of darkest night emerged from his back as the panther’s face transformed to a mighty raven’s. Dropping the small pack holding the rest of the currency and cred stick, he emitted a loud caw and bounded into the air to speed off in pursuit of the link between himself and Nathanael as provided by the connections within my heart.

Once he’d disappeared into the mist, Nick spoke up. “Why do I sense plans have changed?”

“Only for him. We still go to find Camael.”

“Yeah, well, in case you’ve forgotten - he was my ride.”

I turned to stare at the former magician. “Then prepare to suck up your male pride. It’s time I started carrying my own weight, or in this specific case: yours.”

“Was afraid of that. Though as I’m obviously not welcome here, beggars can’t be choosers. Where to?” Nick bent down to retrieve the pack.

“Beliel’s Rock, Darkside.”

“Huh. Should have brought a thicker coat.”

Spreading wings, I stepped over to him, and with a quick scoop picked him up much as Camael had once carried Aradia against his armored chest.

Though mine wasn’t currently clad in leather. The bearded knave wisely didn’t comment on the cushioning of his position. Instead he asked, “Know the way? Please say yes.”

I thought back to Alal’s words regarding perception and location. “Don’t need to. After two years of living there, I know the place’s pattern rather intimately. I bet I can go direct.”

Before he could freak out, Light flared, and with perfect recall of a wide solid metal gate set against a hill of many caves under an empty sky of perpetual darkness, all perception shifted instantly.

And we were simply there.

The transition didn’t agree with Nick. Immediately he scrambled free to splatter the full remnants of his last meal across reddish-black stone and ice.

A ridiculously tall guard shack sat before the gate, though it’d been rebuilt from pieces of the last one. It also had an odd and impressively large addition hanging from the awning: a mighty bronze gong. A crudely armored demon with the head of a scale-covered elephant - complete with massive tusks atop a sumo wrestler’s rice-packed body - stepped out of the structure, and stiffened to stare at us in surprise. Preparing for the immense beast to shout, “Mark!” like the previous guard Biff used to do, I held out my palm so its identifying glow would join with the wings.

But instead of shouting, the demon’s eyes boggled like massive dinner plates, and with a wordless half-muffled cry the brute lifted a huge club and began beating on the gong, one deafening note after the other.

Completing the fourth note (and before we could beg him to stop destroying eardrums) he dove face-first to the frozen dirt, trunk and tusk emitting a fifth drumbeat with the mighty impact.

The impressive gate across the outpost’s front cavern shuddered and began to scrape its way open. From inside an answering gong sounded - even louder than this one. Behind the gate, demons and souls rushed into that cavern, each spreading out before they too fell to knees - some prostrate with head lowered, and others with hands uplifted as the illumination cast by shining wings filled the chamber to bathe enraptured faces.

And directly above the outpost, within that blanket of perpetual night under which I had often slept upon a creaking wagon, a single spark broke the darkness.

A new and solitary star shone brightly, just as Pierre’s soul had said.



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- Erisian


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