Hope's Light - Chapter 19: Prophecy


Hope's Light

Chapter 19

by Erisian

Book 6


If you have yet to read the saga - the tale starts here:

Into The Light

Hope you enjoy!


Chapter Nineteen - Prophecy


When Twitch and I finally stepped through the portal ourselves, I instantly knew where we’d gone:

The Spires.

A few sleeps by wagon away from Outpost Epsilon, forces deep underground had shoved tall formations of rock and crystal to tower over the lifeless plains of ice and shadows below. Here is where the Lilim traders under Vance had built their secret portal to their embassy in Dis, and here is where Colonel Dhalgrix had landed his mercenary company before slaughtering their way to the Outpost and to the Hole itself.

You know, before I caught up to him.

More specifically, we were within a surprisingly warm cavern deep within those Spires.

Having stopped just past the threshold to get a good look around, Twitch nearly bumped into my folded wings as he followed behind. The space was large, though not quite as vast as the town buried under Dis where Cassius (or Shemyaza) had set up shop. Still, the ceiling stretched far above - and this strange moss covering most of the stone glowed an odd reddish hue which cast its tint upon everything. Buildings made of stone directly raised from the floor lay scattered about in an irregular pattern, each only a single story and containing at most a few rooms - and probing perception showed them to have been the product of expert geomancy as opposed to labors of muscle and bone. This left them all rather round, as if stuck halfway between natural formations and planned architecture.

Into one of those earthen buildings - inner lit by sorcerous crystals and hearthfires flickering through several glass-paned windows - Vance and his daughters were quickly escorted, as a stringy-haired woman still ridiculously skinny under her peasant’s dress was busy waving them inside. As she looked past the Lilim and their escort to spot me, her eyes went wide and she froze mid-wave.

With a smile I nodded, wordlessly indicating for her to go care for those about to be in her charge. The priestess curtsied deeply and bustled within to help those she could heal - and thereby continue the sacred promise given her goddess to tend to any in need.

Of course, Maddalena hadn’t been the only one staring in shock.

Balus only added to it as his mighty baritone rang out to shake the entire cavern.


Under the massive central-eyed ogre-mask, the giant bellowing demon grinned wide with sharp yellow teeth.

So much for a quiet entrance.




I was immediately led to a decorated stone dwelling holding more rooms than most. Containing handwoven rugs covering hard floor alongside several felwood items of furniture that included a dining table of robust construction with matching sturdy chairs, it also displayed tapestries of pastoral views not available in Hell. Whoever lived here certainly had both taste and means. On through the dining room I was led, out past a pair of sliding doors which opened wide to a large patio which itself held another half-circle table flanked by even more chairs and standing tiki-torches, set before a wide cleared space where the ground was also cushioned by several rugs.

That last seemed odd until Balus stepped over the wall, and with a loud grunt sat cross-legged in the open area. Twitch motioned for me to take a seat at the center of the table whose crescent faced the settling giant. As the chair I’d been pointed to had a fully upholstered back, the wings again got tucked away outside of direct manifestation so I could lean back and, for a moment anyway, close eyes and breathe out slow.

Twitch took the next seat over, and under the table his hand found mine. I squeezed it and held on.

Another voice inside the house, recognizable by its hint of the King’s English, fended off all of those who had gathered in our wake, and a moment or two after the solid front doors had thunked closed, it directed itself at me.

“Commander, forgive but I am unsure how best to address you.”

That earned a smile and my eyes opened. “Horatio! That makes two of us.”

Even though I’d just sat down, I was on my feet again - and much to Horatio’s surprise I went over and pulled him into a fierce hug.

Startled both by the impropriety and my sudden arrival, he blurted, “Milady! Is this proper??”

With a light laugh I stepped back to get a good look him. The former valet wore pressed slacks and equally pressed white dress shirt whose only nod to individual fashion were the flared cuffs. Instead of being clean-shaven, he now sported a well-groomed short beard whiter than the thinning and wispy grey hair barely covering his head.

But the biggest change was how the man held himself: whereas before he’d had the aura of someone continually walking on eggshells in fear of offending his demonic masters, now the soul stood confidently, eyes flaring with the experienced air of calm authority. Even after many cycles of serving as my own logistics master through the war, he had never truly relaxed, always worrying about what would become of him should I fall in battle and his existence returned to being under the whimsy of those not-so-gently natured.

But he wasn’t the only one who had trod carefully to maintain a specific image. “And why not? Is this not your home?”

“Why yes it is, but as Commander-”

I hugged him again. “My days of needing to maintain strict discipline with a harsh fist over everyone here are over.”

He nodded, and this time returned the embrace with true affection. “We’ve missed you.”

“Time differences are a weird thing. It’s only been one cycle for me.”

“Odd indeed.” He separated gestured to the table. “Please sit, milady.”

“Just call me Jordan. I think I’ve had enough formality for a sleep and a day.”

He laughed, and with this new (to me anyway) ease about him he pulled out a chair and sank onto it. “As you wish.” His eyes reflected both merriment and the dancing flames from the torches.

As I was settling back in my chair (and fingers again found Twitch’s), from the doorway a woman coughed politely. “Would milady desire refreshment?” Carefully styled blonde hair fell before a shoulder upon a simple yet elegant dress of blues and greens, while a left hand bearing a simple circle of gold around a finger rested lightly against the door’s frame.

“Veronica!” I said warmly. “You are as lovely as always.”

“Milady is too kind.”

“If you have a lighter wine or even fresh water, I could hardly refuse.” I’d have told her to call me ‘Jordan’ too, but the way she avoided my eyes made me think informality would increase her discomfort with the situation. The greater part of my spirit had once peered into the depths of her soul and its entire history - I could hardly blame her for feeling awkward about it.

“As milady wishes.” With a perfect curtsy she withdrew into the house.

Noting the matching gold around Horatio’s finger, I chuckled. “My my, things have indeed changed! Married?”

He inclined his head. “Alas we had no means to extend you an invitation to the event.”

“No kidding. But you’ve clearly moved up. Are you in charge then?”

The giant filling the courtyard removed his helmet, placing it behind him. Now instead of the grinning ogre-face there was an equally grinning giant - though without quite the same-sized tusks. “In Commander absence, Nathanael leads.”

“Except he’s not here,” I noted.

“Balus,” Horatio said, “is in charge of the warriors and our defense. Whereas I’ve been elected mayor.”

“Elected?!” That was certainly surprising.

The Mayor rapped the table with a knuckle. “Every ten cycles a vote is held. This cavern is only one of several, and more souls arrive with each precess of the Shroud.”

“More?” I boggled as extended senses began to map out the full expanse of what they’d built here - and how much they’d risked in the foolhardy attempt to rescue the Lilim. “To what end?”

A crystal glass of burgundy was set before me. “To free those we can.” Veronica, holding a waitress’ tray, quickly placed additional glasses before Twitch and Horatio. She then stood there awkwardly, clutching the tray to her still-luscious curves.

“Please,” I said, understanding her dilemma. “Join us.”

Nodding, she sat next to Horatio. But she still avoided meeting my gaze.

Horatio, after thanking Veronica for his drink, took a sip and savored it. “When the angel’s touch - sorry, your touch - freed everyone, there was a period of great strife. Nathanael forbade our direct interference as the aftermath developed into open revolution, though some of us disagreed.”

Veronica’s shoulders tensed.

My former logistics officer continued. “Our crew is too small to stand against all the demons of the Rock. Nathanael and Camael also refused to challenge Abagor for control of this realm.”

“They say why?” I asked.

“The angel Camael said his wings already bore the stains of too much of his brothers’ blood. Without their support we never would have succeeded.”

The mention of his wings brought things back to focus. “Camael is missing, Horatio. And Nathanael is tied up chasing after spawns from the Chaos. How isolated are you here? I can’t see Nathanael not having emphasized maintaining solid intelligence - and as widely gathered as possible.”

Horatio and Twitch exchanged glances, and the former replied. “With the Lilim’s aid, we have portals to several places at our disposal here. Twitch and others regularly visit not just the Light Side of the Rock, but many other realms. Maddalena travels with them, giving aid and bringing back those in the direst of need.”

Twitch nodded from under the thick hood that hung low over his face, making him appear much like an ancient monk.

A monk. Oh geeze.

Putting down the crystal goblet, I pointed at Twitch. “You’re the Pilgrim!”

Lips surrounded by scars smiled as the silent man shrugged with embarrassment. Horatio however coughed. “We do not call him such, but many souls across the realms revisited that old legend and tied it to his visits.”

“Let me guess: Maddalena hasn’t exactly dissuaded folks from doing so either.”

“She feels as your priestess that proselytizing in your name is part of her duties.”

Good grief. “My priestess?? She worships my spirit’s mother, sure, but-”

Veronica, staring into her glass, interjected. “She worships you, milady. As her Queen and Savior.”

“Great. Just great. I’ll have to talk to her.”

“Of course,” said Horatio, with a hint of amusement at my discomfort. “Yet as Aradia you are Artemis’ daughter. And you did save Maddalena from eternal demonic capture, as you saved us all from destruction. Are her beliefs truly in error?”

“I…I don’t know. But what if they are?”

He shook his head. “What if they aren’t?”

Balus’ booming voice echoed off the house. “Commander ascend. Prophesied by First Star.”

Everyone boggled at the giant.

Especially me. “As Lucifer prophesied? What are you saying??”

A fist the size and power of a V12 engine held up an equally impressive chin. “Star spoke. I hear. Now witness.”

My spirit mother’s troubled memory of Aradia’s forced creation spiraled alongside those of a heartbroken child covered in snow. “Lucifer called me - called Aradia - a failure. He left me to die cold and alone.”

The tentacled giant grunted. “Star say Balus find daughter, as Balus found mother.”

“Oh my god.” Cheeks chilled as if touched by frost again as pieces came together. “You’re the one who found Artemis for him! And gifted her that bow!”

Balus inclined his head. “Worthy was mother.”

“And he…he said you would find me? But Saibh found me in that forest, and then Azrael! Not you!!”

“Star speak: when daughter grown, in darkness Balus find. Balus serve. And Star shine anew.” The suckered tip of a tentacle reached up to touch the front of a thickly armored shoulder - and therefore over the four-pointed mark underneath which he’d gained when entering my service. “Worthy is daughter. Worthy is Commander.”

I choked, and not on the wine. On feet with palms pressing to the table, I glared across the courtyard. “You knew who I was?! All along?! And he…and that deadbeat winged bastard knew I was not a failure!!” A hand grabbed a crystal goblet and flung it across the courtyard to shatter into thousands of gleaming shards against the giant’s protective chestpiece. Voice breaking, I shrieked, “Why didn’t you tell me?!”

The one huge eye had the decency to look startled and chagrined. “Commander not inquire.”

But I wasn’t really listening anymore.

Because he must’ve known. Lucifer, the First and once called Helel, had known. He’d seen deep into the future, he’d seen his daughter’s full and painful path. Seen Aradia’s almost-absolute-destruction in fighting the Chaos-consumed Azazel. Seen the final shreds of her spirit preserved at the last moments by the mercy of Azrael. And foresaw Gabriel’s potentially rebellious taking of an extra seed of Eternal Life from the Garden, foresaw Gabriel’s essence wrap around the seed’s anchor to restore Aradia’s spirit.

He’d abandoned her to it all. In full knowledge of her true potential and how to unlock it.

Me. He’d abandoned me to it all.

And everything which had come after.

While the bastard did nothing.

Suddenly hoarse and trembling, I spoke. “I…I’m going to need a few minutes.”

Wordlessly, Horatio rose from the table, and ushered Veronica ahead of him. Balus, looking for once uncertain, opened mouth to speak, but Horatio gestured him to silence and so the troubled giant simply stood to step over the wall.

Twitch though, he stayed. And with gentleness pulled me back onto the chair so he could wrap an arm around as I leaned against him, still shaking with ancient fury and pain. But I didn’t weep.

I was done weeping for what Lucifer had or had not been to me.

I was done.



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- Erisian


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