Podracer's blog

The Casa Susanna weekends

I might just be the last person to learn about this and I know the place and people have been mentioned on here before.
This morning I found a BBC video about the wonderful past getaway place for crossdressers in the Catskills. I hope those interested can get to this:

Casa Susanna programme 93 minutes, personal stories, many pictures.

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Done it now..

Well, I've been thinking about life, the universe and gender related stuff for ten years or so, and booked to attend a club event with some friends I had not seen for, well, years. We had a Christmas party for the weekend, Xmas pullovers required, and the main dinner at a sports club was themed, 1920s was declared. Dared I? Really?
Yup, we had eight flapper girls, and only one with a Y chromosome :-D
I have no photos - yet. Once I do I promise to share.

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The first cut..

...for a long, long time. about 50 years, in fact. Our company Christmas party is coming up soon, so I decided my hair, which had returned to the wild, needed something which wouldn't get in the soup, or require the usual ponytail band all the time. I took this here photo, just after being outdoors so pardon if the mop still looks a bit unruly. If you feel the need to laugh, be my guest! It makes me smile.

Dec22 cut01.jpg

Colour needs re-doing.

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Jingle Bells

I needed a bit of cheer, December has been a bit 2nd rate so far, and remembered that I should have had the cheap Christmas earrings out this week. (digs the box out) Well, they had the desired effect. Wife, Mum, and work are getting used to my little eccentricities now, for which I am grateful and appreciate that I am lucky in that respect. Anyway, jingle jingle! Frequent head shakes to hear them :-)


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Heels: What they don't tell you

Ok, it should be common enough knowledge that elevated heels on footwear may hurt one's feet, make one walk funny, add noises to the progress, and of course add to bodily height.
What should be added to the cautionary list is banging your head on stuff, jamming knees under steering wheels and tables and suddenly being unable to reach items on the floor and low shelves. Thank you so much Rocket Dog.

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Dream heels

Well there's a new thing. Last night my dream self forgot stuff on a trip to some school or recreation building, and mysteriously acquired a pair of kitten heels in a shade of light turquoise. It seems I had to use them rather than go barefoot, and nobody batted an eye (or ear) as they clicked in the corridors.
Later though, I found it necessary to walk home, and though my feet didn't complain, the shoes were starting to look a little used when I took them off which was a shame!
Been searching the web this was the nearest (do not walk home in these!)

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5 years and 12 months

I had to laugh at the announcement on my account page. Is there a leap month or some strange time interval going on? Then marvelled at how those months have passed reading here on these blessed pages. It really does pass quicker when one is enjoying one's self. Well worth the occasional passing some change into the hat when needed.


Invisible stories

A couple of times recently a story / chapter page has had everything appear on it, except the actual chapter. All of the comments added have been there, so that I can see what I was missing, which only adds frustration to the mystery. The only recourse was to abandon the link and come back to it hours later. Is it only me (not) seeing this? Other posted items and links work, it isn't a blanket effect on the site.


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