And now the Mercury has dropped too!

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I guess its to be expected, it is October after all!

We've actually had dry and mostly bright days until today when the temperature has dropped 6 or 7 degrees, add in the humidity and you get a very wintry feel to things. But i'm getting ahead of myself, lets go back a couple of three days.

Thursday ended up being a shopping day, well a trip to get a bit of food was the day's exercise, my enthusiasm for more still being very low. Friday was to be a goodly bike ride - well once i sorted the flat out which sensibly i did Thursday afternoon. I had a plan, a variation of the Stroud / Cotswold loop that has featured heavily this year, it felt a bit cool so i set off with extra layers on top, by the lunch stop near Stonehouse, it was warm enough to divest myself of the top layer. Sausage & chips is a good staple if not ideal ride food!

Once sated, i took a diversion along the canal towpath for a bit then started the double digit % climb up onto the Cotswold edge to start the longer, more flowing trip down the Cotswold massif before dropping back to Brizz after 107km and 990m of upness. I was feeling pretty good, i guess my fitness is okay if not as good as i'd like.

Saturday was a repeat of Thursday but without the puncture fixing, instead i produced my signature bolognese for those in the house who like that sort of thing.

Then to today, i think i briefly alluded to meeting my brother in nearby Bath, i got up early and set off at 8.30 into a dry but grey morning, I was in Bath before the temperature got above 1c! Yep, there was a definate chill in the air, guess i'll have to find some leg coverings to keep the knees warm. After a couple of hours chatting and paretaking of a 'picnic' lunch, i made my way back to Brunel City, the temp managing a few more degrees of warmth but even so, i was glad to stop the clock with a measly 55km showing.

I've made good use of the time since my return, i've posted the next Gaby chapter, Eis, Eis, Baby for your entertainment. Hope you enjoy it.

Next up will be cooking tea - what we call in Sheffield a Full Monty, a platter of fried processed swine meat, bacon, sausage and black pudding, with some vegetable matter and fried eggs. I suppose some may call it a 'breakfast' platter, whatever you call it, who doesn't enjoy a fry up? Not sure what the new week will bring, i'm still having motivational issues so its a wait and see on that score.

That's all for today, i'll be back midweek,
Madeline Anafrid

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