I was really hoping to have an entry for the Halloween contest, but my brain has decided to douse me in depression, which has cut off my writing spoons.
maybe I will get lucky and it will lift in time for me to finish the story, but I just dont know.
You be you...
Don't be like my 'alternate Scheherazade.'
The title said it all:
"Scheherazade and the 997 Arabian Nights - And the Worst-Ever Case of Writer's Block."
No need to apologize.
I don't know any numbers at all ...
How many visitors - readers who don't even have an account ... ?
How many people with accounts - write nothing, not even comments (me, for maybe 5 years) ... ?
How many people (of those with accounts) become authors ... ?
How many authors have less than 5 stories ...
How many authors, Dorothy, have =hundreds= of stories ...?
And you think you need to apologize because why?
2,000+ years ago, the Greeks thought the Muses were a collection of Goddesses who could grant to, or withhold inspiration from, artists.
Maybe 'Modern Science' has a better understanding after two millennia ...
About all I know is that if we 'saturate' our brains on a problem ... Poke it, prod it, try some solutions (that don't work), push really hard. and then -
We give up. We go sideways. Visit a park, a friend, a nifty restauarnt, ... most often, we go to bed.
And sometimes, our Muse then just plops the solution into our brains leaving us with a feeling of "where the heck did -that- come from ...?"
"Ya t'ink you gots problems ... ?"
On November 5th, USA voters (that's terrifying all by itself...) will "determine the fate of 'Free' World ..."
And, I'm in a State that has not the Electoral College 'clout' to affect anything ...
With luck, I won't spend that evening being heart-sick.
Or dangerously drunk ...
=== === ===
Hang in there, read, enjoy, comment, see what I said over at floop-book.
Don't make my Muse come and have a ... chat ... with your Muse.
My Muse once turned me into a Janitor at Chicago's Lyric Opera, and my Mom and I did a whole skit, real time, of Mom interviewing the Janitor (me.)
Scary Lady, that Muse of mine ...