BigCloset TopShelf's 2012 Reconciliation Story Contest Winners

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September/October 2012

Story Contest Winners
And now, the results! ...... *drumroll*...


4th Place Winner!
Tied with 3rd place with 42 votes ea

“I know at least some of you go to my school, so you already know who I am.”

“Sissy Krissy,” Josh muttered with a laugh, quickly silenced by another sharp punch from Marie. “Ow!”

“That’s so not funny,” Marie admonished, bordering on a growl. She had already yelled at someone at school the day before for saying it. It wasn’t that she cared one way or another about Kristina in particular, but being half-black and half-white, she knew the sting of prejudice growing up, even in these so-called modern times. It was her father’s hard work and her mother’s dedication to medicine that got her where she was now.

Kristina frowned though, lowering her gaze. She stared intently at the flames, as if trying to find her focus there … Or perhaps simply trying not to cry. Suddenly, she glanced up again. She had found what she sought, and knew exactly how to proceed.

“What if you were in my position, only you couldn’t do anything about it?”

“What do you mean?” Marie asked, genuinely curious. Kristina smiled. She knew she’d gotten Marie hooked at least. She stood slowly, setting her gaze on each individual gathered now, before she continued.

“What if you were a boy being forced into dressing like a girl, acting like a girl, even going to school as a girl, and there was nothing you could do about it? For some boys, that’s tantamount to torture, and that’s exactly what my story is about.” She paused for dramatic effect, and the entire camp fell silent, but for the crackling fire.

4th Place Winner - $50 Prize


3rd Place Winner!
Tied with 4th place with 42 votes ea

“I’m sorry Joe; I never meant to hurt you like that.” I could hear her sniffling over the phone.

“No, I was a jackass I shouldn’t have done that at all…honestly Polly I just should’ve have believed in you from the start.”

(Sniffle-sob.) “Really?”

(My own sniffle-smiley-sob.) “Yeah…really.”

“Are you crying Joe?”

(Sniffle.) “Yeah…I miss you Polly.”

She’s crying too. “You do!?”

“Yeah…Dammit… (Ugly grown man sniffle.)…I never…never stopped being in love with you…”

There’s crying some hard crying on the other end of the line and sniffles and I’m smiling because…because I can hear her trying to breathe.


“Can I come home…?” God…oh god her voice is so tiny and hopeful and scared and sad all at the same time and my heart is just screaming at me to just say it…just man up and say it because she just called you home you jackass.


3rd Place Winner - $50 Prize


2nd Place Winner!
46 votes

“Well then,” she answered sneering down at me. “I’ll just give you to them first wont I? Or has it occurred to you little girl that I could just turn you into a toad. Or perhaps a fat little pig and then roast and eat you! I’ve already got a crackling fire ready!”

I must admit, that HADN’T occurred to me. Though it probably should have as many fairy tales as I was raised up on, and the post graduate education I completed in trashy fantasy novels. My mind was whirling as I tried to think up a viable counter and latched on to the first thing I could think of.

“I plead my belly,” I said looking Madame Inger hard in the eye.

“Your what?” she barked back confused.

“I’m pregnant, as you well know. All those stories I’ve read, many of them talk about a magical consequence of killing the innocent. Some of them have to be true. You may be pissed enough to do something to me but are you prepared to harm my baby?”

“For a former boy, you latched on to THAT excuse right quick.” She gave me an evil grin.

“What can I say,” nodding my head in acknowledgment. “I was always quick on my feet.”

“What do you want? You’re body back I suppose,” she questioned me tersely. While looking my current form up and down.

“Justice.” I answered insolently.

2nd Place Winner - $75 Prize


and now, our 1st Place Winner!
54 votes

She led him to the kitchen and pulled out a beer, which he refused, so she got him a soda.

"So, what has kept you busy for almost a year that kept you from calling me on the phone to say you were still alive?"

"A lot actually." He said and he began to tell her the story of his last run for the old company. He didn't spare any details as he told her what had happened with the girls and their sisters.

"So you finally swallowed that silly male pride of yours and went to your sister. And it looks like those girls, all four of them, are in your debt for doing what you did." She stood up and went to him, then leaned over and kissed his cheek. "Now that shows that you're a good man."

"Liz, there's more." He said. "Like I said, I can't get you out of my mind. For the past year, I keep thinking of you and this may be a bad time, but Liz, I want to start seeing more of you."

"Any time you want to come over, you can." She said, knowing what he meant, but she wanted him to work for it.

1st Place Winner - $100 Prize


I will need all 4 of the Top Winners to please PM me with how you will want to receive your winnings by: Money Order or Paypal.


Our Runner Up's!
(in no particular order and in no less quality either!)











I wish to thank Everyone who entered our contest! Every Entry was outstanding and the quality unmatched anywhere else! And I wish, also that I had enough money to award everyone who had entered!! I mean that! :(

I wish to thank our readers too for taking the time to read and vote for our contestants as well as supporting all of our authors with comments and kudos!

I wanted to do a different contest this year from the previous years by trying something new. I was not disappointed either in the least bit with our entries! Excellent, excellent writing! ^^

Now, for those wishing a more open contest, I'll have the official rulesheet up for the BigCloset TopShelf One Winter's Eve contest in a day or so. (Sorry for being late on this!@ >< )

The contest tag is already available to apply (December 2012 One Winter's Eve Story Contest). Unlimited story size, TGILB, Just have it snowing somewhere during Christmas Eve (try to make the snowing part meaningful to your story in some fashion.) Use your imaginations and try anything for it within the guidelines!!!

Contest submissions are from December 1, 2012 until December 24, 2012 Pacific Time.

This is the bulk of it. So Start writing now!



Original Comments

TopShelf's September/October 2012 Reconciliation Story Contest Winners

Submitted by stanman63 on Thu, 2012/11/01 - 2:56am

Sephrena, the highlights do not work. Who won what?

May Your Light Forever Shine
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Left Click your mouse and hold the left button down

Submitted by Sephrena Lynn Miller on Thu, 2012/11/01 - 2:58am

while you scroll the cursor over and down the blank area.

Anyone else having trouble doing this? Or does it still not highlight?

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Okay ><

Submitted by Sephrena Lynn Miller on Thu, 2012/11/01 - 3:18am

I removed the highlighting feature to enable mobile users to read this. I apologize and mobile devices totally slipped my mind when I was thinking of that.

I'm Sorry :(


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To err is human;

Submitted by Susan Heywood on Thu, 2012/11/01 - 4:04am

To really screw up, you need a computer.

Thanks for all the effort on our behalf by all the team.


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Submitted by Eric on Thu, 2012/11/01 - 5:13am

How many people voted?


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We had

Submitted by Sephrena Lynn Miller on Thu, 2012/11/01 - 5:28am

180 voters, each of which cast 3 votes - 1 vote each for 3 of their favorite stories in the contest.


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Submitted by Extravagance on Thu, 2012/11/01 - 6:18am

Extravagance's picture
I could have sworn I only voted for a single story.

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Seprena misspoke
Submitted by Erin on Thu, 2012/11/01 - 9:15am

About a fifth of the voters cast less than three votes.


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

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Submitted by Raff01 on Thu, 2012/11/01 - 8:07am

I mean really, wow. I was going to stay up late last night to see the results, but was sore, tired and in a bad mood. I woke in a bad mood and this got rid of it.

To those who voted for me, thank you. You all have made my day. I wasn't expecting better then just a handful of votes, and you all proved me wrong. Thank you all, from the bottom of my heart, and the top too, thank you. But thanks to the others as well, for giving us all great stories. I must say, even with the few stories in the contest, they all rocked.

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Good Job

Submitted by richie2 on Thu, 2012/11/01 - 8:22am

Good job to all the author who posted a story HUGS RICHIE2

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Submitted by Jemima Tychonaut on Thu, 2012/11/01 - 9:45am

Congrats to all the winners and everyone who entered!

Thanks also to Sephrena for organising the contest and I liked the idea of having the short clip of a story with each of the winners to give readers an idea of what the story is like. :-)

"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."
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Thanks for everything Sephrena!

Submitted by Rita on Thu, 2012/11/01 - 4:06pm

Great writers, great stories we are so lucky.


Age is an issue of mind over matter.
If you don't mind, it doesn't matter!
(Mark Twain)


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What an honor

Submitted by sigh on Thu, 2012/11/01 - 9:43pm

and what a hoot it was to be involved in this contest. I feel I really grew as a writer and a person as I wrote my story, and the other stories - including my personal favorite, Making Peace by Maeryn Lamonte - were awesome also. I feel so privileged to be a part of this community here at BCTS. Thanks to all for making me feel welcome! - **Sigh**

Words may be false and full of art;
Sighs are the natural language of the heart.
-Thomas Shadwell