
not a good day !

A bit of a shock for me the other day. My friend has passed , too dam young at 21 too dam young . those out there please yell scream grab some one call some one we are here we will listen . my friend i will miss you . i hope you are talking to your creator and at a final peace i am feeling old now as a lot i know are gone we grieve for ourselves not for those who have passed there is sorrow for those who are still here for we bear the pain of friends not here .





The shadows masked the room . Silence was unbreakable . Then it was heard a slow creeeeeeking then a thump . My eyes struggled to see my pupils wide to accept what little light there was . Creeeeeeek thump my mind was whirling in fear . Crreeeeek thump creeeek thump . IT WAS COMING UP THE STAIRS! CREEEK thump CREEK thump . it was at my door ! i dove under the covers shaking then peaking out to see the door handle sllloooowwwwly turn......... CLICK the door opened................ there it was looking at me staring at me ........ with a leap it was on me .........

darkness one lone tear

so here is another one after so many years coments well come rip it apart

darkness one lone tear

Darkness , the kind that is solid, unforgiving and infinite.

up down left right stillness .BBleeprup.......bluureeep.

Noises in the darkness all around close closer like nails on a marble floor.


Mumblings and more noises , the darkness holding them back holding me back .

Breep.....brreeep distant voices talking .......

hey its me !

well its been years since i was here . life has been ..... interesting im a lot older hopefully wiser and have not written anything since go figure does that mean i am lazy or just not interested in writing any more hard to say . hope all here are well . rues



well i may not be coming here as much anymore do to the way my life is going whatever stuff i got here will stay . there may not be more. take care hugs to all




copy right 2012 bla bla post on free sites just give me credit for doing this just something i tried to do


I wept tears being called names that hit home,my eyes were red and wet.
But I know your out there waiting I just have not got to you yet.
I wish this pain would fade away to cleanse my soul I hope,
for I don't want to be like others dangling from a rope.
I hear your call its very faint and I look from whence it came.
My eyes don't see you just right now so I run screaming your name.
I am here! I am here! my new name I am scared to say

i cry

copy rights 2012 rues post on any free sites give me credit for doing this out of boredom

I Cry

I cry for those who have no love, who are in pain.
For those who cant see themselves as they want to,who struggle to be who they want.
I cry for the ones with no voice, who sit in terror of past wrongs.
I offer not pity be strong feel my hand helping you if you slip and my shoulder for you to lean on if need be.
These tears are for the silent screams that all of us shout that no one hears.
Feel my joy as you take a step with out help.

the dress

2012 copy write post on free sites but leave intact I got bored again here you go another one from me rues comments welcome

I saw the dress on line and had to have it. So I bought it.I had it shipped to a post box and if your wondering yes I love all things feminine.
I have been lucky as no one knows that I dress and have this deep wish to be a woman.
It started early in my life and has been kept a secret.
The dress caught my eye one night last month, no one had bid on it at all so with my shaky hand I hit buy now and got it for a few hundred bucks plus shipping.

Blind Date 2

2012 copy write post on free sites only personal use is granted just give me credit for trying to write it . sorry about the punctuations !


Blind date 2

As the door closed behind me I turned and looked at Dani. "You had this planed from the start didn't you "!

With a slight soft chuckle a confident "yes "was her reply .

"So whats in store for me on this blind date? " I asked looking at Dani with a slight grin .

Blind Date

A small short I found on my comp, I might as well post here . This is a fictional short story I have done . All copyrights 2012 . You can

use as you wish just give me credit in writing it no matter how bad it is rues

Blind Date

I could have choked Dani for this up as I ran around my apartment .

"What am I going to wear"?,as my mind raced at the notion of my first blind date. I wondered to my self if I should be daring or practical.

Life is

copy rights are in order 2012 post on any free story site as long as this all says in tact . rues

Life is

life is finding yourself no mater what .
life is making decisions based on no information , and screwing up most of the time.
life is helping those who cant help them selves , making sure we all get a fair shot .
life is being non judgmental and giving your shoulder for some one to cry on .
life is listening to the thoughts of others enjoying their company even at 300 in the morning .
life is choices made in good faith .


copy rights yada yada 2012 just some i need to put down it helps . post anywhere its free. rues

Dad when i was born you were 35 i cant remember you having hair.
you were my pop the one always busy doing something .
The one i went fishing with as a kid , the one who could scare 5 kids with a stare and make then scatter .
We came first then you .
you laughed at me when i put my foot through the wall be cause i was mad ,
you disciplined me with your hand when i did wrong .i remember back in the sixties the fun we had looking

my life

copy rights are the norm here yada yada you can post this at any free site as long as it remains intact.I know this is a bit of a side track on the stories here, but just an up date on my life and its changes.

My early memories of my mother were of some one who was tired and worn down yet still fought the good fight and won out.
I imagine raising 5 kids would do that to you. I remember she had to leave for a while to go back home to Holland, why was never said but I think it was for mental reasons and a possible breakdown.

my life the short form ( at peace)

It seems that my small drabble has struck a strong nerve. I hope not to hurt anyone's feelings as it's was something to do on a quiet night at 3:00 in the morning and as some wanted to know a bit about me, here it is in a condensed form. Yes the copyright thing still stands as this is my work yada yada post anywhere as long as it's free.

Looking for peace

copy right yada yada may be posted on any free site as long as i get the credit for it. Must be of age in your area to read
This just some thing i did late one night hope you all like it , comments welcome

The tears were coming fast as I placed the nail tip on my finger.
Here I am.How has it come to this?My struggles for most of my life,
being an outsider,being different.
The compulsions and desires to be a woman.Always there under the surface,in the shadows and the realm of dreams.

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