A Mother's Love

A Mother’s Love

By TG Bear

Chapter One

“Mom, what are you doing here?”
“You wanted to talk Robert. So, I’m here.”
“Am I doing the right thing?"
"That’s a simple question with a very complex answer. And I’m not sure I have the right answer.”
“That doesn’t matter, as much as you’re letting me talk about it.”
“Then, why don’t you know this is the right thing?"
"I... look, I’m your son. But... I should have been your daughter. I know it my heart and mind, I’m a woman. That, this way, I’m living a lie.”

Our Renewal

Our Renewal
By Stanman63
2012-Short Story Month-Second Chances!
SynopsisAndrew Charles Addams Junior and Sebastian Trent McPherson are the last of their families due to a generations long feud that has left them orphans who overcome the legacy and find happiness and renewal.

Open Mic Night

Open Mic Night

by Kristina L S

Stage fright? Are you kidding? Yeah... I know I can do it, but can 'she' do it and cut it instead of him? Let's see what real people think eh.

The Homestead - Book 1 - Part 6


The Homestead

by: Anon Allsop
Book One - Part 6

Chapter 26

I came inside from the barn, stood at the threshold of the door, and hung my hat. Grandfather was sipping his cup of coffee. The shaft of morning light split the darkness of the interior as I stepped through the doorway. Grandfather looked up at me and winked, at that same moment, Samantha stepped from the bedroom wearing the yellow dress that I bought her some time ago. "I trust you slept well?" he asked her.

She blushed and patted his shoulder as she passed, again he winked at me. "Yes, and I trust that you also slept as well, Grandfather." she replied coyly.

He almost spit out his coffee and began laughing, "Honey, it's been quite a long time since I've slept THAT well!" She shot me a smirk and I smiled back, it wouldn't take one of those big eastern college professors to know what had happened between us last night.

Dark Night of the Soul

She sat on the steps just upstream of the bridge. Two hours now, as the Ouse roiled and surged round the old stone and debris span in the eddies. Soon, perhaps, the flood markers in the pub downstream would need another notch, and the gardens to her right would be submerged. Winter rains, winter floods, who gave a shit, really? All part of a world she had tried to engage with, that had spurned every attempt she had made to join. The light was fading slowly on a miserably grey and washed out February afternoon, and as it went, so would she. There was only so much strength given to a person, she thought, and when that was gone, so were they.

The Madonna Of The Future: 8. Hid In The Nose

And yes, I did say Mallory. She was back in school, but she was very subdued.
"It's a new record," she said quietly. "I never been suspended so quick before."
Susan bristled at the ungrammatical statement, but said nothing.
"Two days!" Mallory continued. "It's my new personal best."

The Madonna Of The Future: A Marcie Donner Story, by Kaleigh Way

The Lighthouse...


The glow of the laptop cast an eerie pall on Jeremy Armetta’s face. He peered at the screen and shook his head, tears streaming down his cheeks. Ironic that illumination gained such a painful meaning, but ultimately was to his benefit. He looked down at the book he had open in front of him next to his laptop and shrugged his shoulders. Whoever said that always being in the ‘right’ was a good thing didn’t know what they were talking about. He closed the book and shut the laptop before turning back toward the bed where his wife slept. What she had told him wasn’t the right thing to do as far as he knew but what she said to him still felt right…. ”Call our Son.”

Pass It On Chapter 4

Pass It On
Chapter Four

When they broke the embrace, they wiped the tears from their eyes and Destiny reached into her pocket and pulled out the coin. It had changed since the last time they’d looked at. Only the words “Pass It On” remained, everything else was blank now.

Destiny nodded as she rubbed the coin between her fingers. “I understand now.”

Katie shrugged her shoulders. “So tell me because I don’t.”

Stormy Night

It was dark:30 and raining pretty hard and I was, headed home while going around a corner I noticed this person standing along side the road, so I pulled over and asked if they wanted a ride, turns out to be a young lady crying and Really upset. So she got in,while asking her where she was going, so she said East of Johnsburg, So I said I was going that way and would take her home. would of anyway for it was stormy night, not fit for any living thing, besides it was against the code not to help someone in need.

Wild Magic 18

Our resident MegaTomboy won't be happy with this. Sorry, hon.

Debbie looked at me in shock as I walked up to her. “I can die happy now, I’ve seen everything!”

“Ha ha, five thousand comedians out of work, and you’ve gotta be funny.” I smiled and twirled, and my short denim skirt flared out, showing my legs. I had paired it with a white cotton blouse and black ballet flats. “So, whatya think?”

Cider Without Roses 14

My hair was in disarray, but that was to be expected, as I had slept dreadfully. Serge would not have had the problem, his hair being shorter, but a girl must proclaim her femininity to all the world, and I needed no equivalent of skinned rabbits for my head; a hairpiece, taken from another’s head, no.

Tell Me Your Secrets, Chapter 1

Tell Me Your Secrets
Chapter 1


The last Lore Keeper of the Weres disappeared without a trace, now thirty years later his legacy returns in the form of a young man named Michael Williams.

The Cop, The Villain, and The Wet Work: Episode 01

The Chronicles of Atlantia: The Cop, the Villain, and the Wet Work: Episode 01
by Abigail Drew
inspired by Erin Halfelven’s Girlery


March 29, 2011; 5:45 PM:

“Ten-ninety at Citizens on West Main, ten-forty. Ten-ninety at Citizens on West Main, ten-forty. Ten-ninety at Citizens on West Main, ten-forty.” started blaring over the police radio just as Bill and I turned onto West Main from South Ninth West. We had been on regular patrol for the downtown area since early morning and all had been quiet until now. A “ten-ninety” is police code for a bank alarm, a “ten-forty” means respond quickly. Citizens Bank was the most major bank in town, seated at the corner opposite the courthouse at First and Main.

You Have it All Wrong Four - The Kids Story - Part 04

Too Little, Too Late? 58

“What next? I suggest we prepare some sort of announcement”

I looked at him, wondering if he meant that I should make a tour of the various offices and cubicles. He was typing, though.

“I am drafting an e-mail for general distribution, and I am going to add a reminder that the Department has some very strict rules on diversity and equality, not to mention bullying. Here is my position, Mi…ss Carter. I do not like this at all. This is disruptive and abnormal, but I am as bound by the rules as any other staff member. I will not, CAN not, offer you my best wishes, but I can assure you that the niceties and the rules will be respected. Do we understand each other?”

The Ram 19

The new year celebrations commence and Briony finds much enjoyment at Daphne's club. They are enjoying a quiet momen on the front balcony when calamity strikes.

Beverly at Sadies Frid 2nd Dec 2011.jpeg

The outfit Daphne was wearing. (Modelled by Bev.)

(P.S. I am NOT 6'8" tall!!! That doorway is only 5'7" high. Don't even begin to ask who lives there but it was a private party. I've go some strange friends. XXX Bev.)


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