What a good boy...Chapter 16

What a good boy…Chapter 16

Chapter 16

I’m shaking still a little as I head out of the girls bathroom down to the game and I’m dressed in a pair of those tight high riding shorts that the team is wearing and one of their jersey’s and some sneakers and I head out to the playing field and watch the girls play and I’m yelling and cheering for them running along the side lines sometimes getting my mind off the whole WTF moment.

I mean Frank sexually assaulted me but when I fought back and took control it was like he just became someone else and that person wasn’t like anyone I’ve ever heard of before.

I’m batting that around in my head when the ball’s down the other side of the field. I think there’ a lot more to Frank than I get really and I’m going to keep what happened to myself. Yeah I could bring it up and talk it over with Gwen and Sophie but one…Frank might be seriously in a closet or something so uncool. He did act like a freak until I put him in his place and two…I kind of liked it.

So on the mental back shelf until it needs revisiting.

That solved for now I can focus my attention on what’s really important. Running, shimmying hot teen jockettes that are shoving each other and letting out these sexy grunts as they slam into each other.

Seriously this is an awesome sport.

My only problem is who to watch will all these hot jock girls. I think I like the sweaty ones the best…Gwen and Sophie are like that, they’re giving it their all out here and to me that translates to them being just as intense in bed. Hell I know Gwen’s sexily aggressive. But there’s a couple of other on the team too.

Like Anna Jefferies.

Thin and with that skinny Nordic princes thing going on she’s one of the socially quiet girls, shy and soft spoken. On the pitch though she’s really aggressive and she’s got this tight thin little body that looks so yummy.

But Gwen…oh yeah Gwen she’s tall and stacked but she’s kinda on the heavy side compared to most school girls but it’s not fat. Sure she’s got that fat girly layer of cuddle-nuzzle-lick so soft but she is buff too. One of the few girls that I know that actively hit’s the weights.

Mmmm…big full breasted amazon goddess in the making. She blocks a shot with both palms and I feel my breath catch as the ball drops in front of her and she doesn’t trap it. Nope she boots it and usually it’s downfield but instead she blasts the girl that kicked it at our goal with it right in her chesty bits. And the girl goes down with a scream. Oh yeah sports bra or not that had to hurt. I’m thirty feet from where it happened and there was a loud “Ponk” sound of the ball hitting her. That ball had to be moving really fast to sound like that.

The girl’s rolling around swearing.

The ref’s yelling at Gwen who’s saying it was an accident the girl got hit. And the coach is getting in on it arguing with the ref until the girl that got hit lunges at Gwen yelling. “You effigy scunt I’ll rip your face off!”

Gwen takes a couple of punches covering up pretty good actually and then the girl is grabbed and not just carded but benched. And Wentworth Middle school just lost their power forward player for the rest of the game.

And oh, of yay as they’re leading her off I see our girls giving the other team the finger.

Psyche warfare they’re so pissed at our girls they can’t keep their heads and our team trounces the Wentworth girls. Score nine for us and two for them.

The girls are loud and cheering and pretty happy because from the stuff I’m hearing as I get dragged along to the locker room is one Wentworth is a good team and that they are known to be pretty dirty players.


I’m in the locker room. And it’s filled full of undressing and naked girls all sweaty and stuff. Manda Jenkins does say. “Hey! What the hell? Why’s Tracy here?”

Gwen. “Chill out he’s got a vag too it’s okay.”

Manda. “But he’s like not a girl it’s like having a lezzy here.”

Three of the girls turn and stare at her. Felicia Jones is an open lez looks at her. “And so? Does that mean that we’re all here to perv on the cute straight girls?”


“Ten no big deal beside if Tracy get’s out of hand there’s enough of us here to kick his ass. Right Tracy?”

I smile at them. “Right, I’ll be very non guy while I’m here consider me a lesbian in training.”

I smile and there’s smiles and giggles from some and even a few bad joke groans and eye rolls.

And as super sexy yay fun as it is I have a good time. Getting to talk to the girls and in this environment they’re pretty loose and relaxed and I’m sort of ending up playing equipment manager? No they’re not a guys team so they don’t have one so I’m tossing them towels and bottles of water and passing around the zip lock baggy of orange slices.

Girls swear a lot.

And while there’s talk about girl stuff usually dating stuff and sex stuff make-up and shopping and sales. Oh that was a big topic there what stores were having sales and stuff and a lot of checking phones and the sites for the stores. They’re still not that different than guys and are talking about and the future upcoming games, cars, or in Felicia’s case the motorcycle she’s been lusting after and video games.

Felicia’s actually pretty funny and hot too, well they’re all hot and stuff but she’s bad girl hot if a bad girl was a bad-boy? Seriously there’s this butch thing to her and the stuff we chat about that kind of fills the gap that some of my ex male friends have left. Black haired dark eyes and has this definite biker girl to be thing going on.

Oh…I get a V-stiff watching her do her mascara and dark red lipstick.

I get showered and changed there with them and Gwen starts this whole round of check out Tracy and she’s showing off my abs. I get a few touches over them too and feels and a couple of those feels slip close to my mound. I get all good skin bumpy over the touches and yeah I blush a bit but smile too, sexily I hope at those girls.

Especially Gwen and Sophie.

And Sophie naked.

That gives me girly wood. Tall long lean body with that muscle tone of an athletic girl and those African hips that set up the best, the best ass on the team and these proud nice breasts with the dark chocolate nipples.

I want Sophie to do bad, bad things to me.

There’s like three lesbians on the team openly and maybe three girls that might be bi? There’s eighteen girls on the team so it seems to attract a certain kind of girl. I get a surprising amount of acceptance with the girls too just as Tracy and by the time we’re out of there and changed we’ve traded phone numbers and e-mails and stuff.

Okay I missed this in a way. Only it’s a lot more sexier than before with the guys in the locker room.
We get out of there and head our separate ways and I’m thanked for cheering and helping out from the other girls on the team and then it’s me and Gwen and Sophie. I hang with them while waiting for the bus.

“I’ll see you girls tonight?”

“Yeah, we both checked it’s cool with our parents.” Gwen says.

Sophie blushes. “Yeah me too, my dad was worried until he got wind of you being the guy with no uhm…y’know.”

I grin at both of them. “We going to the mall?”

“Sure!” They both say. I can tell they want to go shopping. I’m actually not opposed to seeing them trying things on and the possibilities of changing rooms and actually just even getting to know it all better.

If I’m going to be a Lesboyan then I need to learn more stuff about girls and stuff right?

I bike home and Mom’s there of course and I come in ad give her a hug. She’s cooking and has a whole mess of stuff out.


“You’re having a sleepover so I thought I’d make things for you to just get when you want.”

“Cool, I’m..going out to the mall with them first.”

“Oh good you need to socialize Tracy, I was never really good at it.”

“I figured that we’d try to have some fun before heading back here.”

“So you’ll be having sex?”


“Yes, fine I should not have asked.”

“Okay….well maybe. But…it’s not going to be about that it’s about hanging out and them being my friends first.”

“Good, that’s better I worry.”


“I do, there is a lot of just hooking up these days.”

“Mom…I know.” Boy do I ever, Frank kind of comes to mind and even Gwen and I.

“Oh yes, you do but it is not what I worry about, I worry about your heart.”

“My heart?”

She sighs. “I’m not good at this but I feel that every time I was with someone I was giving them a bit of me that I wish I had saved for your father.”

“Everyone you were with?”

“No, not everyone. If there’s real feelings then you get back what you gave but these hook ups aren’t like that.”

“So you hooked up mom?” I was joking when I asked but she nods….


“Yes, when I was younger because I was different I never connected right with people and being young I thought that I could connect with sex. I thought that people would like me if I was their lover.”

“Until you met dad.”

“Yes, here help.”

I help by peeling some potatoes and sweet potatoes the way she wants with a paring knife and then get to work on the dip she wants with those shrimp chip snack the Chinese make.

It’s Mayo and Cream cheese with two packets of the shrimp stock for those ramen noodles and three cans of salad shrimp and some sembal chile hot sauce.

I’ve had this it’s good actually but we don’t have it that often.

I put the wooden skewers to soak in warm water before heading up to my room to clean it up.

Swiffers are great things you just can change the cloths and use it to wipe down everything and I use some Pledge to do the floors and then a bit of cologne on my mattress not too much but I flip the top one too before making the bed with fresh sheets.

I take out the trash and straighten up some mostly wiping a bit of dust here and there and cleaning off my workout stuff just in case it’s sweaty and then really, really clean my bathroom and make sure I’ve got some extra blankets from the hall closet and lots of towels for the bathroom.

Done…I guess.

I’m actually kind of nervous.

I know I talk a lot like I’m really with it and together and everything but it’s been hard honestly and this night even if we don’t end up having sex…it’s still important.

I get changed into a lycra cycling style t-shirt and grey army style cargo pants and get my zip front hoody and my jacket. I head downstairs and Mom’s waiting for me and she passes me some money.


“You’re going out, you never go out and you’ll be shopping too you don’t shop. We’ll talk about allowances some other time but tonight just have fun.”

“Thanks Mom.” I hug her.

“You’re welcome….Tracy I just want you to have a better childhood than me, or your father I hate that you are an outsider now.”

“It’s getting better, it is mom.”

“Good, and save enough money to get a cab here from wherever the three of you end up it will be easier than carrying things on the bus and walking here.”

“Okay good idea, thanks again Mom.”

I head out and count the money…there’s a lot there a crazy amount really. I mean not like thousands but yeah a lot of money. I get a Coke at the corner mart and wait for the bus sipping it and thinking.

I think Mom’s really emotionally invested in this. She’s always been different but I never got how that’d be for her in school. I think her fixation on me choosing to become a girl after the accident was her hope that I’d maybe do it and not be different like I am now.

I get on the bus and ride it out to the mall and check my phone for the girls. And end up waiting for them coming in on the next bus.

It was worth the wait though, both look great and are in skirts and nice tops and have big shoulder bags with them. They look even better than usual.

“You girls look great.”

Sophie smiles. “Thank Tracy you look good too.”

I blink. “Really? Guys don’t usually bother…I just kind of grabbed what I thought would look okay and be comfortable.”

“Yeah, well you thought about it Trace, guess that means we’re rubbing off on you.” Gwen smirks.

“Well, maybe but I’m not here in a skirt.”

“Skirts can be comfortable when you’re used to them and easier to change in and out of while trying things on.” Sophie says.

“Huh, I never thought of that.”

Gwen nods. “And now you know.”

“And it doesn’t hurt you girls have great legs and stuff.”

“That too.” She says and poses a bit in fun.

“Okay what’s first?” I ask.

“Shopping.” They both say together.

I sigh and raise my hands in surrender. “Okay, I should’ve expected that right?”

“Right.” Gwen grins and takes my arm and Sophie the other.

……………………………….....................I’ll get past the boring stuff. We went all over the place into stores I’ve never been to and I never really noticed but do you know how much of a mall is woman related stores and stuff?

A lot.

I get to see them go through things and mostly it’s window shopping or looking to get later but it’s also sort of this whole game of dress-up.

And yeah I watched and enjoyed and even got roped into trying some things on.

“This is girls stuff.”

“It is and while you’re not a girl you’ve got the plumbing Trace.” Gwen says.

Sophie looks at me while looking at another skirt. “She has a point Tracy, you’re kind of sort of both.”

“Both?” I raise van eyebrow looking at her.

She looks back at me. “Even if you have the girly bit and you were still super insistent on being a guy…then you wouldn’t be having so much fun with your girly bit.”

Okay that made me blink.

“But I’m not a girl? I don’t want to be a girl?”

“But you like having you’re vag right?” Gwen asked.


“What would you rather have?” Sophie asked.

I sit there and think a bit and it’s kind of a whole whoa moment. “I’d rather be like this…”

Gwen’s all. “See…not a guy.”

“But I’m not a girl!”

“No, you’re not and that’s a good thing.” Gwen smiles.

“It is? Then what am I?”

“You’re Tracy, something hot and sexy and…” Sophie looked like she was finding the right word.

“Sleek.” Gwen says. “You’re sweet and hot and effing Sleek.”

That’s exactly the way I’ve been feeling inside, wanted to be. And hearing her say it was like this incredible turn on.

Sophie’s nodding. “I’ve looked it up Tracy, there’s other cultures and stuff with like more than one gender type. Maybe you chose the surgery because this is the real you.”

I couldn’t help but smile at them. “Okay…I kind of knew that but if I’m not either or am both or some other combination are you girls good with that?”

The long sweet tongue on tongue kisses they gave me certainly said that it was.

And it nearly got us kicked out of Wall-Mart. It had certainly ruffled a few feathers with some uptight assholes and cuntwuffles.

We shopped and we didn’t bother eating or going to the movies. I told them mom had stuff home for eats and we did look over some DVD’s and I bought some used ones that we thought would be good to watch.

Sophie has a kind of a girls taste in movies and liked romance and he comedy stuff and Gwen too but she’s for all the super hot curves and big boobs kinda guy like too. She helps me pick out some action movies from the bin like “Gone in 60 seconds.” and “Fast Five.”

Then we got snacks and junk food too.

Some really “Good” chocolate and some cheap random stuff and some other odds and ends like some half pints of ice cream.

Oh and I got my ears pierced at this place called Gravity and I have these black onyx studs in them now.

I got us a cab and take us home to my place and I feel actually kind of lighter inside. It’s like the girls landed right on it. I’m me, I’m Tracy and I’m not trying to be some big hulking dude and I’m never going to want to be a she, but I honestly love having my Vee and even if I could go back….?

No way.

And people are going to have to just deal with that.

We got to my place and introduced the girls to my parents. Dad just sort of stared a bit in shock at first from the hotness and then shook their hands welcoming the to our house. I think that threw the girls a bit. Dad does that he’ll shake hands with women just as much as men and just as respectful or equal or whatever.

Mom was watching something on TV and waited until there was a commercial with her hand up and she got up from the floor pillow and shook each of their hands and then looked in our bags with the junk food. Yeah all three bags and took out what she wanted and said. “Mom tax.” Ten sat back down and started watching her show.

I led the girls out of the living room to get the food from the kitchen and the girls said. “Goodnight.” and mom and dad absently waved and mom says. “Goodnight, have good sex.”


I’m blushing and so are the girls as we get into the kitchen and Sophie looks stunned, embarrassed and Gwen started to giggle wildly. “Dude you’re mom rocks.”

“Yeah, she does.” I’m grinning and getting the food and the dips helps calm Sophie down and I’m explaining what mom’s always been like as we head upstairs.

The food was awesome, just perfect actually for movies with her having made fried potato skins she kept hot and crispy enough in the oven and she made kebabs from chicken breast and pork and beef with curry and coconut on the chicken, BBQ on the pork and teriyaki on the beef. And there was a cut up veggie plate that we could dip as well. Just all really good stuff and mostly finger foods really.

Not too filling, and good movies and it’s kind of cool to get their take on stuff. It’s even funny/cool that all three of us would go into a committed lesbian relationship with Michelle Rodriguez from the “Fast and the Furious.” Movies. Yeah she’s all Grrl.

We joke around and get a sugar buzz and Sophie…Sophie not Gwen puts on this burned DVD of lesbian sex toy porn. We get into the like first scene when she pauses it. “I’m going to get changed okay?”

“Me too.” Gwen says smiling.

Sophie uses my bathroom and Gwen went out in the hall since my parents don’t use this floor to sleep on and I go through my bags.

Spike my hair a bit more.

Add my first attempt at a bit of mascara…it’s not bad…dark and smoky, and the weight of it on my lashes makes me feel slutty almost.

Slip the black satin and lace panties on.

Put on a bit of the Nivea for men’s aftershave on just dabs like the girls use perfume for.

A light brushing of some girls lilac scented body powder…it smelled like it’d compliment the aftershave in my own mixed way.

Then carefully I slip on the black lacy thigh high stockings.

I don’t look like a girl, but not a guy at all either really. I take a red cherry flavored sucker and pop it in my mouth. Get some of that flavor and color on my lips and I smile at the girls as the come in.

Sucker in my mouth, and I clasp my arms behind my back like a girl does but it shows off my sleek worked out body, my abs.

I like the look in both of their eyes.

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