What a good boy...Chapter 4

What a good boy…Chapter 4

Chapter 4

Uhm oh boy wow.

Gwen talked to me.

And kind of nice she didn’t treat me like a freak.

But she’s pretty…well better than pretty she’s stunning and popular and a jockettes. But honestly I don’t really know the jockettes that much so I can’t actually say if they’re assholes like the guys that are in some of the teams here at school.

But…honestly should my spider-senses be tingling?

I get cleaned up after using the toilet and head back to class. It’s a drag and honestly I’m not really thrilled the looks that I get from some of the teachers. Apparently I’m a pain in their ass because the have to stop me from getting hassled?

Oh no, nothing was ever said it’s just about half of my teachers give me this look like it’s my fault for coming back to school where the idiots can pick on me and use me for their entertainment.

The only thing is that if I’m being honest all three of them are kind of assholes anyway.

I get a shove into the lockers on the way from one class to the other.

I didn’t see who. But the snickers sort of prove who anyway. I could go over and jump him and then get into a fight with Tony Jones and his two cronies. They’d be asking for it anyway…Tony’s that kind that’ll put someone’s book bag on top of the lockers and get a giggle because they’re in a wheelchair. One of those guys…but if I got into the fight with him it’d be three on one maybe more and the school would likely try to use that as a chance to suspend me.

See if they suspend me then I’m out of sight and out of mind and they can work on my parents and me to try to get me to transfer out.

Every time I’ve been picked on enough that it and me and whoever has to go to the office they take the time to try and convince them that my life would be easier if I transferred out.

Wasn’t it when you accused a guy of being nutless they weren’t afraid of you? Am I that disruptive and scary to them?


Sorry…I kind of got a bit of a bad language thing it helps with the idea of me still being a guy. I actually don’t want to be here and yet I’m not going to let this thing that happened chase me around any more than it is.

I leave the school grounds for lunch. I live in town and we’re actually allowed to do that but I live too far away to eat at home so I just head about three blocks down and go into Steamboat’s it’s the pizza place here and just kind of one of those mom and pop places and not a chain place. Not that I mind the chain ones I can live off of Pizza-Hut and Taco Bell.

But they do really good subs here because they are like Arabic or something so they do these kebab things instead of meatball so they’re grilled and they put them in a bud with peppers and cheese and red sauce and they’re messy but really really good. And that char-broiled thing on the meats really makes the difference.

I get one and a red creame soda and skate down to the school and sit out by the old parking lot is where the skater and the Emo kids are hanging out. They kind of leave me alone because well they’re all like a pack here in town and while some of thing might be jerky and stuff I guess as part of being Emo they aren’t allowed to care enough for them to be really mean to me.

Actually while they don’t really bother me or befriend me they see me as a freak and that’s a good thing?

Back to school after lunch and some more stuff and I get to actually feel better in English class and Art. I know it’s a strange sort of thing to say but it’s not like I’m saying it’s a girly thing despite what’s going on with me. But I like Art a lot and kinda from knowing some of the Emo kids I’m getting more into poetry. It’s like some of the stuff Ms. Carter gets us to read really kind of speaks to me and how I’m feeling some times.

Computer class is the last of the day and it’s mostly us learning how do type and do the font stuff but also it’s internet stuff. It’s because we use them all the time and for school and doing projects we’re learning to separate the good stuff from the stuff that’s not. I mean we all know everything’s not true on the internet but we’re being taught to look for the good stuff.

Kinda boring but Gwen comes and sits by me.

“Heya Tracy.”

“Uhm heya…”

We went through class and she talked and stuff about the sites we were looking at and shows me some she knew and stuff that I hadn’t got to. I ask her how Soccer and Basketball are going and I get filled in on who’s playing on the teams and who’s not so good and stuff.

“I’ve got a soccer game after classes you want to come and watch?”

Do I?

“Uhm sure?”


I call mom and dad saying I’m staying after school to watch the soccer game and I make my way to the playing field…pitch apparently. I didn’t know that they called it something else.

There’s not a lot of people here. I mean there’s some parents and families and a few friends but in the size of the bleachers it’s pretty barren out here. I do some homework until things get started and might have gone on to do more but then.

Oh wow the bouncing…the way they move and the grr they have. I mean it’s way cooler than I thought watching them fight over the ball giving off these girly grunts and the sweaty looks they’re starting to get.

I’m feeling this sort of familiar feeling of getting a boner but at the same time it’s different…pointier? Yeah it’s because the girly part uhm neo-clit things smaller and shaped different now. And I guess it’s all like the nerves and stuff.

I take hormone pills and stuff…since everything’s snipped and I guess they’re working…It’s really hard…no not that but sitting like this cause I’m feeling all squirrelly kind of squishy.

I had to stand from the stuff and then got closer and stuff down to the sidelines and it actually gets really interesting as things heat up and I get to see Gwen in action. There’s this whole barrage of attacks from the other side from these three Indian girls…uhm Native Americans not the “Bend it like Beckam.” ones. They’re hot girls but they’re also really good and fast and really good at taking the ball from some of Gwen’s team.

She’s that good she’s all over the goal and blocking move after move and I’ll say this all the jumping you do in basketball really seems to be helping her and I’m only half entranced by the way she bounces. Hey, I can’t help it…she’s the bustiest girl in school and just wow but y’know it’s the fact she’s so intense is just awesome.

And I’m yelling…actually cheering her on. Not cheerleader stuff…but like.
“Go Gwen!”
“Killer save!”
Loud whistles.

And yelling to the girls on her team. “Seven! Behind on your left!”
“Eighteen! They’re trying to cut you off!”

Even yelling at the opposing team. (Laughter.) “Good luck…Goalie’s so got you owned!”

There’s a couple of looks there from them and stuff they don’t like that. It’s my teams so they can just…oh boy I guess they can’t. Or the can…oh….ow?

The game gets over and I wait for them to get out and I go to the pop machine and get as many bottles of water I can with the few dollars I got left and I see Gwen come out talking with the girls and then with her folks? There’s a woman there that looks like her and uhm….boobs run in that family. She waves me over. I head over with my bag and stuff.

“Hey great game, you were awesome out there.”

“Thanks, you really helped.”

“I helped?”

“Yeah you really got into it and cheered us on.”

“Yeah well you girls were good!” I pass her a water and some to a few of the other girls. They look at me and shyly say. “Uhm thanks Tracy.”

Her parents look at her and me and her dad says. “The teams going for supper you want to come with us?”


I’m sort of feeling well… “Uhm…that’d be nice but I really should get home.”

Gwen looks a bit disappointed. I try a smile. “Rain check?”

“Okay, but you owe me a lunch.”


“Here.” She tears a page out of her notebook and she writes stuff down. Then looks at me. “Tracey?”


“Can I have your numbers?”

“Oh, sure.” I give her my number and my e-mail.

“Cool, I’ll talk to you later?”


She gives me a fast hug and then they’re all headed off to wherever they were going and I head off to home with on my skateboard and get home and Mom’s working and zoned out into deep coding or whatever and dad’s out so I head to my room and head to my bathroom. Yeah I sort of have one now of my own since the operation. We had these spare bedrooms and mom told dad I needed one of my own. Heck I’m an only child so we weren’t using them and it’s not like I’m going to say no to having one.

I strip and toss my clothes I the chute and I run myself a bath…yeah not a girly bath but it’s sorta easier in my head to get clean there sometimes….I put on some tunes and ease into the water and relax.

Today was weird.

Good but weird and I close my eyes and sink under the water and just chill…I like being underwater because of this whole sense dep thing I read about and it’s just sorta peaceful. I rise up enough to breathe and it’s really hot water so I kind of enjoy the sweating thing. We don’t have one of those sauna’s but this is almost as good.

Relaxing leads to daydreaming and then to images of soccer girls and I feel that feeling again…I slip a hand down and gasp at the entry of the hot water. I rub myself…it’s different, so different than before and still scary doing this but…neo-vag or not I’m a teen guy still and I’ve been well having dates with Mary thumb and her four girlfriends since I was thirteen.

It takes a while to find the right spot and the right touch and soon I’m in a rhythm that has me going hot and heavy…until there’s the pleasure bubbles going off in my brain and like a few flashes of these fireworks that seem to travel down inside me until I go boom!

I sink under the water as I do and moan.

I rest awhile spent then get out of the tub and get dried off then dressed and I’m not in panties but regular boxers and a pair of sweats and a black and red superman t-shirt and turn up my tunes and finish my homework.

Think, there’s a lot to think about and between things I surf the net and see that Gwen and two of the other soccer girls have sent me friend requests. I…

What if this is all bullshit?

I mean it’s not like the rich, great looking girl hasn’t played a trick on someone like me before right?

I get an e-mail from mom asking. [What do you want for supper?]

[I’ll be down, gotta talk.]

I head down and like I said mom’s different she’s got AS or a bit of it and she’s got a bunch of things out to cook and all the ingredients are in alphabetical order but she’s smiling.

“I like it when we talk.”

“Yeah…me to?”

“Right…like you’ve enjoyed our talks recently.”

“I’m who I am mom, it’d not be any easier not really?”

“I’m sorry, I though that it would be starting over in a new school where it wouldn’t get to be such an issue.”

“I know mom but it’d come out eventually and it’s just not me.”

“Okay, I’m your mom but it is your life.”


“So you wanted to talk but not re-hash things.”

“I sort of have a problem.”


“A moisture problem.”

“Oh you’re having dryness down there?”

“No, it’s the opposite way.”

“Oh….oh? Ca I ask?”

“Girls soccer, I was watching and there was bouncing and all this other stuff.”

“And you got.”



I double face palm turning red. I’m so glad that dad’s not here. “Yes.”

“Well your hormones are working for you to get aroused like you…used to?”

“It’s not like it used to be but….yeah.”

“But you’re lubricating that’s a good sign right? That’s the point of going with the better surgery right?”

“Uhm I guess.” I’m still so embarrassed.

“I’m making this harder aren’t I?”

“Yeah, so what do I do?”

“You might need a tampon or a pad in those cases.”

“God I was afraid you were going to say that.”

“We’ll go shopping after supper and I’ll show you the things that you need.”

“Okay…thanks mom.”

“I’m glad that I can help now, I’m on board Tracy I just worry. I know too well what being deferent’s like.”

I go over and give her a hug. She rocks back and forth and smiles. “Can I help?”

“Yes that’d be nice and cooking is a good thing to learn. I hadn’t until university and it really makes a difference. I met your dad over how he made his homemade pizza.”

“Okay, besides I need an edge over the other guys.”

“The way to a woman’s heart right.”

“Yeah it’s a good idea right?”

“Certainly is…………Tracy?”

“Yeah mom?”

“Are you masturbating again?”

“Wha…….uhm…(Tiny voice.) yes.”

“How are your orgasms?”


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