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Battle Scars Part 5

Lucifer smiled as he cleaned his swords and his magical staff which he very rarely used ,looking at the weapons which have claimed numerous lives. Its told he had imbued the staff with the souls of thousands of people he had killed turning it into a very powerful weapon .He had the staff created after his battle with Nathan to make sure he doesn't loose again. But he still took pleasure in beating his enemies to death using his bare fists. It had been years since he married Natalie and they have these weekly routine of sparring together.

Layabout. Part 4 of 4

Chapter 4

As we moved into the summer season, the main sales at the Village were swimwear and we weren’t needed so much. We spent that time with the drama group. The first show we did was a stage version, greatly edited, of ‘Some Like it Hot’ as a farce. It went down well, and then we worked on another show where we played a married couple. That was the one where we were seen by an agent from London.

Life Giver by Melanie Brown on Kindle


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If healing meant changing genders and also species, would you? And how about protecting this new found technology? This gender-bending sci-fi tale takes you to strange worlds as those transformed protect their new people from destructive humans.

Life Giver by Melanie Brown on Kindle


This was sent to me as an email joke, I know we get hundreds sent each year, this one may cause a chuckle. I don't know who wrote it.

Dear Wife:

I'm writing you this letter to tell you that I'm leaving you forever.

I've been a good man to you for seven years and I have nothing to show for it.

These last two weeks have been hell. Your boss called to tell me

Charlotte's Tale part 12.

“I wonder what St Margaret’s will be like,” I was thinking out loud.

“According to Jane, she’s the nicest one at Hogwarts.”

“Hogwarts!” I squealed and giggled.

“Yeah, apparently they call the PE teacher, Hagrid and the headmistress is Voldemort,” he laughed.

Charlotte’s Tale .
by Angharad.
Part 12.

Young Love, Chapter 12

Patiently, Doc Brown waited. It was a long minute. Finally, he saw a young lady come from the kitchen toward his table. He looked at her closely. Could it be...? It was! He did not know whether to shout or dance. What could he say?

The chef was Lizzie Jane!

Young Love
A Lizzie Jane Adventure
Chapter 12
By Billie Sue Pilgrim

M.I.B.D. - Artemis The Hunter - Part 1

Hansel & Gretel: A fairytale. Finale.

          Gentles all:   The following story contains reference to a form of Japanese street fashion, the adherents to which refer to as Elegant Gothic Lolita. Note, that the term “Lolita” refers to this style of clothing. This, with Gabi's kind help, is a revised and illustrated version of the story that originally appeared on Crystal’s Storysite.

Hansel and Gretel:
A Fairytale.


Sarah Lynn Morgan

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 195

Without looking back, I was squirting WD40 down inside my cable covers, I said, "Hi Des." I continued bent over my bike.

"The view from here is terrific."

"Ha bloody ha. Does my bum look big in this then?" I jibed back, still playing with my gear and brake cables.

"No it looks absolutely perfect."

Oscar Night - Part 1

Oscar Night by Jennifer Brock

A flippant remark by a mild screenwriter to an obnoxious TV reporter snowballs into more than he had bargained for, at one of the most glamorous of events! (There's no actual TG stuff in this first part, but there will be. I promise.)

Hansel & Gretel: A fairytale. Act 3

          Gentles all:   The following story contains reference to a form of Japanese street fashion, the adherents to which refer to as Elegant Gothic Lolita. Note, that the term “Lolita” refers to this style of clothing. This, with Gabi's kind help, is a revised and illustrated version of the story that originally appeared on Crystal’s Storysite.

Hansel and Gretel:
A Fairytale.
Act 3.


Sarah Lynn Morgan

BKR Case #101-8 "Boys Will Be Girls" Part 3

"I have waited my whole life to see you in a situation like this" You're no longer the man of the house, are you little sis?" Janet grinned sadistically.

"What do you plan on doing to me?" asked Michelle.

"You'll see" laughed Janet.

BKR Case#101-8 "Boys Will Be Girls" Part 3



My Transgender Childhood Comix #3

This is the third in my series of single panel cartoons for My Transgender Childhood. It deals with the difference between boys and girls and asks a question that, while presented in a way that is intended to be humorous, I hope may make some people think. :)

My Transgender Childhood # 3
Copyright 2008 by Heather Rose Brown

Professor Prick 8 - A White Christmas and a Decision

“There’s nothing to talk about. We can never be what you want us to be.”

“Why not?” he responded.

“Because I’m….”

“Yeah, you’re a guy.” he said.

I stopped. “You know?”

“Yeah I know. Now let’s get out of the cold. We can go into the all night café round the corner and talk,”


By Karin Roberts

Tragedy of the Spirit part 4 why me? I do not belong...do I ?

I always thought that parents were to protect, nurture, guide, love and accept. I had always wondered why did I not have that for the first 15 years of my life. I often wondered, why my parents were so cruel to me. Why family members loathed me and especially why my brother hated me so much. As I grew older I came to the very understanding that my parents, nor my family didn't love nor cherish me as I always new that I did not fit in.

Who Was I - 26

In which Karen is met and we find out how she's doing; where we find out some more of Ruth has been up to; and where Ginny asks some questions.

Who Was I

By: Annette MacGregor

"What are you and mom and Ruth always so sneaky about?"

"Hmmm? What do you mean honey?"

"Well, sometimes two or three of you go off to your office to talk. Other times, you suddenly stop talking when I come into the room. I mean, it's not like it's my birthday or anything coming up."

"No, it's not. I guess Ruth was right though."

An Unfinished Symphony Chapter 8 - Sara's Brave New World

Chapter VIII Sara’s New World

CAUTION!! This chapter may require tissues.

. . . Look,” she said, patting the seat next to her so I would move over there. “We always thought you were a little, errr, different. You were always a little effeminate, you loved art, I don’t know. You just weren’t terribly manly.”

. . . What kind of a wife lets her husband turn himself into a woman? Couldn’t you satisfy him?

. . . But it still makes me really uptight to see you kissing a man,” she mumbled.

Hansel & Gretel: A fairytale. Act 2.

          Gentles all:   The following story contains reference to a form of Japanese street fashion, the adherents to which refer to as Elegant Gothic Lolita. Note, that the term “Lolita” refers to this style of clothing. This, with Gabi's kind help, is a revised and illustrated version of the story that originally appeared on Crystal’s Storysite.

Hansel and Gretel:
A Fairytale.
Act 2.


Sarah Lynn Morgan

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 194

We chatted some more, he told me stories about when he was at school with Simon and Stella, she was a bit later and they didn't have much contact, but she nearly got herself expelled when she was found out to have put glue in the gymshoes of her PE teacher, with whom she'd had an argument. The poor woman couldn't get them off for a week.

Easy As Falling Off A Bike.
by Angharad,

The Price to Pay - Vol. 1.06 - Sunshine

"So what's wrong with being a girl?" she suddenly asked after we had been working at the puzzle for a good quarter of an hour

The Price to Pay - Vol. 1.6 - Sunshine

by Alys

BKR Case #101-8 "Boys Will Be Girls" Part 2

"Why are you being so nice to us?" asked Tammy

"Tammy's right!" After what we did to you, "I would think you would want to gloat" said Michelle

"I'm not saying I don't enjoy watching you squirm, because I do!" "I am trying to be the bigger person and help my new sisters" Kelly replied.

"You consider us sisters?" said Jill incredulously.

"Amazing!" said Sarah.

Rules Are Rules: 48. Lying To A Psychic

It looked like I'd have to be Marcie-who-used-to-be-Mark, which did not look like a good option, especially as a way to get to know people. "Hi, I'm Marcie. I used to be Mark, but you know... I liked dresses better."

Rules Are Rules

48. Lying To A Psychic

Mean Girls 3026 Part 11

They didn’t have any questions, since I’d practiced my presentation, and went over everything like I was at an auto show and trying to sell the car. Once they left me, I went back to the weather station and chose to make a last minute adjustment to my clutch.

Mean Girls 3026 Part 11

Written by Toni Trepasso
Edited by Gwen Brown, with my many thanks to her.

A work in progress AKA: ranting blowing off steam or whatever you want to call it

Some truth about myself.

This is part of my autobiography, everything in here is true, I did not add anything to any of these events. If I did anyhting I left out some things as I don't really want to remember everything that has happened. Enough stalling... Here are parts of my life.

Jayme Ann


More DopplerPress

Getting Ahead in Romance by Maryanne Peters on Kindle


Audience Rating: 


What would you do to get ahead in life, in love? Would you turn your life upside down; move to a foreign country; abandon your job, your home, your family? But you wouldn't change your sex! Would you?


Getting Ahead in Romance
by Maryanne Peters
Now on Kindle

A Summer's Odyssey - Now on Kindle


Audience Rating: 


After his mother dies the only option Kris has is to take his kid sisters to grandma's house. But Massachusetts to Maryland is a long way to travel on only $50. How will they make it, will grandma be able to keep them and what kind of life can they expect?


A Summer's Odyssey

By Jennifer Sue

Now available on Kindle

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