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Codes: Solo=Standalone story, not series, verse, drabble or fanfic; Source codes: HB=Hatbox; DP=Doppler Press; KS=Kindle Store; AB=Amazon Book; LL=Lulu; SW=SmashWords; SD=Stardust; SS=StorySite; SP=Sapphire's Place; FM=FictionMania. Default is day of week.

Title Code Author(s)
A Daughter Enters, Stage Left - Ch. 4 Sat SammyC
Triple Dare: Masks 24 by Rodford Edmiston on Kindle Sat Stickmaker
Things They Made Me Do - Chapter 2 Sat Michele Nylons
Leases in Hell, chapter 9. Sat Nagrij
A Whole New Me (Again?) - Part 6 Sat AmyLikesDancing
Mental Challenges of a Girly Boy Sat New Author, Denise
Betrayal and Forgiveness Sat Noname1
MTU - Hard To Look At (part 9 of 10) Sat magicshoppe
Exchanged - Chapters 32 and 33 Sat Sofia Hammerstein
I Was A Porn Star For The FBI By Melanie Brown On Kindle Sat Melanie Brown
Recovering From Trauma Solo LadyDragon623
Parallel Lives Chapter 33 Fri LeftyPosting
The Chosen - Chapter 4 Fri Maeryn
Layabout. Part 3 of 4 Fri Marianne G
Royal Performer - Chapter 8 Fri Tiffany Shar
Jane Fri Erin Halfelven
Boys can dream. Fri Columbine
Not For Sale - Part 5 Thu SamanthaMD
A Cold Fey in Hell 2: Chapter 9 Thu Amethyst
Things They Made Me Do - Chapter 1 Thu Michele Nylons
The Mysterious Cabinet Chap. 9 Thu LadyDragon623
The Ghost of 224 Maple Street Solo Avia Conner
Monkey Business by Melanie Brown on Kindle Thu Melanie Brown
Death in Venice Beach Solo Bru
Fake It Till You Make It - 15 - The Blonde Deamon. Thu Alyssa Plant
Altered: Chapter 9 Wed Amethyst
Mates 43 Wed Cyclist
Easy as Falling off a Bike -19- by Angharad on Kindle Tue Angharad
The Faerie Blade: Chapter 33 Tue Amethyst
The Present, Part 16 Tue Lady Lucia
Being Samantha Masters - Chapter 3: Detransition, Maybe? Tue miriamrobern
Journey Into The Forbidden West Part 1 Mon E. E. Nalley
Cammychan For Real Mon Enemyoffun
Working For A Living Chapter 6 Mon LadyDragon623
A whole New Me (Again?) - Part 5 Mon AmyLikesDancing
The Cruise Chapter 2 Mon Su Shi
Romance and Other Crimes Vol. 3 by Maryanne Peters on Kindle Mon Maryanne Peters
Switching Sides 2/5 Mon Gillian Chambers
Gaby Book 27 ~ Smell of the Crowd ~ Chapter *6* Sun Maddy Bell
The Girl in the mirror Solo Julie D Cole
Small Problem by Melanie Brown on Kindle Sat Melanie Brown
Easy As Falling Off A Bike part 41 Sat Angharad
Unethical Solo Bru
Taylor by Leslie Moore on Kindle Fri Leslie Moore
Just... Friends? Fri Melanie Brown
What am I doing? Solo Daring Diane
Dreams Fulfilled by Marianne G on Kindle Thu Marianne G
I Was A Cheerleader For The FBI By Melanie Brown on Kindle Wed Melanie Brown
Write Fifty Times Solo Ellie Dauber
TG-Harmony.com Solo Sephrena Lynn Miller
Flowers Solo Maryanne Peters
Demon Stalker (I Wish 4) by Amethyst on Kindle Tue Amethyst
“Oh What A Day I’ve had” Solo Gillian Chambers
Speak Now Solo Maryanne Peters
Prometheans by Joyce Melton & Lainie Lee from Doppler Press Fri Joyce Melton, Lainie Lee
The Station's Late Nite Princess Sat Snowfall
Kelly Girl by Wanda Cunningham - New Edition from DopplerPress Tue Wanda Cunningham
Rays of Light by Joyce Melton on Kindle Mon Joyce Melton
Special Someones by Melanie E on Kindle Mon Rasufelle
The Golden Blade by Marianne G on Kindle Sun Marianne G
Shannon's Course by Angela Rasch in Kindle Fri Angela Rasch
Sam and Sam by Joyce Melton - Now on Kindle Wed Joyce Melton
Peaches on Kindle: New Edition! Tue Amelia R., Angela Rasch
Being Invisible by Leslie Moore on Amazon Sat Leslie Moore
Hard Time by Melanie Brown - now on Kindle! Fri Melanie Brown
The Last of the Fey by Denise Anesidora Trask on Kindle Thu Anesidora's Urn
Battleskirts on Kindle by Melanie Brown Thu Melanie Brown
Aria - Book 3 - Bring Down the Curtain by Emma Anne Tate on... Wed Emma Anne Tate
In Bloom by Melanie Brown from Kindle Tue Melanie Brown
Andy and Dawn by Angela Rasch on DopplerPress Sat Angela Rasch
Dreams of Future Past by Kevin McCarthy on Kindle Fri New Author, Kevin McCarthy
Butterscotch by Joyce Melton now on Kindle Thu Joyce Melton
Wednesday Knights Mon Rasufelle
A Summer's Odyssey - Now on Kindle Wed Jennifer Sue
Pink Bear Romance by Melanie Brown - Now on Kindle Thu Melanie Brown
Tales from the Irish by Drea DiMaggio on Kindle Sat Drea DiMaggio
Everything's Sunny with Sarah - Zoe Taylor & Ashly... Fri Dark Kitten, Zoe Taylor
Big Book of Heaven and Hell by Maggie Finson on Kindle Wed Bek D. Corbin, E. E. Nalley, Maggie Finson, Rasufelle
A Modest Proposal by Melanie Brown - on Kindle Tue Melanie Brown
Boys Don't Cry on Kindle Tue Dark Kitten, Zoe Taylor
The Princess Trap on Kindle Thu Tyrone Slothrop, Wanda Cunningham
The Frozen Balance - by Persephone - Kindle Edition Wed Persephone
Arctic Fox Book 2 by Rosemary Howell now on Kindle Tue Rose
Cindy's Prom and the Unwilling Princess by Melanie Brown... Mon Melanie Brown
Mindful by Beverly Taff on Kindle Sun Beverly Taff
S T O R Y    T E A S E R S

Things They Made Me Do - Chapter 2

Things Edited.jpg
Uncle Charlie – Part Two

Julia tells her psychiatrist about Uncle Charlie's second visit. This time Uncle Charlie brings a friend to taste the delights that Julia has to offer. Julia is discovered in a compromising position by her mother and father and suffers the consequences.

Please heed the warnings as this chapter explores themes of coercion and reluctance.

A Whole New Me (Again?) - Part 6

The school year ended and we broke up for the summer and there’s not a huge lot more to say about it really. Now the stuff with those teachers is over and done with I settled into, well, normality as a teen girl. I won’t say I forgot my past, that’s not so easy to do, but I felt more normal than I have in a long time. One funny happened while on my way into school during the last week in that I bumped into my ex wife.

Exchanged - Chapters 12 and 13

Exchanged Art - Amazon
Chapters 12 and 13
by Sofia Hammerstein

Two years ago Stacy visited a newly discovered dimension, with his parents, on an adventurous summer vacation. He was astounded by how the other dimension's technology was decades ahead of his own! During his senior year he applied to Emerson University in the city he had visited. He was excited and hopeful of learning more about their technology as an exchange student, and hopefully bring it back to his own world. (Story set in the Diaper Dimension)

Conform! 7:8

I was relieved when Larry and the head cheerleader drifted apart. I should have been concerned when Bob asked Larry for a date. The truth was that I was just too curious to see what would happen I just aided and abetted instead. Larry was even lovelier that night. They left and about a minute to midnight I heard Bob’s car drive up again. Of course I had prepared an unobtrusive view of the porch. Yes, there was a good-night kiss. Not a bad one. Really not a bad one.

MTU - Hard To Look At (part 4 of 10)

Chapter 7

I woke up Thursday morning with a queasy feeling in my gut. I figured it was nerves: today was my first day back to school. I hoped taking a shower would help me get settled. I did my business in the bathroom and felt a little more awake. That seemed to help.

Diva in Disguise 17

Diva in Disguise Chapter 17

At the sound of those taunting words, I spun around incautiously to find Karen grinning at me. I had forgotten the tendency of the skirts I was wearing to fly outwards and upwards at the slightest provocation, and her grin broadened into a leer as I strove to calm my frothy layers and restore what little modesty remained to me.

Battle Scars Part 3

Nathan observed as the demon king ruthlessly struck down his comrades, each one collapsing in a pool of their own blood. He too was rapidly losing vitality. In a desperate attempt, he endeavored to cast a spell that might stop the flow of blood, yet his dwindling strength rendered him unable to complete the incantation. Overwhelmed with despair, he listened to the anguished cries of his fellow soldiers-those who had placed their trust in him, fought alongside him, and believed in his leadership time after time. His senses began to blur, and he could feel the encroaching shadow of death.

Royal Frills 17

Royal Performer - Chapter 3

Royal Performer

Royal Performer - Chapter 3

Princess Alexandria Alessi’s life has turned upside down in the blink of an eye. Only a few days ago, she was enjoying a clandestine summer shopping with her best friend at the local mall. Coming home, she was alarmed to discover her mom was there, and her secret of being transgender was suddenly no longer secret! Within a few short hours, her life became like a movie as she discovered that her long-lost father was the Crown Prince of Osané, a small, secluded island nation. Alexandria was immediately thrust into the spotlight in a whirlwind weekend that led to a Monday press conference to announce her royal lineage.

Royal Performer is the second Tiffany Shar's 'Suddenly Royal' series.

Charlotte Had A Boyfriend : 19

"Wait, wait!" I said. "Go back a second!
You said 'The Iodine Story'. What is that?"

"You don't know?" Hugh looked surprised.
"The Iodine Story," he repeated, as if saying it again somehow clarified it.

The Present, Part 8

Part Eight

Chris did not, in fact, hop right to it.

When the bathroom door clicked closed behind his cousin, he awkwardly stood behind the shower curtain and weighed his options. Doing what Amy asked would be insane. The sight of his smooth legs was bad enough, but shaving the rest of his body? Unless he exclusively wore long sleeves for a few days, his hairless arms would probably go noticed by someone. And when Amy had told him to shave the rest of his body . . . She hadn’t meant his private area as well, had she? That would be too much.

Conform! 6:8

So Larry was without girlfriend. While I had not expected him to be single for long (what a change from the beginning of the year!) I had NOT expected Bob (the baseball captain) to be the next one to ring the bell and ask for Larry.

A Cold Fey in Hell 2: Chapter 5

cold fey 2.png


Chapter 5: First Morning

Crystal has gotten used to being a girl, a Nymph, a Muse, and even a mother figure, but is she really ready to go to an all-girls school and start working at Pandora's Box? The life of a trouble magnet is never easy.


“Do I even want to know what her problem is?” I asked with a sigh.

What it is to be a Queen

What it is to be a Queen

I am Banrigh, the most sucessful hive queen in our history on the planet, at least so far I am. My gratitude that our memories and awareness are passed on when we pass is beyond the comprehension of those of other species. Members of other species die and their descendants are left with what they remember of what they have seen and have been told. We remember as if we were the one experiencing what our entire line of direct ancestors remembered of their lives and experiences. For those of us with ancestors of influence, or ancestors who subsequently became to be recognised as major contributors to our current thinking, that puts us in a powerful position in society today.

On Vacation

I'm anxious. Today is my first real time away from home all alone. I'll be spending a week at a hotel in a small town on the off season, which hopefully means that nobody will be there. I'm transgender, and this will be my first time wearing a bikini, so I'm stressing out about that.

I check in, then drop my stuff off at my room. I rest on the bed for an hour or so, tired after two connecting flights and a taxi ride. I've been traveling basically all day. I stare at the ceiling, and hope that this week will be stress free, and not a huge headache like every day at home is.

Team Mate (Part 15: Tabitha Comes Home)

I spent the next morning with my parents. We didn't do anything in particular, just had breakfast together and mooched about the house. The introduction of Tabitha was an obvious elephant in the room, but it didn't feel like there was any dreaded anticipation attached to her homecoming. More just a biding of time until it was to happen.

It reached 11.45am, and I said I'd better be heading off. No need to say where or why.

"Ok, darling", my mum said. "We'll see you when you get back home."

My dad, head buried in the morning newspaper, raised his hand to bid me adieu.

Statistically Speaking 21

Statistically Speaking

By Marco Asemani

Edited by Patricia Marie Allen

Part 21

“For a girl that often goes to work in good-looking skirt and heels, jeans and a simple blouse like this one would be a hint that you are a bit down. Do you want to convey that?”

“Oooohhhhh… women and their hints!”

Conform! 5:8

I had expected Larry to get into trouble at the studio with his lilac tights. Just shows how clueless I am. The teacher loved that Larry wore lighter color tights. That allowed him to see better how Larry’s leg muscles worked. Black really isn’t a good color to wear in class but tell that to teen boys who already are body conscious. And, of course, the girls in his class loved it even more now that they got a better look at his quite nice legs. Good thing for Larry that he already had a girlfriend. Otherwise he’d have been under siege.

Body Politic. Part 3 of 5

Chapter 3

I slept late on Saturday morning, waking up with the knowledge that I had lived to see another day, and wondered how many more I would see if I stuffed up with this case.

Allan had lectured us on surveillance and things that you would teach to rookie spies. I knew he must have been in the service and wondered how he knew James Harding. Perhaps I would find out tonight, or maybe tomorrow morning.

A Grumpy Old Man’s Tale 58 The Heller of All Hellers

A Grumpy Old Man’s Tale 58 The Heller of All Hellers

Daphne said, “Most women I know, including me, have an awful lot of clothes. Not Stephen, but that skirt suit is genuine Harris tweed and cost a small fortune. All his clothes are the same, he doesn’t have wardrobes and wardrobes of them but what he does have is all the ultimate in quality. He should have been a woman because his dress sense is far better than mine. However, he’s a hundred percent man. He just likes dressing up in what other people call women’s clothes, but he doesn’t see it that way. He says, ‘I’m a man. They’re my clothes, so by definition they’re a man’s clothes.’ I suppose he does have a point.”


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Some experiments are supposed to fail..


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Moxie (Texas Belles #2)


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The sequel to Melanie Brown's Texas Belles is now on Kindle!


by Melanie Brown

Ayumi did it before, can she do it again?

Moxie on Kindle

She stayed in Japan after the breakup of her first J-Pop band, Texas Belles. The other American members went their own ways, some of them back to the states.

But no one in Japan ever knew Sam, the American bass-playing boy who joined his sister’s band and helped make them a hit. Sam is Ayumi now, as real as a girl can get. And she wants to keep doing what she does best.

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