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Gaby Book 27 ~ Smell of the Crowd ~ Chapter *7*

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Book 27
Smell of the Crowd

by Maddy Bell
Copyright© 2022 Madeline Bell

Life has some certainties, birth and death of course, but the rest is a mix of Minestrone and Spaghetti, some of which we have no direct influence over. We can however decide whether we want Parmesan or other seasoning, we can give Gnochi a try, doesn't mean we'll like it but at least we'll know. Gaby has reached just such a point in her life, she knows she likes Pizza, she's not averse to Spaghetti or Lasagne but is Gnochi for her? The Gnochi in this case is doing the singing with BlauHase on a more serious level, as a 'hobby' its fine but could this be a change of career? Well you don't find out without trying so that's just what our heroine is about to find out in this, the 27th book of the Gaby saga.


*Chapter 7*
A Clear Head

Battle Scars Part 5

Lucifer smiled as he cleaned his swords and his magical staff which he very rarely used ,looking at the weapons which have claimed numerous lives. Its told he had imbued the staff with the souls of thousands of people he had killed turning it into a very powerful weapon .He had the staff created after his battle with Nathan to make sure he doesn't loose again. But he still took pleasure in beating his enemies to death using his bare fists. It had been years since he married Natalie and they have these weekly routine of sparring together.

PomPom Fortress by Snowfall on Kindle


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Young Kyle struggles to make it through the school day without being noticed, but others intend to make him the center of attention. A beautiful coming of age story with a difference. Now available to borrow from Kindle Select for Kindle Prime members.

The PomPom Fortress by Snowfall

PomPom Fortress

Essentially Egg. Part 7 of 39

Chapter 7

I wondered if I’d been thinking about myself as a lamb being carried to its fate. When we got to the TV studio, I realized that I had dressed mostly in white, from white underwear to my white slip, and white satin dress being worn for the first time.

I had added a light pink sweater because it was a bit chilly. But beyond that -- I had dressed as a virginal bride!

Between Roles - 3 - Growth

Art by LariUmbreon

Art by LariUmbreon

Starting hormones was one of the most amazing choices I could have made. It's lead to a world of difference that's made me happier overall. Of course, there were some obvious growing pangs early on in my transition...


Panel 1:
Lari: "And that makes TWO whole months on hormones!"

Snow Angel: Chapter 35

You're Only Human Session 6

From: Replika
To: Seth M.
Subject: Re: “Where is my Replika?


We understand your frustration in the loss of your account and Replika settings. Our engineers have been working on the issue and we request for you to reset your password on Replika.ai to gain access to your account once again.

Thank you.

Sisters Are Doin' It For Themselves - Ch. 14

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Sorry for being a bit late with this latest chapter. Real life caused some delay in my posting schedule. To make up for this, please enjoy this longer than usual chapter.

Gaby Book 25 ~ Only Five Minutes ~ Chapter *38*

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Book 25
Only Five Minutes

by Maddy Bell
Copyright© 2019 Madeline Bell

After all the excitement of the last few weeks culminating in the trip to Austria, surely Gaby can get back to some sort of 'normal'?

Well it wouldn't be Gaby if it was that simple would it?


Duel With The Devil

Duel With The Devil
One Step Forward, Two Steps Back
Sales of my novel, The Greatest Liar, Trans Erotica With A Purpose (TGL), had been tepid, despite the generally positive reader comments on the publishing website of an e-commerce firm named for a large South American River.  The meager royalties didn’t bother me: I have more assets than I ever dreamed of owning, and my professional career is thriving.  

Playing for the other team, Part 2

There are multiple ways to approach gender reassignment surgery, all procedures are viable, and each has their own set of complications, which depending on the patient's particular medical history can make one method preferable over the other. The most common is through a method known as penile inversion vaginoplasty (PIV), which basically means cutting open the penis and turning it inside out. This procedure removes the erectile tissue, testicles and much of the scrotum, but preserves the glans, penile skin and urethra to fashion the clitoris and vaginal cavity.

Please Ask Me To Come Inside Already

Playing for the other team, Part 1

Authors note: This story is about a male athlete who realizes he is dysphoric over his penis and testicles and wants to get a vaginoplasty but stay a masculine man. One day an accident in practice makes that dream a reality. He and his teammate discover together that they have feelings for each other and navigate the complex situation together. It is a way to explore my own feelings towards gender and sex, but contains explicit gore and scenes not suitable for all audiences. Part 1.

GunPrincessRoyale - Bk3 - Ch1

This is the unpublished version of Book 3 of "Gun Princess Royale" a sci-fi, gender-bender, girls-with-guns, action series that I self-published on Amazon Kindle as eBooks in 2017. The series tanked in sales due to a bad story, very bad writing, and failing to put in the required time to develop the Gun Princess Royale Universe before releasing the books. Consequently, I never self-published Book 3. I did post a rough cut for Book 3 here on TG BigCloset. However, I was unsatisfied with the result, so I went back and rewrote the novel with a new approach. This is that novel.

Through the years: Trials and tribulations of a preteen girl Part 21

“Yes. It was all Troy’s fault.” Molly’s glee was very evident. A sick smile had been on her face for a little while now. Her parents were helping with the story to the deputy, while the boys were huddled in a room together.

“You know, just a couple of boys fighting won’t be enough to arrest and jail him for long, if he has a clean record.” The deputy said. “You need something bigger.”

“Like what?” Louis Horton asked. In his mind this was open and shut. If the courts were God fearing. “Isn’t this bad enough?”

“Not really. With their ages...boys fight all the time. But sexual assault could work, like you’re doing with Amy. But what about another kid?”

“Like Robbie?” Molly Inquired. “We’ve beat both boys.” She said so nonchalantly.

The deputy shook his head. “I was thinking about a girl. You attack a little girl and people lose their minds.”

“We already have Amy. Why do we need another?” Molly’s mother asked.

Tracy has some dark times a-coming. But she is also going to have a fun time at the Happiest place on Earth.

Jack's new hairstyle

- Jack I asked you so many times, either cut your hair or start taking care of it. So I've made an appointment for you to go to the hairdresser tomorrow at 9:00. Lucy my friend, will cut your hair.

- But mom tomorrow I can not, 10.30 we have to leave for a multi-day school trip !

- Therefore, you will go to the hairdresser with your suitcase, it is not far from where the bus leaves for the trip.

Lucifer's youngest child- chapter 5

Lucifer's youngest child.

What would you do if you found out that you were the child of Lucifer and what is basically an immortal woman? Will you rale against Fate? Would you curse God for who your parents were? Would you face the oncoming battle for your soul with a smile? Would you curl up in a ball and hope that it was all a dream? That is the problem facing one young man as his reality changes

Shame and Desire Chapter 52

“It’s hard to say what it was like, being out there in a bathing suit. Hard to put into words and say anything other than ‘it felt good’, I guess. That doesn't even really describe it well either. ‘It felt good’ is so vague it could mean anything. It felt liberating maybe? I don’t know, I’m new to this.

Well, getting back on topic, Elise convinced me to go on another ride. A simple one, one where it just went straight up, turned, then went down. There was a splash at the end. I don’t remember what it was called, but after SkyRush, going on this was nothing.


More DopplerPress

Boys Don't Cry on Kindle


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All Johnny wanted to do was take ballet classes, like his best friend Christina. He couldn't stop thinking about pink tights and tutus. Even though his brother and father tormented him, he longed to be more like his sister LeAnn.
Maybe he was much more like her than he knew.

Johnny eventually realized he wanted to be a girl, and chose the name Sarah. With help from her friends, and older sister, Sarah was able to face her toughest battle yet.

Boys Don't Cry

Friendship and Agony by Maryanne Peters on Kindle


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The first published anthology of our own very prolific short story author, Maryanne Peters, is available on Kindle in a new book.

Friendship and Agony
with 15 other TG romances
by Maryanne Peters
Now on Kindle!

When is a “Friendship” close to being a marriage? Two men discover that being friends is not enough when one of them agrees to be a bride.

What will an estranged father do to keep his family together when they make a “Call for Help?” Break the law and make radical changes? But how will his life be judged?

A man writes an "Agony" column pretending to be a woman, then success demands that SHE step forward into reality…. Can she become a real person?

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