Gaby Book 26 ~ On The Edge ~ Chapter *39*

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Book 26
On The Edge

by Maddy Bell
Copyright© 2021 Madeline Bell

Seventeen - it's a birthday overshadowed by its predecessor and successor and Gaby's looks set to follow that pattern. There are however big decisions to be made, should she grab life by the horns and experience everything it has to offer or take the more conservative, safer route through life. This volume, the 26th in the Gaby series has all the elements of classic Gaby, bike riding, teenage angst, developing relationships, grist to the mill for our heroine as life in the Ahrtal ticks on.


*Chapter 39*
Dry Run

"Thought you'd be here earlier,” Kristen suggested when I eventually reached Con's Kabin.
"I um, had a bit of a detour,” I admitted, “ no Nena?”
"She's just popped to the Apotheke, she should be back in a minute.”
“'kay, so how's business today?”
"So, so, a few tourists but mostly the regulars.”
"Tourists already?”
"Things are cheaper before Easter.”
"They are?”
"A lot, some places don't even open before Easter.”
"Like the campsite?”
"So you covering my lunch then?”
"Give me five minutes to get changed.”

"Hi Gab,” Nena greeted when she got back to work.
"Heya, get what you were after?”
"Get, oh at the chemist, no, I'll have to go down to Ahrweiler, Kris on her lunch?”
"Yeah, so you set for Saturday?”
"Think so, its not like i've really got much to do is it?”
"It'll be good practice for when we're away.”
"I guess, so its full dress rehearsal then?”
"Thats the idea. Oh I dropped in on Bernie and Drea on the way.”
"We wondered why you were late,” she put in.
"Yeah well anyway, she said to say hi.”
"How is she? She's what, five months now?”
"Something like that.”
"So its due in,” she counted fingers, "July?”
"Sounds about right,” I agreed.
"You eating now you're here?”
"I'll just get some Pommes next time we do a batch.”

I stayed until closing, I had a thirty minute or so window of daylight to get back down the valley, more than long enough providing I don't get delayed.

"If I think of anything I'll give you a call.”
"Okay,” Nen confirmed, "See you Saturday then.”
"Yep, tschuss!

The remainder of the week was uneventful unless you count the mix up with the post Garde pizzas on Friday night. We've been going there for like years, I always have double pepperoni but somehow, when we got home we had Dad's Americano, Mum's Hawaii and Mands Pollo, but no pepperoni but instead some sort of meat feast thing, you know with kebab meat, ham, ground beef and sausage. Not the end of the world but annoying never the less.

Oh yeah, Mums here for a couple of days between races, they got in another short training block after the race in Mexico, they got back to Germany this morning.

"You got eveything kiddo?” Dad asked for what seemed like umpteenth time.
"I said yes last time you asked,” I huffed.
"We know what you're like,” Mum pointed out.
"Come on then, don't want to be late,” Dad chivvied.
"I've been ready for ages.”

Indeed, any delay in our departure was due to the parental units checking, double checking and triple checking that I had everything. Nena had come down after lunch so we could do a pre gig dress rehearsal, well try some different makeup looks, not that I was travelling ready rock, I'll get ready at the venue. Oh yeah, the venue, Stefan got us the primo slot at Bad Godesberg's number one music venue, Die Bauern, sounds impressive but its really a sort of roadhouse place with live music.

We piled out to the car and finally set off for the evening.

The guys were busy unloading Marcus' battered Mercedes van when we arrived in Dad's pride and joy.

I hopped out and went across, "Hey guys.”
"Hi Marcus, Jo, Stefan here?”
"Inside liebe.”
"Ga-ab, gis a hand,” Nen whined.
"Be right back,” I told the fellas.

Back at the car, Dad had extracted the various bags and cases from the boot, Nena was busy trying to grab as many as possible.

"You okay?” Mum enquired.
"We'll be fine,” I assured her even as the butterflies in my stomach started a very active rhumba.
"We'll leave you to it then.”
I leant in for a quick hug, "Thanks Mum.”
"You sure you don't want some food before?”
"I wouldn't be able to keep it down, go, I'll see you later.”

With a last peck on my forehead Mum got back in the Saab, Me, Nen and the collection of bags watching as they took off to go eat.

"Come on, lets introduce you to the band,” I told my companion.

We found our way inside, the sound of voices guiding us into the 'concert' room where the rest, I need to get used to that, the rest of BlauHase were doing setting up type things.

"Erdbeere!” Stefan bellowed across, "Come in, how you doin'?”

I headed over and was soon engulfed in a hug from our front man.

"Bit nervous,” I told him as he released me.
"Tonic water,” Little Jo offered, "Settles your stomach.”
"So you gonna introduce your friend?” Marcus asked.
"Right, sure, er guys,” I beckoned to Nena, "This is Nena, she'll be my 'chaperone' for the tour.”
"Misty!” Nen hissed.
"Sorry, Misty,” I corrected, "Mist meet the guys, Stefan, Big Jo, Marcus, Little Jo and thats Animal over there.”
"Er hi everyone,” Nen, I mean Misty offered somewhat shyly.
"Good to meet you Mist,” Little Jo offered a hand shake.

Ne-Mist was a bit reluctant but shook each hand as it was offered.

"Nice to finally meet you Misty,” Stefan stated, "We don't usually bite.”
"Unless you ask nicely,” Marcus chuckled.
"Behave yourself Marc,” Animal told him.
"I am.”
"Give over fellas, you'll scare the girls,” Stefan cut in before turning back to us, "They're harmless really.”
"So is there a dressing room someplace?” I hinted.
"Right, yeah sure, Siina?”

It was only then I noticed the other occupant of the hall, a woman, she looked to be about thirtyish, wearing jeans, heels and a leather jacket in a failed attempt to look 'hip'. She came over from her stool at the bar, when she got closer I readjusted my age guess up by about twenty years.

"Erd, this is Siina, she's the manager of Die Bauern, Siin, this is Erdbeere our singer and Misty her, er, friend.”
"Er hi,” I offered a finger wave.
"Nice to meet you Strawberry.”

Her voice was quite deep, gravelly I guess you might call it, the result no doubt of heavy smoking at the least, there was a strong smell of stale tobacco when she spoke.

"Can you point them towards the dressing room Siin?” Stefan requested.
"Sure, come on girls, lets leave the men with their toys.”
"We'll do a sound check in about thirty minutes,” Stefan called after us.

"So how did a pretty young thing like you get mixed up with Stefan and his boys?” Siina asked as she led us back out of the hall and past the facilities.
"My boyfriend took me to a gig and I sort of ended up singing with them, its just gone from there.”
"Well good luck to ya girl, they're a good bunch o' lads, maybe not arena material but they do alright.”

We went through a locked door, down a few steps and our guide flipped a switch before pointing to a doorway, the fluorescent lights inside doing that on off, on off thing before settling on a gradually brightening on.

"Here you go ladies, nothing grand I'm afraid but its private, there's a bathroom through the door if you need it.”
"Thanks,” Nen told her.
"Well I'll leave you to it, I'll see you later.”

"Its a bit...”
"Dingy?” I suggested.
"Or something like that,” she agreed.

Clearly its use as a dressing room was only part of its raison d'etre, part filled as it was with an assortment of furniture, boxes of 'stuff' and general crap. The 'bathroom' was not exactly salubrious either, clean yes but in a cracked tile, dripping tap sort of way, the washbasin stained from a continuous drip, the mirror sporting blackened patches – I think I'll be giving the shower a miss tonight! (Well I didn't bring any stuff anyway)

"I hope they're better than this while we're on tour,” Ne, I mean Misty opined, "That sounds so cool and glamorous, on tour.”
"I wouldn't get your hopes up,” I sighed, ”so where'd you want to set up?”

There wasn't really time to do anything much beyond unpacking my stage costume, well I did put by new boots on, well I need to know what its like wearing them on stage. We headed back to the 'auditorium' once that was done, in theory getting changed and adding the slap won't take that long after the sound check.

"Here they are,” Big Jo announced.
"Great,” Stefan added, “ Misty, you wanna sit over with Siina, you okay with the set list Erdbeere?”
"Think i've been singing it in my sleep,” I told the assemblage now by the stage.

Our number was now boosted by several other folk, it might not be the Rheinhalle but Die Bauern does boast proper lighting and sound gear which of course needs people to set up and operate. Its one thing spending five minutes checking sound levels and fingers crossed the stage lighting is pointing the right way but this is a bit more serious. I won't bore you with the whole process, to be honest I'm not sure what half the stuff was for, but at the end of an hour everyone seemed satisfied, we'd run through a couple of the new numbers in full and I needed to hydrate.

"When you're ready girls, come up to the green room, we'll wait in there for gig time,” Stefan told us.
"Green room, there's a green room?”
"This is a premier venue I''ll have you know,” Siina put in, arriving with N-Misty.
"I know the way Erd,” my assistant stated.
"Okay then, doors open in fifteen so we'd best make ourselves beautiful,” Stefan grinned.

I couldn't help myself, I stuck out my tongue in reply.

"You'd best have this,” Ne-isty stated when we got back downstairs.
"What is it?” I asked taking the gift bag she'd pulled out of a pocket.
"Open it and you'll find out.”

You know me and presents, I can't get into them quick enough. I made short work of the wrapping inside of which was a fine silver chain with a charm type thing on it.

"Er thanks.”
"Its a strawberry, for luck on the tour,” my friend explained.

Strawberry? Why, oh I get it, Erdbeere.

"Well you can never have too much luck I guess.”

My 'changing' room wasn't the warmest of places, a quick search did find a ratty fan heater which at least kept me from freezing as I sat in my underwear while Mist attended to my coiffure.

"Stop fiddling,”
"I've got goose bumps on my goose bumps,” I complained.
"Best make sure you've got a robe for next week.”
"I'll see what I can find in Koblenz on Monday, I don't use one at home.”
"Sit still while I pin this in place, please?”
"Okay,” well I didn't want to get stuck with hair grips either.

The 'this' in question was the perücke we'd decided on this afternoon, think Cleopatra, you know, straight fringe, just above the shoulder length except that this example of the wig makers art is a sort of slightly orangey pink, you know, about well fed flamingo. Ne I mean Misty has gone the whole nine yards, my own hair is fairly tightly braided and pinned to my scalp, there's a cap thing, like a bit of fifty D hose over that and the perücke is then pinned to that, well it will be when she's done.

We did my nails earlier, a very Goth dark red with glitter on top, more Jools than Gaby but I'm trying to get into my stage persona right?

"There, what do you think?”
"Well I'm glad its not mine all the time.”
"I think it suits you. You want me to do your face?”
"As long as I don't end up looking like a clown.”
She feigned innocence, "Would I?”
"I know you would, come on, i've got to get dressed yet.”
"Okay, keep your hair on.”
"Its pinned tight enough,” I pointed out.

By the time i'd been plastered with foundation, painted more hues than you can count and silly lashes stuck in place, I barely recognised myself. I'm not exactly Ugly Betty usually but I certainly didn't look like me now, the tiny mole by my eye – gone, i've suddenly got cheek bones and my lips look, well they look very er, lippy.

Then it was on with my 'costume', fishnet hose, the dark pink burlesque skirt, corset top laced for visual effect rather than physical and of course my boots. I could've done with a robe now too, my bare shoulders causing me to shiver somewhat. Which is why I finished getting ready with N-Misty's fleece on.

I might prefer a sparkly stud in my nose but I have to admit, the repurposed silver sleeper did look more edgy there. I'm not convinced about the ten centimetre hoops in my ears though, maybe a bit much but hardly the end of the world. I slipped the rings I purloined from Jules' dresser on my fingers, Misty hooked the silver chain she presented me with earlier, around my neck et voila, one ready to rock chicklet.

The green room was, perhaps ironically, painted green, admittedly a fairly pale minty sort of shade but green nevertheless. The guys were in their stage gear – well they had different t shirts on at least, beers in hand, when we got there.

"Drinks and food on the table,” Animal told us only then looking at us, "She-ite, its Nina Hagen gone cute.”
"I'll take that as a compliment,” I replied perching myself on a chair.
"You look quite, er,” Stefan started.
"I think stunning is the word you are looking for,” Misty stated.
"I feel under dressed,” Animal offered.
"You are under dressed,” the others chorused back.

I gave a bit of a snigger, his shorts and vest, well he is the drummer, made the others look like high society.

"Here,” Mist stuck a paper cup in my hand.
"What is it?” I asked taking a tentative sniff.
"Vodka and lemonade, calm your nerves,” she took a slug from her own cup.
"Didn't know they needed calming.”
"You've been jittery all day now listen to your Tante Misty.”
"Whatever,” I took a sip, not bad but I think I prefer a nice red.

Clearly I wasn't the only one with a nerve problem, the guys might have been clutching various beverages but they weren't drinking a lot and Marcus excused himself a couple of times. The only one seemingly unaffected was Misty, well I know she's not going on stage but sisterhood and all that? Instead she was happily snacking on the er, snacks and she'd helped herself to three vodka's before Siina came to fetch us.

"Tonight, for one night only here at Die Bauern, on the eve of their first world tour, your friends and mine, Bonn's very own BLAUHASE!

The MC, like those manning microphones the world over, was really hamming things up. He jogged off the stage, giving Stefan a high five on the way as the lights dropped and the paying public quietened down. We tried several different entrances at the soundcheck but decided on a fairly theatrical affair.

The guys scuttled onto the stage before the curtain lifted on the still darkened space, a spotlight flashed on illuminating Little Jo then went out. The same then but with Marcus and repeated until, still in silence, all five musicians were illuminated. Animal started a slow beat, the others joining in with a sort of baroque parody, very alt rock.

It was quite short, the audience seemingly not quite sure what to make of it remained subdued throughout. I counted the beat as each player stopped, their illumination cut until just Animal was left, tapping out the beat for another couple of bars before stopping and the stage returning to full darkness. If any of the audience could see onto the stage, the sudden sweeping light that swept them from the stage killed it which meant when the individual spots re-lit I had appeared as if by magic.

'Where the mountains meet the sea
And lights spit stains on the scenery
And the air is heavy with a sticky unease
I wish for my world of make believe
And the rebel in my soul says go'1

I launched into my first song of the evening, Thunder in the Mountains, some of you might know the original which came out way back in 1982, Stefan sent me a link to a vid on the net where a wild haired Toyah Wilcox screamed the lyrics from a sort of apocalyptic chariot, think Mad Max stylee. It makes a great high octane start to the set, its just obscure enough to not be well known but is a great example of the Goth Metal genre that BlauHase are sort of part of.

'Thunder and lightning
Thundering thundering in the mountains
And its breaking through
Breaking through
Breaking through'

As the last chords died away, the lighting on each band member went out one by one until just lil ol' me was left under a single spotlight.

"Hello Godesberg and welcome to our show this evening. As some of you know, we start our tour shortly, our first, so we thought that we'd treat our home crowd to a preview.”

I paused as the crowd cheered then pressed on.

"We shall be doing a mixture of old favourites and new songs, we hope you'll enjoy them all, we certainly will so lets get on and shake the rafters of Die Bauern, we are BlauHase!”

The crowd had joined in on the BlauHase, its sort of a band signature thing. My spotlight blinked out and I scuttled back into the wings as the opening chords of The Battle of Düren rent the air.
Maddy Bell © 14.05.2021

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