Gaby Book 26 ~ On The Edge ~ Chapter *32*

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Book 26
On The Edge

by Maddy Bell
Copyright© 2021 Madeline Bell

Seventeen - it's a birthday overshadowed by its predecessor and successor and Gaby's looks set to follow that pattern. There are however big decisions to be made, should she grab life by the horns and experience everything it has to offer or take the more conservative, safer route through life. This volume, the 26th in the Gaby series has all the elements of classic Gaby, bike riding, teenage angst, developing relationships, grist to the mill for our heroine as life in the Ahrtal ticks on.


*Chapter 32*
What the 'Eck?

I finished my lunch and still having over an hour before I was supposed to meet Max for the train journey north, I headed not towards the Altstadt but instead the short way to the 'Eck. What the compulsion is, I don't know but I found myself climbing the oversize steps of the monument precinct, the huge statue of Kaiser Wilhelm quickly lost to view with each step. Of course, i've been before, we came with school, its a very important place to the German people besides being the end of the Mosel.

At the top, well as high as you can get at least, I joined the few other grockles about to enjoy the view, the finger of land marking the confluence looks like the foredeck of one of those old battleships, minus the guns of course, and beyond, the clear line between the green waters of the Mosel and the brown of Mutter Rhein. I checked the time, hmm, I should probably head into town. The other visitors were snapping away taking pictures, well why not, I pulled my Handy out and took a selfie, me with the 'German Corner' behind, and sent it to Max with a message 'c u at Bhf'.

Okay, its a bit cheesy but I don't care, a minute later, the phone chirped with a reply 'K xxx M' – well at least he's not going off to play 5 a side kickball or something equally boring.
I took the slightly longer, but less congested route up into the town, you know, along the Moselquai then up the steps by the Stadt Kunstmuseum. There was a familiar buzz from my bag as I got to the top, don't tell me he's changed his mind. But no, caller ID said Nena so I hit the green button.

"Well dur, who else would have your phone?” Fischer queried.
"So what's up?”
"Nothing, well everything, oh I don't know.”
"This about the tour?”
"Well sort of, you know what mama has been like since, you know.”

I guess its sort of understandable but Frau Fischer has been a bit overprotective towards my friend since Claudia passed, not exactly locking her in the house but its the Spanish Inquisition everytime she goes anywhere.

"She's not pulled the plug on you coming?”
"Neh, not that she hasn't been doing the guilt thing but dad's on my side.”
"Oh I don't know, it just gets a bit much sometimes.”
"Its only a couple of weeks before we go, maybe your mum needs a break too?”
"Dad's tried but theres always an excuse, usually 'whats Nena gonna do'.”
"She does realise you're seventeen now?” it was rhetorical, of course she knows how old her daughter is.
"You wouldn't think so sometimes, its driving me potty.”

"What are you up to tonight?”
"Telly I guess.”
"You could come to cheer?”
"Me, a cheerleader, not so likely!” she scoffed.
"What's wrong with cheering?”
"Where do I start?”
"Well I wasn't trying to recruit you, just thought it would get you out of the house for a bit, you could help me out, Hannah won't be there tonight so I'll be on my own.”
"I dunno.”
"Oh go on, it'd be fun, there might be pizza.”
"You are desperate, okay, what time?”
"Pick you up at the bus halt thirty to seven?”
"Oh, and wear something you can move about in.”
"Aerobics stuff?”
"Oh and indoor shoes, look I'll have to go, I can see Max waiting for me.”
"Liebes junge traum,” she teased, "I'll see you later then, tschuss.”

"That looked a bit intense,” Max opined when I finally got across the road.
"Nena, she's getting grief from her mama about the tour.”
"Tour?” he asked giving the crown of my head a quick peck in greeting.
"Blauhase dumbo.”
"Oh that tour, she is still going?”
"So far, anyhow she's gonna help me out at the All Stars tonight, no Hannah this week.”
"I coulda done that.”
"Just what we need, the local hunk at cheer practice, we'd have wall to wall drool, sprains and breaks, no thank you.”
"Urgh, I'm wounded and I thought i'd be doing good.”
"Maybe for you, not for the All Stars.”
"Damn, guess I'll have to make do with you then.”
I swatted his arm, "Make do? I'll give you make do!”
"Oo please,” he hammed.

You can't really do much more than smooch on public transport but I think its fair to say that our journey back to the Ahrtal gave our lips a fair workout and someone is now sporting a love bite on his neck! I got the full walk home service, not because I needed it but it did provide further opportunity for some slightly more advanced tonsil hockey when we got to Schloss Bond.
"That you Gaby?” Dad bellowed from inside his man cave – well the basement garage.

Damn, there's a little nook by the door which is ideal for a bit of canoodling as its under cover and out of the wind, the downside is potential discovery by parental units.

"Yes Daddy,” my turn to ham things up a bit.
"If that's Max with you i'd like a word please.”
"Okay, be right in.”

"What's your dad want?” Max asked as we headed up to the kitchen door.
"Your guess is as good as mine, you staying to eat?”
"I could be tempted.”
"It won't be fancy, cheer tonight.”
"If you've made it it will be like ambrosia.”
"Rice pudding?”
"Sorry, you've lost me.”
"Ambrosia, they make tinned milk puddings back in England.”
"Sometimes your mind works in very mysterious ways Gabrielle Bond.”
"But you still love me, you do still love me?”
He kissed my nose, "Its either love or the ring in your nose, I should go and see what Papa Bond wants me for.”
"I'll make some coffee.”

Dinner was simple as, pork chops from the freezer, potatoes and veg courtesy of Dad doing a small shop in the village Edeka – we'll do a proper restock tomorrow night down in Ahrweiler. I banged together some gravy, I usually braise chops which stops them drying out and shrinking too much, in the oven, thirty minutes et voila. Manda banged in complaining about the rain that she got caught in, both of us headed upstairs to change.

"You want dropping off Max?” Dad enquired.
"If its no trouble Herr Bond.”
"Can't have you drowning now, your dad would never forgive me.”
"Damn, your Gran, I forgot her chocolates.”
"I'm sure she'll live,” Max suggested, "She's not even home until tomorrow.”
"Remind me in the morning.”
"You two sound like an old married couple,” Mand chuckled.
"Hey, less of the old,” Max complained.
"Er Dad?”
"Er Gaby.”
"After we drop Max off we need to pick up Nena, she's helping me at the Tanzklub tonight.”
"The sooner you can drive yourself the better,” he mumbled.
"Can I take lessons?” well a girls gotta press her advantage right?
"You haven't taken your Mofa training yet.”
"I'm waiting for a date from the training school.”
"Hmm, where are we picking Nena up from?”
"The bushalt in Mayschoß?”
He checked his watch, "Ten past, now did someone mention coffee?”

We dropped Max off at Schloss Rech, just as well as it was persisting down now, and headed up the valley. There was no sign of Nena when we got to the bus shelter, we were a bit early but we'd barely stopped when a car made a one point turn and pulled in just ahead of us. Dad was muttering something about idiot drivers when the passenger door opened and a figure climbed out into the deluge.

It might have only been about ten metres but by the time she climbed into the Saab, Nena was quite, er, damp!

"Hi Nen.”
"Its not nice out there,” she noted as she scrabbled for the seat belt.
"Any more pick ups or can we go up to the Tanzklub now?” Dad asked.
”Onward Parker.”
"Yes M'lady.”

Mand had a fit of the giggles, well Dad's Parker impression is absolutely terrible. 1

Siggy was just opening up when we arrived, Hannah usually does it but as she's not about other arrangements have been made.

"Hi Siggy,” I greeted the clubs 'caretaker', "Thanks for opening up for us.”
"So what do we do after?” Of course Han usually locks up too, being Monday we're the only evening group using the place.
"I'll come back,” he allowed.

Barrel of laughs he isn't.

"Okay, thanks.”

"Who's Quasimodo?” Nen asked as we divested ourselves of outdoor gear.
"Nena!” I admonished.

Well okay, he doesn't exactly cut an upright figure, still.

"Siggy, he's like the Hausman, you know, looks after the place.
"Bit creepy if you ask me,“ Lisse put in joining us.
"Solde says he comes in and watches them practice.”
"At Garde?”
Lisse was warming to her subject now, "There should be a law.”
"Well i've never seen him there,” I observed.

In truth i've only ever seen him a couple of times, he was doing some painting the last time I think.

Nen joined me on one of the benches as the girls started their warm ups.

"Thought there'd be more here.”
"There's a couple sick.”
"Even so.”
"Maybe we need a recruitment drive.”

As I looked at my nominal charges, the truth of that was evident, two girls 'retired' just before Weihnachts and those left likely won't be about after this year, being seventeen, eighteen, only Celine is younger and she's nearly sixteen. Hmm, I'll have to talk to Hannah when she gets back, maybe some of the other classes could feed some aspiring cheerers to us?

"Okay, well done everyone.”

It has been a good session, Kristin has finally cracked that dismount and Susan really nailed that standing flip – anyone would think I know what I'm doing. It was the work of a couple of minutes to put the mats away and soon the members of The All Star Cheer were departing. Hannah usually goes around the building checking lights are off and doors closed so I thought i'd best do the same, Nena was talking with Kris and Mand so I set off alone.

The Tanzklub building is quite impressive really, there's the main hall of course complete with stage, various offices, changing and store rooms taking up most of the rest of the ground floor. The upstairs is smaller as its only over the office area, there's a couple of small studios, more facilities and a costume store – well they have to keep that stuff somewhere right? Of course, what sort of club would it be without some sort of bar – not that the groups I'm involved with have the need but the adult classes are as much social as serious, whatever tickles.

I didn't need to go upstairs so I just did the rounds on the ground level, rattling doors and turning off lights as I went. Why some were lit i've no idea, but no ones gonna say I'm not thorough. Returning to the main hall cum auditorium I had one last look about then turned off the lights, bank by bank.

The last switch clicked over and I was plunged into darkness, I made a grab for the door handle, temporarily blinded, it wasn't the door I grabbed though.

"Aaarrrgghhh!” I screamed, snatching my hand back.

"Gaby?“ Mand queried, "You okay, we heard a scream.”

The door swung open, a shaft of light illuminating de Vreen in the gap.

"There was something or somebody here.”
"Where?” Mand boldly came in and threw the light switches back on.

Of course, i've watched Scooby Doo, there's never anything there when the lights go on.

"It was by the door.”
"Well there's nothing here now,” she pointed out, “come on, that Siggy guy will be here to lock up.”

"Are you finished?”

I nearly jumped out of my skin, had Mand summoned him by using his name? Sure as eggs is eggs, there was Siggy.

"J-just turning the lights out,” de Vreen stammered out, clearly I wasn't alone in being rattled by his sudden appearance.
"I'll finish up,” he told us.
"Er sure,” I agreed, "Um, thanks for opening up and er stuff.”
"My pleasure,” he returned with a dip of his head.

We hurried out to where the others were waiting.

"We heard a scream,” Kris mentioned.
"I thought there was someone there.”
"Then that creepy guy sprang out of nowhere,” Mand added.
"Must've come in when we were getting our coats,” Kris temporised.
"Lets get out of here, Dad'll be waiting, you want a lift Kris?”
"Nah, I'll be alright, I'm only just through the tunnel.”
“'kay, laters.”

Kristen took off at a trot towards the tunnel, the rest of us sprinted through the wet to where Dad was parked in the Saab.

"Everything okay?” Pater greeted as we quickly joined him inside.
"Yeah,” I confirmed.
"Thought you'd never ask,” Mand grinned.
"Er, I should get home.”
"You know you want to, we can go back to ours to eat, Dad can drop you back home after.”
"I don't want to be any trouble.”
"Its no problem,” Dad told her, "Now thats settled, who's having what?”

Well, it was a fairly rhetorical question on Dad's part, mainly for Nena's benefit, after all Mand always has Hawaii, its rare Dad doesn't have the hot and well, if you need to ask what I have you've clearly skipped a big bit of my saga. So whilst there was some discussion over the merits of the various flatbreads on offer on the way back to Mayschoß, the only change to the usual order was extra pommes and chicken edition pizza for Nena. I got volunteered to do the fetching, Dad dropping me by the door before moving a few metres further on to park.

It was only when I was sat waiting for our order a few minutes later that it struck me, its not let up raining all evening but Siggy and his coat were bone dry. Perhaps he keeps dry stuff at the Klub, nah, why would you bother? The only other explanation threw fuel on the flames of Lisse's earlier tale, that he'd been inside the klub all evening.

"Double pepporoni, Pollo, Hawaii, American hot and four pommes.”

Oh thats me. I got up and claimed our supper, Pedro got the door for me but I could've done without the big puddle that I did a Dr Foster through getting to the car. Well okay, it wasn't that deep but both my feet were soaked. In the old car we'd often eat here but Dad's a bit more fussy about this one so it was ten minutes later before boxes were opened, drinks poured and gannets allowed to attack!

Maddy Bell © 30.04.2021

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