

Flipped Antimony regulus, or Gold in Copper


With assistance from Microsoft Bing Image Creator for “golden orb in circle in a woman's symbol on a black background, ultra render, no light, simple, flat icon, bronze, 2019, other mother, promotional image, streaming on twitch, lens, quintessa, game icon asset, 2018, femme, 2 0 1 8, listing image”


With assistance from Merior!

His wishes granted,
By contract, reviewed and read,
For a blessed bed.

Leavening his bread,
Set the plate to gift his stead,
Fiancé unwed.

Soon he’d be jiggled,
And one who never fiddled,
Uniquely riddled.

The body rested,
Soon, divinely regifted,

And acclimated.
Two bodies respirited,
Deal, consummated!

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