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Things They Made Me Do - Chapter 2

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Uncle Charlie – Part Two

Julia tells her psychiatrist about Uncle Charlie's second visit. This time Uncle Charlie brings a friend to taste the delights that Julia has to offer. Julia is discovered in a compromising position by her mother and father and suffers the consequences.

Please heed the warnings as this chapter explores themes of coercion and reluctance.

A Whole New Me (Again?) - Part 6

The school year ended and we broke up for the summer and there’s not a huge lot more to say about it really. Now the stuff with those teachers is over and done with I settled into, well, normality as a teen girl. I won’t say I forgot my past, that’s not so easy to do, but I felt more normal than I have in a long time. One funny happened while on my way into school during the last week in that I bumped into my ex wife.

What If?


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What If on Kindle

A story of heartache and pain, sins, misadventures, curses, a gods wrath and finally redemption.

What If?

by Monique S.

What if even an ordinary mortal could alter history? There are so many theories as to what time is and what it would mean if you could alter history and create an alternate timeline in a parallel universe.

Being interested in extreme Astrology and a technician I have always rejected such theories, just until I woke up in HER bed and found myself changed ...


Team Stryke is a multi-national para-military army dedicated to promoting peace world wide. The team is supported by the United Nations, bank-rolled by special interest groups dedicated to maintaining world peace even at the cost of human rights.
The team is trained in a series of skills that compose both military and civilian needs.
The technology used by the team is cutting edge, developed from U.F.O. technology found in various crash sites. ________________________________________________________________

Las Chicanas

Alicia as usual had an idea. “Let’s put on our fancy, mama!”

Maria cocked her head in surprise, “Baby, why not our usual robes and nighties, that’s what we usually wear.”

“This is special, I want to remember the night I became your daughter. And you became my mother. The greatest night of our lives — so far. The dishes can wait.” Maria grinned, and kissed her baby girl on the cheek, then each woman rushed to her room.

Mystery of Sawnerve Island -4- Might as Well Be Magic

Two boys shipwrecked on a tropical island make a series of strange discoveries while a mysterious force slowly transforms them into beautiful girls.

Nothing up their sleeves....

Coconut Palm      Mystery of
Sawnerve Island

Chapter 4 - Might as Well Be Magic

by Jijillian and Kyosuke

College Girl : 18

College Girl
By poetheather
Chap 18

I awoke, my body sore and a desert in my mouth. I groaned as I sat up. I was in my room, with my teddy bear, posters and there was Gwen in her bed sound asleep. I was home.

I got up and headed to the bathroom. My bladder was more awake than I was and insisted that I get moving. I grabbed my shower caddy and left the room. There was no one in there, which was a bit odd, but I figured that it must be early in the morning. I had no idea what the time was as I hadn’t even looked at my clock.

Perspectives of Romance: Her Birthday

From him...

I met Lisa quite a few months ago through some great stroke of fate. I joined a female to male personals group hoping to make some friends. I was flipping through the ads and came across Lisa's. Everything seemed to change at that moment. Lisa is the most amazing woman I've met and her strength has helped me through my roughest times. Her understanding and encouragement has made my transition easier. We've grown closer, even though we're over 4,000 miles apart. My feelings for her have grown deeper, and I wrote this story hoping in some small way I would be able to show Lisa how much she means to me...


From her...

Some months ago I joined a group whose purpose was to help Trans-men find people who would be interested in them. When Aiden first contacted me, I was very flattered since Trans-women didn't seem to be in very high demand. He was very sweet and though he lived very far away, he captured my interest. After getting to know him, I knew for certain he was going to make some girl very happy indeed. I never thought I would be the one he would choose to sweep off my feet, but he's had quite a lot of success at doing just that!...

Perspectives of Romance:

Her Birthday

by Aiden T. Rushing & Lisa Caitlin Grey

Working Girl 18

Working Girl 18

By Susan Brown


Once again my thanks go to Kristina LS for knocking this into shape

‘Don’t cry, Toni. You mustn’t be upset. We are going to have a great time, as long as you do as you are told. I’m into bondage and I can’t wait to tie you up. Leather and PVC is so nice, don’t you think?’

Runway | Chapter 14: The Dinner Date

Mario rose and helped Brenda from her chair. He wrapped her shawl around her shoulders and led her to the door and opened it for her. When they stepped outside he took her in his arms and kissed her softly. Brenda thought she would melt right there. She had never been kissed like this before. Their lips touching so softly and yet a passion flowed between them. Brenda was becoming very excited. Her nipples grew hard and she didn’t want this to stop! Mario pulled his lips from hers and looked deeply in her eyes.

“Brenda, I’m having feelings for you that I didn’t know existed. I think...I might be...falling in love with you.”





The Tower of Astrielle

With the arrival of the Tower of the The Great Witch Astrielle on Vilimar's soil, none could ignore the threat. Even Sir Garmra, last of the despised Knights of Ceredol.

Beautiful Justice | Part 2: The Guardian

He saw the murderous fury in her slate grey eyes as she approached him, and he would have tried to get away but he was hurt too badly. All he could do was just lay there impassively until she reached down, grabbed a handful of the front of his shirt and once again picked him up against the wall. He felt himself losing consciousness as she moved her face very close to his. With their noses a hairs breadth apart, and her smoldering grey eyes starring pitilessly in to his, he could feel her breath on his lips as she spoke.

"If you ever," she began with a tone that would have frozen molten iron instantly, "do that again, they will be prying your bones out of this wall, because that will be all that is left of you to send home to Mommy for your burial. Am I making myself perfectly clear?"


by Lisa Caitlin Grey

Being Christina Chase | Chapter 24: The Perfect Christmas

        Unwilling to stand outside in the cold, Christina waited in the empty Dover bus station. This trip had been very unusual. It wasn't just not being able to sleep properly on the bus. Nor was it the uncomfortable feeling of wearing the same clothes for such a long time; that was quite ordinary. The unwelcome change was that Andrei was now a half an hour late. Christina had never arrived in Dover without someone waiting to meet her. She'd never even as much as unloaded her own bags from the bus. She sat alone in the station, waiting for anyone to show up.

Rhod`s Trip To America ch 38 The Date

Reluctantly Em finally goes on her unwanted date. Is it all she thought it would be? Will she survive it?

Pardon for the delay in getting this chapter posted, but somehow Real Life reared it's head and has had me too busy to do any writing for a while. Hopefully once the fall season is upon us, I can get back to writing again. I have not ended this series, so please stay tuned.

Madam Martinique's Finishing School - Part 1

There have been a lot of stories that tell how boys learn to become better people by being sent to a "special" school. There are some things about those kinds of stories I didn't like much, so I decided to create my own version of this particular sub-genre. Enjoy!

Madam Martinique's Finishing School

Copyright 2007 by Heather Rose Brown

Beautiful Justice | Part 1: The High Master

So intent were they on the prey, the brigands didn't hear Keelor's approach.
"So what have we here? Four of you against one man, that hardly seems fair, now does it," Keelor chided.
Three of the brigands turned, one still keeping an eye on the ranger.
"Fercor, you keep the ranger busy. We will deal with these others," one of the brigands said.
"Ah," said Keelor, "three of you against the two of us, that hardly seems fair either...to you."


by Lisa Caitlin Grey

No Obligation, Part 19

As her first mission as The Advocate draws to a close, Becca ties her loose ends and tries to resume a normal life -- well, as normal as life can get for a fledgling superhero. But a cryptic message from the Omnipresence forces Becca to rethink her place in the Multiverse, and brings about a meeting she'd never thought she'd see.

No Obligation
Part 19

by Randalynn

"The End of the Beginning"

The Tale of Jet and Quartz - Chapter Five: Finding Center

In this, the twins arrive in Seattle, and make plans. And so do their pursuers. But now the twins have a chance to take a breath, and to plan for the future. Only time can tell if their ingenuity can overcome the forces arrayed against them.
For the rest of the universe, go here.


By: Darian Deamos

Chapter Five: Finding Center

Accidental Magic - Chapter 06: The Master Plan

Conspiracies abound, Between Terri's dead Grandmother still playing with the fates, the cheerleaders still trying to get her to join them. Terri just wants some peace and calm...like that will happen!

Accidental Magic

Allystra Krane

Chapter Six
The Master Plan

Passing Tones, Chapter 17

Dr. Wyler is finally gone. or is he? And how are things going between Kyle and Cindy? Read on and find out!
Passing Tones
Chapter 17

by Jillian Marie

Shotgun's Secret

Shotgun's Secret
a fan fiction by
Valentina Michelle Smith

Shotgun McCain gripped the reins tightly as he snapped his whip. He was desperately trying to drive the four horses to outrun his pursuers.

Two men on horseback chased the stagecoach, firing their pistols into the air. They had little hope of actually hitting the coach while riding. On the other hand, the coach had just as much hope of outrunning the highwaymen.

sex and the clitty

sex and the clitty

by l.satori aka Laurie S.

SYNOPSIS: Can a transgendered gal find love?


Elizabeth and I had finished all the preliminaries and were down to the main event -- her love life. We had enough coffee left to hold our booth, but had finished roughly seventy-five percent of our brownies, which was all we were allowed to eat under the Code of Living for Single Girls in New York.


More DopplerPress

Tales from the Irish by Drea DiMaggio on Kindle


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Four stories, three bonnie lasses, connected through time and spirit -- by blood, and something more.

Tales from the Irish
by Drea DiMaggio
Now on Kindle

Join Drea DiMaggio as she explores faith, faithfulness, and love in this collection of some of her best works.

Masks 15 - Worlds at War by Stickmaker - on Kindle!


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The Shilmek have been watching, biding their time, gathering their forces on the edge of the galaxy. What can our teams of superheroes do to protect the earth from a well considered plan, advanced technology and vastly superior numbers - the fate of the planet is sealed... isn't it?

Worlds at War
Masks 15
by Stickmaker
Now on Kindle

Template, Vic, Electra and all of their friends are going to there to make sure the SHilmex are wrong! Dead wrong!


Becoming Robin Books 1&2 by Zoe Taylor on Kindle


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When tragedy strikes, Opportunity knocks, and a new persona is born. A cross-country move away from everything Robert has known followed by a chance encounter trigger a different sort of existence. Can "Robin" adapt or will it all come tumbling down?

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