A Gaby Fan-Fiction
by Stanman
Synopsis:With the Bond's moved to Germany, just what do the gang get up to back in Warsop? This story gives a shot at answering that very question. |
From http://maddybell.com/Grottoes5.html
How I will miss my Drewbie!! He has gone to Germany to be with his family now. He has been my best friend forever. Drew has been my best friend ever since we were in diapers. I still remember the first time that i saw him. He was wearing a cute sailor boy outfit and I was wearing a sailor girl dress. What amazed me was that we looked alike.
We became fast friends and spent many an hour playing together and with our friends too. But he was always pretending that he was racing upon his tricycle and when he got his first bike, he started biking everywhere. All too often, Drew would get lost and have to call home.
I still remember our first kiss. It was at my 10th birthday party. He gave me a pair of earrings and when he kissed me, I felt a spark. When I kissed him back, I knew that he felt the same way because we both wet our knickers and had to go change. Luckily, he brought spares or he would have had to borrow mine. [giggle]
The first time that I saw Drew dressed as a girl was when I coerced him and others into going to the Easter Disco as Manga Girls. Drew went as Chi Light and I went has Chi Dark. When I saw him dressed as a girl and saw him win for best costume, I knew that he could pass as a girl easily, but I must forget about Drew and not let my feelings for him interfere with my life. I must now learn how to continue without Drew.]
Then I closed my diary and shelved it in it nook and got ready for school. Since today was Picture Day for our Form, I decided to wear my white tights instead of my usual socks, besides, it was a bit nippy and I can remember how much Drew would complain about how drafty my skirts were even when he wore tights on windy days. [ giggle]
But I found that my white tights had laddered and couldn't be worn, so i got a pair of my Cheerleader tights and wore them with my socks. When my mum saw me wearing the tights, she questioned my choice.
"Yes Mum?"
"Why are you wearing your Cheerleader Tights with your uniform today? You know that those are meant for Cheering."
"Oh, well, I was going to wear my white tights and no socks, but they were laddered."
""O.K. Then I will get you a few when I go shopping later today."
"Thanks Mum."
"Is this not Picture Day too?"
"Yes Mum."
"They will be taking pictures of your face, not your legs dear." [giggle]
"Mum, I am not that vain." [giggle]
"How vain are you then?" [giggle]
"Well, we are doing pictures of the team, so I might as well wear the tights."
"O.K. pet, you win, eat your brekky."
"Yes Mum."
Then I tucked into my brekky.
[ I am worried about my daughter Maddy, ever since Drew left for Germany, she has begun to dress more as Gaby and not herself. She tends to have accidents, especially at races and has to go and change her clothes and the change tends to be clothes that Gaby borrowed from Maddy. I have talked to Sylvie and she sees the same thing in Maddy. John says that Maddy will grow out of it soon. I hope so because i hate seeing her so torn up and she tends to want to argue with that girl that moved into the Bond's old place, Helen too.]
Then John Peters entered the kitchen all ready for the day.
"Morning Love." [kiss]
"Morning Pet, how are my two Princesses today?"
Then he gave both of them a peck on the cheek.
"Great Daddy." [kiss]
"Couldn't be better Love."
"Maddy, you look real spiffy today, why your Cheer tights?"
"We hare taking pictures today Daddy."
"Very well then, do take care and don't get into a fight with Helen."
"Yes Daddy." [sigh]
"Maddy, I mean it, you only have that one pair."
"I promise you that I will not fight Helen while wearing my tights, I will take them off." [giggle]
"That is not what I meant Maddy."
"Then tell me when i can fight her Daddy." [giggle]
"Sell tickets." [chuckle]
"Love you Daddy."
Then she ran and embraced her Daddy in a big hug.
"John, remember that we are having buffet tonight."
"This is Maddy's night to host the gang."
"Watch the language young lady!"
"Sorry Daddy."
"Been a bit forgetful ever since Drew left haven't you?"
"With Cheerleading and cycling, I have a lot to do Daddy."
"Well, when it gets too much for you or your grades drop, you will need to choose one to drop."
"Yes Daddy." [sigh]
"I know that you want to do both Princess, but I do not want you hurting yourself."
"I know Daddy." [kiss]
"Now if you get ready, I will give you a ride to the bus stop."
"Thanks Daddy, See you Mummy." [kiss]
Then Maddy collected the brekky dishes and put them in the dishwasher, gathered her school books and followed her Dad out.
[ I am worried about my Princess Maddy. Ever since Drew went to Germany, Maddy has become quite absent minded like Drew tends to be. It is almost as if she has taken on his quirks. Until she can get over Drew ad stop focusing upon him, she will continue to act this way.]
Then, arriving at the bus stop, John Peters stopped and let his daughter out.
"Thanks for the ride Daddy." [kiss]
"You're welcome Princess."
Then he drove off.
"Hey Maddy, why the tights?"
"Picture Day Bernie, besides, you're wearing tights too."
"True, but mine are white."
"Remember, Cheer practice this afternoon."
"Thanks Ally, are you coming Helen?"
"Yes, I am."
"Why do you want to be a Cheerleader?"
"I miss Drew too Maddy, by being a Cheerleader, it is as if I am closer to him."
"But he was Gaby as a Cheerleader."
"True, but he was still Drew under the skirt."
"I know how you feel." [sigh]
"We all miss Drew."
"I know Bernie, but I most of all."
"Drew misses you too you know."
"I know, but we are both in the same boat Ally with Em staying in Wales with his dad."
"But do I want to marry Em or not?"
"Trust your heart Ally."
"Thanks Helen."
Then they all boarded the bus and headed to school.
[ I have been very fortunate to have been accepted into Drew's ring of friends. He saw me trying to repair my bike and helped me out, then he asked me to come to his birthday party. I was the new girl at school and nobody would talk to me but Drew. Then at the party, I met his friends and we got to know each other. But the one that has had the most problem being my friend as been Maddy. I asked Drew to a dance so that I could dance with him. He is a very special young man and I do like him, but do I like him enough to want to marry him? All that I know is that I see a quiet strength in him that I hope that will grow as he lives in Germany.]
"Hi Maddy."
"Hi Clive."
"Have you seen Gaby?"
"Sorry Clive, but Gaby has moved away."
"Just like the Bonds."
"She is living in Germany too."
"Too bad she did not stay here." [sigh]
"Remember that she broke up with."
"Yeah, but I was hoping that we could get back together again."
"Clive, she never liked you, in fact, the only reason that she danced with you that time was to be nice to you. You developed a crush upon her and when you got drunk, that was too much. So she broke up with you. Do yourself a favor and find yourself another girlfriend."
"Is there a way that I can win her back?"
"She has a boyfriend in Germany."
Then a dejected Clive left Maddy .
[ I hated to have to hurt him, but but I was the reason that he saw Drew dressed as Gaby at the Easter Disco. He needed to forget about Gaby and I regretted ever turning Drew into Gaby now. Because now I can not decide in my heart just who I love more Drew or Gaby. Maybe if my twin sister marianne had lived, I would not want Gaby.]
"Maddy, time for Cheer practice."
"Coming Bernie."
[Cheer practice went well considering the fact that we were missing Gaby and Em. But with Gaby in Germany and Em visiting her dad in Wales, it was good that Helen had joined. She was a bit rough around the edges, but she was getting better. I will be glad to see Em again, but when will I see Gaby again? I had an accident at Cheer practice. It seems that I only have them whenever I am Cheering or cycling.]
Miss C heads over to where Maddy has fallen.
"Are you alright Maddy?"
"Yes Ma'am, nothing broken."
"Well, your skirt is torn, go ahead and shower since practice is almost over."
"Yes Ma'am."
Then Maddy headed for the showers.
[Maddy has become more accident prone ever since the Bonds left for Germany. It is as if Maddy is trying to be Gaby at times. I need to talk to Mister Woods about this if this keeps on. ]
"Hi Maddy, what's up?"
"Heading to Cuckney for the time trials Ally."
"Mind if Bernie and I come?"
"Sure, if Daddy doesn't mind."
"Get in girls."
"Thanks Mister Peters." they chorused.
Then the girls all got into the camper.
"Why are you two still in your Cheer kits?"
"Ally and I thought that you could use the support. It seemed that when Drew was cheered, he did better."
"Gee, thanks guys."
"And since you used to massage his legs, we will do that for you too."
"O.K. but no kissing please." [giggle]
"What about your Dad then?" [giggle]
"I am married Ally." [chuckle]
"Ah! But you did not say happily did you Daddy?" [giggle]
"Getting cheeky are we?" [chuckle]
"Who? Moi?" giggle]
"Yes you miss Piggy."
"Maybe Kermie."
Then, they all broke up at Maddy's impersonation of Miss Piggy. By that time, they had arrived at the race.
"Go and get ready Maddy."
"O.K. Daddy." [kiss]
Then Maddy stepped into the girls loo to wee as she was already wearing her cycling kit. Finishing her ablutions, she stepped out, still wearing her tights. Going over to her cheer team, Maddy sat down as she got her legs massaged. Then after the massage, she started gently riding about, getting a feel of the weather. then John the Time keeper motioned her to the start.
"Are you ready Maddy?"
"Yes I am John."
"Then Go."
[Now I know just how my Drew feels whenever he races. i can feel the wind, wheels and the gears as I pedal away. I am learning how to pace myself so that I have the extra energy for that sprint at the end that id the hallmark of both Drew and Aunt Jenny. I want to copy their way of cycling except that I want to not wreck like my Drew does. I can see and hear my Cheer team as I race by. I have to admit that Daddy looks funny waving those streamers of mine. Now I know that they had this all set up. it is the last lap and only one racer is ahead of me, so I change gears and sprint on to beat him at the finish only to pass out as I get off of my bike.]
As Maddy passes out, her Dad collects her and Ally and Bernie grab her bike before it hits the pavement.
"Are you alright Princess?"
"Yes Daddy. I just forgot my iron pill today."
"I am sorry Mad, i forgot that I got them last night while I was at work."
Then he handed Maddy her prescription. and set her down upon the ground.
"Maddy, guess what?"
"What Bernie?"
"You did a Personal Best."
"I did?"
"And you won first place too."
"Thanks Ally."
Then John came up.
"Good work young lady, you did a P.B. and 1st place. "
Then he handed her a cheque for 25 pounds.
"What is this for?"
"Your winnings Maddy, for P.B. and 1st."
"Thanks John." [kiss]
"If you keep this up, you will surpass your cousin Drew."
"Don't you mean Gaby?"
"No, I mean Drew, your Dad set me straight about Drew and Gaby." [chortle]
"Kewel! My Drew will be chuffed to know that."
"Yes I know, just do not turn him into Gaby before a race again please." [chortle]
"Am I in trouble?"
"No, just remember."
Then she got ambushed by her Cheer team as they hugged her.
"Maddy, we were worried about you."
"Sorry Ally, but I forgot my pill and got bushed."
"Maddy, make sure to take your iron pills. Whenever Drew forgets, he passes out too."
"I know Bernie, we take the same prescription."
Then they let me go as John looked worriedly at me.
"Yes John?"
"Before you race again, you need to have a physical."
"Why John?"
"Rules Mister Peters."
"Good thing that I have one tomorrow then, right Daddy?"
"Yes it is Maddy."
"At the place where Drew had his done."
"Good, with that done, i am sure that they will give Maddy a diet to follow to enhance her racing."
"Mister Peters, may I spend the night since I have mine there tomorrow too?"
"What about you Bernie?"
"I am going too."
"Then you two are invited to spend the night."
"Thanks Mister Peters." they chorused.
Then Mister Peters put Maddy's bike in the rack and they headed for Casa Peters.
[I am glad that Daddy bought the camper from the Bonds. Riding in it is like being with my Drew again and Daddy found a mechanic that rebuilt it so that now it is in a lot better shape. Best of all, with the new engine and transmission, we get a lot better gas mileage too. I fondly remember those times that I rode with the Bonds as Unca Dave would stop at those ruins and how often Drew became Gaby after the race.]
"Are you there Maddy?"
"Yes Bernie, why you ask?"
"For awhile there, you looked like you were far away."
"I was in a way." [sigh]
"Thinking about Drew again?"
"In a way Ally."
"I was thinking about all those times that I tricked Drew into being Gaby."
"Well Princess, you did have a talent for doing it to the poor boy."
"I know Daddy, but I could have dressed him in trousers more often, so who do i want more,; Gaby or Drew?"
"Well, now you have the time to find out without hurting Drew."
"I have been doing that Ally."
"We will be here for you, but perhaps it is time to befriend Helen."
"Thanks Bernie, I will try."
"Why not invite her to sleepover and then if she has a physical, she can ride in with your Mum."
"Thanks Daddy, I will do just that." [kiss]
Then after he had stowed the bike and closed the garage, they entered the kitchen.
"Well, its about time for you guys to get home, Helen is here waiting for you."
"Mum, I did a P.B. and came in 1st also at the race and won 25 pounds."
"That is good Maddy, now you can replace that torn skirt."
"Yes Mummy, who told you?"
"Your coach came by and told me, but Helen supported you."
"Then let me go and thank her."
Then the girls tromped into the den where Helen was watching the telly. She was still in her Cheer kit like Ally and Bernie.
"Thanks for supporting me Helen, it means a lot."
"You're welcome." [sigh]
Sitting by her, Maddy spoke again.
"What's wrong Helen?"
"Am I not good enough?"
"What do you mean?"
"As a Cheerleader."
"Helen, I am the Head Cheerleader, if you weren't good enough, I would not have passed you."
"Then why was I ignored today?"
"When you and the others left, you never asked if I wanted to go." [sniff]
"I apologize Helen, I have not been treating you correctly. Drew introduced you to us and I should have been a better friend to you."
"But why?'
"I was jealous of the way that Drew looked at you and when you moved into The Bonds old place, I felt betrayed."
"Yes, I felt that as long as their place was empty that they could return, but with you and your mum there, that dream is over."
"I never knew Maddy."
"I never told you either." [sniff]
"Where did you go?"
"I went to the Cuckney races."
"And Bernie and I cheered."
"May I come next time too?"
"Sure, but be prepared to cheer." [giggle]
"Thanks Maddy."
Then Mister Peters came in fresh from his shower.
"Shower is free."
"Come on girls, let's shower and change."
"But I don't have a spare here."
"Helen, you have that physical tomorrow right?"
"Yes Mister Peters."
"Well call your Mum and see if you can stay tonight."
"Already called, she said I could."
"Then you can borrow from me Helen."
"Thanks Maddy."
Then the girls trooped to the shower and got ready for the next day. Ally, Bernie and Maddy wore a top and shorts, but Helen wore a set of Maddy's pyjamas.
"Maddy, why am I in this night dress while you and the others are wearing shorts?"
"Sorry Helen, but I treated you as if you are Drew." [sigh]
"Oh, and you would let him wear a night dress like this?"
"At least I am a girl, so it is alright."
"You're not mad?"
"No, actually I find it funny that I am Gaby tonight to you."
Then Maddy went and hugged Helen.
"No Helen, no more Gaby."
Then they all trooped down to the dining room to eat dinner.
"Did you girls take care of your tights?"
"Yes ma'am, they are all rinsed out and drying."
"That's good, but remember that you are to call me Aunt Carol Helen."
"Yes Ma'am Aunt Carol."
"How was practice today?"
"Maddy tore her skirt."
"You would too if your skirt were caught in your streamers Ally." [sigh]
"Are the streamers O.K.?"
"Mrs. C. said that they could be fixed."
"Good news girls, I just got off the phone with your parents and all of you can come with Maddy tomorrow for your physical tomorrow."
"Even me Mister Peters?"
"Even you Helen."
Then after tucking into dinner, the girls went up to bed.
"Maddy, what are the sleeping arrangements?"
"I got some cots from for the sleepover and pillows helen."
"Want to do a makeover?"
"I don't know Bernie, I don't really do makeup." [sigh]
"Why not Helen?"
"What boy would want me?" [sniff]
Then Maddy went to her and hugged her.
"Helen you are very pretty, all that you need is a bit of help. Has your Mum said no to makeup?"
"No, I just haven't tried it that much, I have some in my bag."
"Girls, we have a special job tonight of giving Helen the works. Are you ready?"
"I am Maddy."
"Me too."
"Will it hurt?"
"No Helen, just relax."
Then the girls gave Helen a manicure and pedicure and painted her nails with a red varnish to match her nightdress. Then they redid her makeup. When she saw what they did, she was agog with delight.
"Thank you, I look beautiful."
"I think the guys will ask you out now." [giggle]
From http://maddybell.com/Grottoes5.html