A Life, Ever Changing-Welcome Home : A Fan Fiction

A Life, Ever Changing-Welcome Home: A Fan Fiction
By Stanman63
Thanks To JennaFL For Proofing And Nora Adrienne for editing
Synopsis: A Life, Ever Changing-Welcome Home : A Fan Fiction Takes place just after Penny Reed Cardon's sequel In A Life, Ever Changing-Welcome Home: A Fan Fiction, Ricky and Barbara are talking about their future and the events that lead up to his eventual transformation into the author known as Angel O'Hare.

The Talk
Richard and Barbara were relaxing by the pool in her parent's backyard. Rita Nelson loved Richard as if he was her son. She had seen Richard become a young man that any mother would love. His devotion to his family made him unlike most boys as he found their macho displays to be vulgar.

Richard was very protective of those who were bullied and had even stood up to some jocks who were bullying a boy wearing glasses. Richard had won the fight against the other boys, and when the coach wanted to punish Richard, he learned the truth.

Because of Richard, the Special Needs students were now protected, and even though Richard had been suspended, the girls had brought him his schoolwork and left notes in his books where he was thanked for helping.

Richard also had many girl friends whose mothers adored him. It had all begun when he started mowing yards, he'd mow the lawn, then the girl would invite him inside where he relaxed and bonded with the girls as a girl because he treated them as equals.

Barbara was his best friend, forever and always. When she'd learned about Rachel, she was distraught because she felt that she was losing Rich. It was only after meeting Rich as Rachel that she calmed down.

But before that, Richard had been physically turned into Rachel with enhancers and a surgery that gave him a girl's groin. He had learned about feminine hygiene because he now looked like a girl physically.

Everybody involved saw the inner girl in Richard waiting to come out. Barbara and the other ladies had shown him that he was blessed with a girl inside of him. It was in her release that Richard experienced a withdrawal from reality because of sensory overload.

Then, he remembered how when he was ten, how things had changed. He was looking for a job when Cindy Russell offered him one that'd last till Thanksgiving. She was the Choir Director of a Girl's Choir for her Church, but she hired him to do house and yard work.

It was later that same day that he actually sang for her and met the Pastor of her Church who thought that Richard was a girl because of what he was wearing at the time. Even her daughter Brenda thought that Richard was a tomboy.

He had gotten his clothes dirty and was made to wear an apron and a panty which convinced Pastor Kit that Richard was a girl, because he sang with a girl's voice.

Even though blessed with a voice, he seldom sang in public because boys made fun of him and beat him up. To him, his voice is a curse and a gift, which is a deep memory that he buried from back then.

When Pastor Kit heard Richard's lamentation, he wept over Rich's innocence and wisdom, knowing that the cruel world could crush his spirit. He was impressed with Richard's wisdom, too.

Richard's mother had come and told everybody off for hurting him, that was when Greta Dell told her about her daughter Tracy and her accident and how that Richard had a sweet voice.

After everybody had told his mother what had happened, Richard was adopted by the choir and christened Angel, he would sing as Angel and Tracy would be his back up after her voice healed.

The doctor who had transformed him into a girl told him and his mother about his unique anatomy, that he was as much boy as he was a girl and only a minor operation was needed to give him a girl's groin.

Sylvia had also chosen Angel as a model for her jewelry because of her beauty, all of which was making young Angel very happy even though she was sore from what was done to her.

The process of giving Angel a girl's groin would in the long run, let Richard's boy bits develop as they should while kept up inside of him. He was inter-sexed and he was slowly going through a girl's puberty, but by a simple surgery, Richard would be a boy, but a very pretty boy.

As a boy, Richard was bullied by students; boys saw him as a sissy or a fag while the girls hated him because he sang better than they did. Their bullying one day helped him to find that special place within where he Commune with God as he sang. This unexpected Blessing gave Richard the gift of blessing others with his Voice.

As a result of the bullying, Richard sang only when the children were not present and he sat with the teachers to keep out of any trouble caused by his reacting to bullying, which pleased him.

What Richard did not know was that by his becoming Angel and looking like a girl, he was avoiding a problem that he was heading for that he was not ready to deal with. By becoming Angel, Richard would be able to sing as he wanted to.

Richard wanted to please everybody, so he agreed to become Angel and live as a girl, become the soloist for the All Girl Church Choir after everything was explained to him, but during this time, his father returned and attacked his mother, leaving her pregnant with his sister Terry.

Young Richard, now Angel wanted to hurt him for hurting his mother, but his Aunt Harriett helped him to put aside his anger when she reassured him that his father would be dealt with.

When Angel learned what happened to his mother, she decided that she'd rather be a girl, and soon found that her beauty, grace, and poise made her the perfect model, which would soon help her mother to find a new home so that she could get away from the memory of the attack.

But her triumph would all too soon become a tragedy after the choir won the contest. A local reporter had carefully followed the exploits of Angel and had spilled the news to the media, causing Richard to withdraw into himself as the repercussions were felt.

The Choir Director was fired and never worked again and all of the girls were banned from singing in any choir. And poor Richard stayed withdrawn for months until he'd finally returned to Life, unaware of how his action had hurt others.

But now, Richard was stronger and able to withstand the inner darkness that called out to him. He had overcome tragedy and had triumphed over his darkness to become Rachel.

Rachel was able to fuse her three selves into one and become the nurse that the twins needed. She would sing for them and they soon fell in love with her as she accomplished her goal of graduating with her class as she cared for the twins.

As for her father, he was soon imprisoned and thanks to some well placed calls, learned firsthand what he'd done to Julie O'Hare when he'd raped her, leaving her pregnant with Terry.

At graduation, Richard triumphed over those who'd try to bring up the past and sang the winning song along with the choir to the alumni and graduates that won a standing ovation.
Barbara knew about his past, and saw in him the sweet soul that would one day change the world if given a chance. She'd watched in love as Rich grew into the loving older brother who cared for his younger brother and sister.

Both needed his special care as both were slow in developing into competent adults, but Rich never complained as he cared for them. In fact, it was his selfless attitude that had started him on his new life as Rachel.

As Rachel, he was caring for adult twins with the mindset of toddlers. As Rachel, he had to wear breast forms and keep his manhood hidden as he dressed as a female nurse. Even now, he looked feminine without the forms which worried Barbara.

"Rich, do you enjoy being Rachel?"

"It's OK, Barb, but I'm hoping to graduate from college and leave my current employ," he confessed.


"There are a few visitors who see me as an easy mark and try to get me to date them."

"Do they know who you really are?"

"Only the parents and staff do."

"Have you told them?"

"Yes, but even after telling them that I'm engaged, they still hit on me."


"Yes, and even have pinched my butt."

"No doubt you slapped them."

"No, I jacked their jaw, leaving them on the floor."

Barbara smiled, "That's not nice, Rich. What did anybody do, then?"

"My employers then fired them, or if family, would send them away. They appreciate the way that I handle the twins.

"But what about your further schooling?"

Barbara smiled as she saw the statuesque blond bombshell that he must portray that hid a lion's heart within. He'd learned how to relax and become Rachel, but Rachel was no simple girl who'd let men get away with mistreating her. No, Rachel was a Southern Belle, sweet as sugar, but when angered had the kick of a Missouri Mule.

"Luckily, with my on the job training, I'm a shoe-in for getting my degree in nursing. But there's a bit of a problem, too."

Barbara hugged him, "What's that, My Love?"

"According to my last physical, I'm naturally producing estrogen instead of steroids. THAT'S why I look so girly," he sighed.

THAT worried her, she wanted to bear his children, but if he didn't have the ability, would she carry another man's seed and raise it as theirs? Or was there another answer.

"So, can you father children?"

"For now, yes."

"Rich, do you want to start a family, now?"

"Barb, for me to start a family would be selfish of me. We just graduated from high school, Are you ready to become a single mother?"

"No, but we can harvest your sperm, and we can have a family after we graduate from college."

Richard saw the pain in her eyes as she made the proposal and knew she'd thought long and hard about their future and came to a decision that would free her from any promise made.

He smiled, "OK, Barbara. But promise me one thing."


"If you find that you love another, don't hold back on my account. I want for you to be happy, OK?"


Then they went inside where Richard and Barbara consummated their love, giving them a promise for the future as she conceived a perfect daughter for them named Dawn Hope, O'Hare
She was given the name because she was the beginning of a new hope for Richard. Here was proof that he could father regular children, not special children like him and his siblings. Both of his siblings were slow in developing mentally and Richard was a chimera, containing two genders in his body.

Dawn was a platinum blond with the vice of an angel taking the best from her parents. She would grow up to be a petite beauty with the agility and dexterity of a natural athlete. She'd become a activist for people with disabilities, specializing in the transgendered to honor her father.
Meanwhile, Ricky's mother was talking with Barbara's mother in the living room. Barbara's mother was worried about her daughter's choice of a boyfriend in Richard.

She loved him as if he was her own son, but she kept seeing him as a daughter, which worried her. Could Barbara truly be happy with a boy who looked like a girl?

She wondered if his dad's body had been affected by agent orange, causing Richard to develop as he had and his siblings to be slow learners, but what about their children? Would they suffer from the curse?

As she was pondering these thoughts, she saw them enter the pool house and shut the door, "Just look at those two, I must say that Richard is a wonderful young man and Barbara loves him, but I am worried about them, too."

Richard's mother was startled out of her reverie by her friend's admission. She seen the personal hell that had almost taken her son, when he was a child, but returned, months later, ignorant of the terrible ordeal.

She also remembered how he'd almost succumbed a second time as she and his friends had helped him to become who he was, now. She almost blamed herself for Richard's body being a chimera of genders, but knew that his bastard of a father was to blame, not her.


"Because, young Richard looks like a young woman more than he does a young man," she sighed.

"Yes, and my other two are slow learners. If not for Richard, I'd not know what to do with them," she confessed.

"Was their father in the Army?"

"Yes, why do you ask?"

"He could have been subjected to that Agent Orange, and it could have altered his DNA, causing problems for your children."

"Are you saying that Richard might be a girl?"

"Well, he could be blessed with both genders, be a girl up top, a boy below."

"I hope not for his sake! He's gone through too much hell as it is, already!"

She saw the deeply ingrained terror lurking deep in her friend’s heart for Richard which mirrored her own for her daughter Barbara. Could she find happiness being wed to a genetic freak? Could Richard father children, and if so, would he pass on his warped genetics, or would Barbara's genetics override his?

"I know, but if that happens, what will you do?"

"Accept him for who AND what he is. But what about Barbara, will she accept Richard as Rachel?"

"Oh, I think that IF Richard is blessed with both genders, then he is Angel, NOT Rachel."

Her attempt at not answering the question infuriated Richard's mother, momentarily as she wondered about her friend’s reluctance until she saw the haunted look in her eyes.

Barbara's mother had been there to help her with her son and daughter when Richard left to become Rachel and had helped her to cope with the loss of his help. But having firsthand experience with special needs children, he wondered if her daughter Barbara was able to deal with the burden of their care as well as Richard's dilemma.

"But, who do YOU see Richard as?"

"AS whomever he chooses to be. I refuse to do anything to force his decision."

"Okay, then can Barbara accept being in love with a woman with a bit extra?"

"She can, my friend. She helped us to create Rachel, after all. She couldn't do that if she had any reservations about Angel."
Barbara couldn't believe the wonderful way that Rich had claimed her. She'd kept herself for him and had been rewarded with the pain and pleasure of the first penetration as he tended to her needs.

Barbara had heard her mother and Rich's talk about their first time, NOW she knew what they meant about everything being different. NEVER AGAIN would she look at Rich in the same way, NEVER AGAIN would she think of herself as a girl, NOW she saw herself as a WOMAN, and Rich as her MAN. Could things be any better than this?


"Yes, my Love?"

"WE will NEVER be the same again, after our Loving."

He looked at her glowing smile, content as he had NEVER been, "I know," he sighed. "But I'm glad that we've done it. Even if things go wrong for us."

"What could go wrong?"

"You could have a difficult pregnancy, and/or give birth to a child like me or my siblings."

She gently stroked his beautiful face, "Rich, THAT doesn't matter to me! I want no other man to be the father of my children, and I just may prove it in nine months, too."

Richard started to withdraw as he contemplated a horrible future until he saw Barbara's fierce strength that would see creation broken before she ever gave up. Then he knew that he had nothing to fear and put aside his secret fear, forever, "You mean?"

She smiled, "Yes, unless I am sadly mistaken, I shall soon conceive. I chose to be a mother so soon because our child will have two grannies to spoil it and an great auntie and great uncle to dote on it. So, how can I miss?"

Richard saw no way to refute her argument, so he kissed her. He didn't know it at the time, but his caring for his siblings and his willingness to become Angel for the Choir was his way of erasing his father's evil.

Richard had seen how his father had mistreated his mother which had burned a deep wound in his psyche, but instead of letting it fester, Richard chose to be the MAN that his father should have been.

Richard's Choice had shaped his life ever since then as he'd sang as Angel until tragedy had struck, then he'd become a nanny to his siblings which had led his family and friends to give him the chance to become who he was meant to be. What NOBODY expected was for him to become Rachel.

But Life had chosen to make Richard a natural hermaphrodite. He looked physically like a woman, but was a genetic male thanks to his father's mixed up DNA.
Back At Work

When Rachel returned to work, she met Betty in her office before she went to care for the twins. Rachel at this time was still Richard, waiting until after a session in the salon to become Rachel, again.

Richard had yet to reapply the breast forms as there was a quick operation to be done to 'tuck' him in and turn him into Rachel, and there was also the question about his estrogen levels. Ever since he'd started working as Rachel, his estrogen levels had steadily increased as his budding breasts had grown.

When he'd taken his vacation, he'd had to tape down his breasts, or risk their being accidentally discovered during his vacation. Richard had had plenty of controversy back when he was 'Angel' in the choir, and didn't want to go through that hell, ever again.

Even though he had silenced his critics, he was also well aware of the anti-gay sentiment of many that could all too easily transfer over to him or anyone who was in transition in changing their gender.

Richard had learned it the hard way and how to deal with it, not knowing that he'd be challenged later in life.

"Welcome home, Richard. The twins have been asking about Rachel," announced Betty as she guided Richard to a seat in front of her desk.

"Thank you Betty, it's good to be back, have the twins been giving you any trouble?"

"No, not after we play a copy of you singing to them, then they quiet down. But I also have some sad news for you."

Richard sighed, remembering Barbara's revelation and that he'd left before they knew for sure, "Let me guess, my estrogen levels are increasing, taking away my ability to be a father."

"NOT AT ALL! Matter of fact, your male reproductive organs won't be affected at all."

Strangely, the news comforted him. Now, he knew that he wanted to be a father, "REALLY?"

"Well, only in one thing, your ability to get an erection will be lost if you get 'tucked' back in, again. That's why instead you'll be wearing a panty brief to hide your male bits, like a crossdresser that wants to wear a skirt and not show a bulge."

"How long do I wear it?"

"During the day, when you retire, take it off to let everything breathe."

"I'm glad that I NEVER was seen nude by the twins. Otherwise, they might want to see if I'm like them, below."

"That's why you will 'tuck' yourself away and wear a flesh colored gaffe that looks like a vagina. You'll still have to pull it down like you would a panty and 'tuck' yourself back in, but you'll be Richard at night, now."
Rachel was soon ready for the twins who were both wearing pink overalls and adult diapers and plastic bloomers. Rachel was soon singing to them and helping them to learn how to read.

"RACHEL!" they both shouted as she entered their pay room.

"Hi Munchkins. Have you been good girls?"


Rachel giggled, "Yes, after I get a kiss and hug from both of you. The twins ambled over, letting Rachel choose who gave her the first hug because the other always gave her the first kiss so that they'd not fight.

Rachel had learned that even though the twins were linked to each other, they were fiercely competitive when it came to sharing her between them which was why Rachel had come up with a way for both to win.

Each twin would do something ahead of the other as much as possible. What Rachel found was that each of them had slightly different talents that complimented the others. One could draw and the other could color, but both could read and write.

The twins loved to watch the sitcoms and cartoons, but were kept away from those that were violent, so seldom watched the Looney Toons or Popeye until Rachel had taught them NOT to do what they saw the 'toons do.

Rachel had found that although mentally babies, that the twins could learn if she was patient and made the learning fun. The twins learned much quicker whenever she sang the lesson, so she used 'Sesame Street' and its lesson song to teach them.

When Rachel had left, the twins were reading at a third grade level, so she was surprised when they had graduated to the fifth grade, which pleased Rachel to no end, but her time with the twins would end all too soon.
It was now, two years later and Rachel had developed into a statuesque, well endowed platinum blonde with extra bits below. Richard had to go into the background now as he and Rachel merged with Angel. But it was now Rachel Angel O'Hare that graduated with a nursing degree. But now, she was looking for new employment.

The twins had just died from complications from pneumonia that they'd caught from one of the maids. The maid had gone on a vacation and returned with a high fever. But instead of reporting sick and missing a few days at work, she’d gone in, neglecting to sterilize herself, nor bothering to keep from sneezing on the twins.

The unfortunate outcome was that the entire household came down with pneumonia, except for Angel who tired herself out as she tended to everybody until she finally passed out from exhaustion just as help arrived and whisked them to the hospital.

Angel was next to the twins and woke up as she heard their distressed cries as the paramedics loaded them onto gurneys prompting her to calm them with her singing. The three were loaded in the same ambulance at her behest so that she could calm them. She continued to sing to them in the E.R. where the twins died as a weary Angel finally passed out in utter, weary exhaustion that lasted four days.

The maid was fired and deported and because she was on parole, went back to prison, the same prison where Angel's father was.

"Angel, please come in," asked Betty.

"Yes Ma'am."

Angel sat in the recliner where her favorite butter pecan coffee was waiting for her along with a selection of cookies, fresh from the oven. Angel seldom let herself indulge in such sweets as the twins tended to get hyper if she did, but that was over, now.

"Betty, I am sorry about the twins, I did all that I could to save them," she sighed.

She looked at Angel, seeing he aura of despair that enveloped the youngster and vowed to do what she could to help the Earth-bound Angel, no matter the cost. She knew about Angel's past, how she had been cruelly hurt by a jealous mother who'd told a newspaper about young Richard who had become Rachel to help an all girl's choir.

Poor Richard had retreated into himself due to the pain and guilt that he'd felt, because the choir had been disbanded and the girl's blacklisted. In time, he recovered, having forgotten about his ordeal only to find that everybody remembered.

Richard had developed into a young gentleman who was an immense help to his mother, helping to raise his brother and sister who were both special needs children.

"Angel, you're not to blame for anything, at all! In fact, thanks to you, they passed on with smiles on their faces. But I am worried about you."

Angel nibbled a peanut butter oatmeal raisin cookie, and sipped her coffee, "Oh? Why?"

"Because, now you're showing signs of depression. You need a break dear."

Angel was starting to get scared, but she knew that her time here was over and was ready to return home and deal with the subject of her transformation with the neighbors, "Betty, without the twins, I have no job, here. So I'll pack up and leave."

Betty slammed her palm on her desk, "No you won't, young lady! Not until you have found new employment AND a place to stay, too. You are like family, Rachel."

Angel hugged her, "Thank you."

Betty saw LIFE return to Angel's dead eyes as HOPE was renewed. She knew that Angel had been fighting a depression that if it had claimed her, would have not have let her go. But Angel was now much more stronger that the urchin that had fallen into that abyss.
No, Angel had taken a brief vacation years ago to attend the graduation class at her old high school with her girlfriend Barbara. It was there where Angel had shown to the world the chimera from the integrating of her three selves; Angel, Rachel, and Richard into Angel, Rachel, O'Hare.

It was at the graduation that she as Richard had faced down her tormentors and renewed her friendships with those who she'd left behind. And it was there that she and Barbara made plans for their future, only to find that her body would change things.
As a result, Rachel Angel O'Hare was now looking for employment at the local hospitals. She found employment at the hospital near her old home, and moved back in and redecorated the place.

Her mother had moved in with her aunt since her son and daughter were now living with her, there. So, now Angel and Barbara moved into her old homestead and started their family. They enjoyed being a couple, but unfortunately, there were some in the neighborhood that did not like seeing two women living together, and raising a family.

Barbara was nursing Richard William O'Hare III, their son as Richard was feeding Hope a meal of banana mush, her favorite, "Barb, are you happy the way that things are?"

She sighed, heavily, "No, Rich. Not with those damned small minded people not letting us have peace. Why can't they see that you are my husband?"

"Because they see me as Angel, NOT Richard. I have studied what I am and how people can perceive what they do. To them, I am as bad as a gay man or a lesbian," he explained.

"A lesbian?"

"A woman who prefers other women."

"Oh," Barbara blushed as she saw how they viewed her. Barbara was open minded enough that if Richard had ever decided to become Angel. physically, she'd still love her and even share a bed with her, but sex with another woman was a bit much even for her.

"Well, I can see us both being mothers of our children, why can't they when there are other families where there are two women raising a family? They don't harass them!"

"I know," he sighed. "But they are either widows or divorcees who have chosen to share living expenses. If not for the Partridge Family and the Brady Bunch, I doubt that they'd be accepted."
Because Angel loved Barbara so much, she took a job as a nurse in another state, knowing that Barbara would now be safe. In her new job, Angel learned about herself as a hermaphrodite. She found that she was a woman, physically, but had male reproductive organs.

Luckily, she'd never have to worry about shaving, or male pattern baldness, but she couldn't truly enjoy being a man, nor a woman, so she chose to explore her unique gender.

As a nurse, she'd met many men with unusual injuries that left them without their male equipment. She found out that many had self inflicted the injury so that they could be a woman. Working with the psychiatrist and psychologists, she learned what it meant to be 'transgendered'.

Helping these misunderstood men to finally transition, gave Angel a reason to wonder about the women that they'd soon become, so Angel checked out the internet for information on 'T-Girls'.

Angel soon found several internet sites with stories about men and boys who'd become women. She read the stories of the early authors and she saw that there were none about people like her, so she decided to write about herself, and how she'd come to be.
Meanwhile, in the local prison, a certain man had just finished 'servicing' his cellmate. "Big Daddy' was a giant of a man who despised men who hurt women or children, so when he was called into Warden Martin's office, he was pleasantly surprised.’Big Daddy' was a lifer for murdering his brother for raping and killing his wife, but he'd found God, and had become the prison chaplain under Pastor Weems tutelage. Now, he was about to reap his reward for faithful service.

"Hank, please sit down."

"The name is 'Big Daddy' Sir," he replied as he sat down.

"Big Daddy, according to Pastor Weems, you are now qualified to be a chaplain."

"Yes Sir. I'd like to start Sunday and midweek services, and get Bible lesson books, as well as Bible movies."

"I'm sure that Pastor Weems can help you with that, and you are approved for leading any church services, but I called you in for another reason."

"Oh? Why?"

"The new inmate brutally raped his wife, impregnating her."

"And you are telling me this for what reason?"

"Yours is the only cell with an open bunk."

Big Daddy smiled, "Well, THIS rapist will have intimate knowledge on what it is to be raped, Sir."

Indeed, Richard's dad felt the pain every night as his cellmate enjoyed introducing him to the humiliation of forced entry that only accepting his fate gave him any solace. But what made it worse was that he met his 'daughter' Angel as she was doing her duty as a nurse.
"Hello, Sir. I am Nurse Angel. How are you?"

"In a living hell!"

"Oh? Why?"

"I am raped repeatedly throughout the day by my cellmate and his cronies," he said as he dropped his pants for her to see his anus.


"WHAT?" he yelled as Angel trapped him to the gurney.

"I am Richard, your son, now Angel."


"Wrong! I am intersexed! I was born both male and female. But I chose to be Angel."


"No, I shall leave you with the medical journals that explain me."


"So that you will know what your evil has cost you."
And life goes on.
Angel soon met Joyce E. Melton of Bigcloset TopShelf who helped Angel to
post her autobiography A Life Ever Changing http://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/book/453/life-ever-changing and became oe of the sites premier authors and my friend.
Life, so they say, is but a game and we let it slip away.
Love, like the autumn sun, should be dyin' but it's only just begun.
Like the twilight in the road up ahead, they don't see just where we're goin'.
And all the secrets in the Universe, whisper in our ears
And all the years will come and go, take us up, always up.
We may never pass this way again. We may never pass this way again.
We may never pass this way again.

Dreams, so they say, are for the fools and they let 'em drift away.
Peace, like the silent dove, should be flyin' but it's only just begun.
Like Columbus in the olden days, we must gather all our courage.
Sail our ships out on the open sea. Cast away our fears
And all the years will come and go, and take us up, always up.
We may never pass this way again. We may never pass this way again.
We may never pass this way again.

So, I wanna laugh while the laughin' is easy. I wanna cry if it makes it worthwhile.
We may never pass this way again, that's why I want it with you.
'Cause, you make me feel like I'm more than a friend. Like I'm the journey and you're the journey's end.
We may never pass this way again, that's why I want it with you, baby.

We may never pass this way again. We may never pass this way again.
We may never pass this way again. We may never pass this way again.
Seals & Crofts (1973)

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