Kelly's Journey[Revised]

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Kelly's Journey

By Stanman63
Edited By Nora Adrienne with Special Thanks To Terry Naut
and to Heather Rose Brown for the Illustration!

Has a young boy, Kelly found love and acceptance from his Father who loved him dearly and saw that Kelly was very special. But his Father was taken away all too soon, leaving a distraught Kelly with out a Father. But he soon found solace in family friends and found dressing in tops and shorts like his friend Julie to be a comfort to him.

Then dressing as a girl on Halloween one year, Kelly found the girl within him. Growing up with his best friends, Julie and Johnny had been his best friends, and remained such as Kelly begins upon a road of discovery and revelation.

Then because of a school physician's accident, Kelly is given medicine that causes him to develop and mature like his Mother. His family and friends help him to cope with the changes in his body as he grows more feminine.

His Mother, always working has left her son in the care of her best friends, the Woods.
After a football game she finally sees her son as a girl and discovers that Kelly is was in love with his best friend.

From a night of passion he starts on his journey into completion, that sees them both over coming their fears. After a night of passion that leads to heartbreak, Kelly's journey leads him into to discovering things about herself, finally ending in a love that Kelly had never dreamed possible.
